forty two

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"Zander! Wait up," I watched him as he got out of his car and walked straight in to the school. No hello. Nothing. He looked at me too, right in my eyes. Why did he look so emotionless though? Maybe he just has a case of the Mondays. That's valid every once in a while.

"Wonder what crawled up his ass?" Conan said as he jumped out of our car.

"Well, it was legitimately not Ash. I can tell you that," Pip yelled out from the back seat.

"Please don't call me out like that."

"Be real Ash, we all know you're the one that takes it up the a-"

"Okay Conan! I think we get it," I have already had enough of him and the first lesson hadn't even started yet.

I walked towards the front of the school. It was just another Monday. Nobody was excited to be here after Winter break. We wanted more time off.

I walked to my locker, I could see Zandy on his own. The black oversized hoodie was a strange feature on him. The hood was up as well. He definitely wasn't in a good mood. Maybe I would be able to cheer him up.

I walked up and stood beside him at his locker. He still didn't pay any attention to me.

"Hello? Earth to Zander," I jumped back as he slammed the locker shut and walked in the opposite direction.

"What the fuck?" I mumbled to myself. I understand that he wasn't in a good mood but that didn't mean he had to ignore me like that.

(please play the song here)

"Hey Ash," half the table called out as I sat down at the table at lunch. Zander wasn't here.

"Where's Zander?" I asked the boys. Surely one of them had a class with him.

"No idea. Haven't seen him, " Levi called out as he took a bite of the chocolate bar in his hand.

"He was in my last class," Theo said. Finally someone who has seen him. "He sat in the back of the class with his hood up the whole time. He's acting weird today."

I had no interest in sitting at this table anymore. I wanted, no, needed to see if he was okay. Something was obviously wrong, I didn't want him being upset on his own. I have a feeling I know what may be up, but I don't want to jump to conclusions.

I looked through every classroom, bathroom, hallway, but he was nowhere to be seen. The oval, the lacrosse field, the bleachers, the tennis courts, the courtyard.

I was about to give up, but I thought, what if he's in his car? No one would look for or talk to him there.

I noticed his yellow car immediately, it was the only yellow one in the lot. I could see the silhouette of a person sitting in the back seat. I knew it was him.

I went to open the back door, surprisingly, it was opened. I sat down on the seat. He still didn't say a word.

"Zander?" I said, quieter than intended. I got nothing, he just turned in back to me and faced the other direction.

"Okay, quit ignoring me. You've ignored me all weekend and now this. I can't recall what I did wrong, so please, enlighten me. I hate not knowing what I did wrong," I didn't mean to sound harsh, but that's how it came out. I still received nothing but silence though.

I placed my hand on his shoulder, gently trying to turn him around, just to get it shrugged off.

"Leave me alone," is he serious?

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