twenty three

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What the fuck?

"Asher, hey! I'm cooking lasagne, would you like garlic bread as well? Wait, don't answer that. I'm going to put some in the oven anyway," I was beyond confused.

Dad stood in the kitchen with an apron and his hair slicked back. A view I never thought I'd see again.

"What happened to you?"

"Nothing happened Asher. I just had a realisation. I've been a shit father to you, I'm trying to make it up to you, the both you of you," I turned to see Conan walk inside behind me.

"Dad, what's going on?" Conan asked. We were equally as confused with his behavior. He hadn't acted like a proper Dad since Mum left.

"I want to be a proper Dad again. I took the day off from work and looked through old photo albums of us together. We used to be so happy!" it was odd seeing this side of Dad. I almost didn't know what to do.

"Dad, you don't even like me anymore," I wasn't going to sugar coat the situation. Me being gay didn't sit well with Dad, he can't be suddenly so accepting of me.

"Asher, of course I like you. You're my son! I didn't know how to react, it doesn't mean I don't like you," it's times like this that make me regret being emotional. "Please, I'm trying to make things right again. I don't want to be a shit father anymore!"

Deep down, I trusted what he was saying. I don't know how he could just change overnight, but he was my father. I had to give him a chance. I wanted him to be in my life and honestly, I wanted him to eventually meet Zander now that he was my boyfriend.

"Dinner will be ready in twenty minutes," Dad walked back to the kitchen, cleaning up the mess he'd made cooking dinner.

Conan placed his hand on my shoulder, making me jump and turn around to face him. "Trust him," is all he said to me before he walked up the stairs to his room.

I looked back at Dad, he was still in the kitchen, cleaning up the mess he'd made from cooking.

I do believe he is trying to do better. I just really hope he keeps his promises.


"So, boys, how's school going?" it's a question Dad had never asked. He didn't care enough to ask.

"Good," Conan and I replied simultaneously. Not going to lie, the lasagne he'd made was quite delicious. It was strange, because most of the time, the food he'd cook was cheap and not the yummiest.

"Can't you elaborate or something?" he really did want us to talk to him. "Conan, how's lacrosse going? Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Lacrosse is good. Our first game of the season is next Friday nigh-"

"Count me in!" to say the look on Conan's face wasn't horror, I would be lying. Dad never cared for lacrosse. He thought playing was stupid and never had he ever once wanted to go watch Conan play.

"Oh? Uh, alright then," both of them looked happy. Conan always wanted Dad to come watch a game, but no matter how many times he'd ask, Dad always replied with a 'no'.

"I don't have a girlfriend. I want one, but every girl at school is either a sex freak, taken, or boring," Conan's had his fair share of girlfriends in the past, but all they wanted out of him was sex. Obviously, Conan liked the sex sometimes, but I know what he truly wanted was a girl that would sit and watch movies with him at night, snuggled up in the sheets rather than having countless loads of sex in them.

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