thirty six

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"Thank you so much for tonight," I sat next to Zandy on the ferris wheel, people were still getting in their carriages so the ride hadn't started spinning yet.

"It wouldn't have been as fun without you," he snuggled into my side, my feet were on the side next to me. It's like we were laying on a couch.

"I know, I'm a fun one," he laughed at each other. I checked what the time was. It was almost nine. The fireworks would be starting any minute. We had waited in line for what felt like an hour, just so we could be on the ferris wheel when they started. Pip and Isaiah were a few carriages over.

We were both shaken by the loud bang and the explosion of colour filtering through the sky and the ferris wheel started to move. The fireworks looked beautiful from here. Bursts of blue, green, red, yellow, and every other colour were falling down from the sky.

This night couldn't have turned out any better.

"Come here," Zander whispered softly. I looked at him, his gaze was still set on the sky, but soon turned to me as I hopped over his legs and straddled his lap.

There was no sexual underlay to it. Just a peaceful, romantic gesture.

I wrapped my hands around his neck, placing my hands through his gorgeous hair every so often. It was so soft.

I rested my head on his shoulder and looked back towards the sky. The clear night sky was absolutely beautiful.

He placed his hand on my back, slowly rubbing up and down as if he was trying to soothe me. I ran my fingers through his hair once again, I couldn't get enough of it.

I sat back up straight on his lap and looked him directly in the eyes. They stared back at me.

I lean in to him, placing the softest kiss on his lips before pulling away. He was having none of it though. He placed his smooth hands on my cheeks, pulling my face closer to his, kissing me passionately. Not just a basic bitch kiss, a proper tongue kiss.

We didn't stop until we both needed air again. I was panting heavily as was he. I wrapped my arms around his neck again, pulling him close to me.

"I um-" he took a deep breath in, looking up at the sky, before his eyes fell back to me.

"What?" I asked after his long pause.

"I think I might love you."


"I think I might love you," I did it, I finally said it. I'd been wanting to say it to him all night. Since the time I picked him up. His outfit was adorable and made him look like the cutest human alive. Then the smile on his face after I had won the giant teddy bear for him put cartoon love hearts in my eyes. I knew I had to tell him tonight, I couldn't hold it in any longer. I just wasn't able to find the perfect time to say it, but just then, that was amazingly perfect.

"What?" his face turned pale as if he'd seen a ghost. Did he not hear me? Maybe he doesn't love me back.

"I said I love you."

As quickly as I said it, his lips were back on mine in a crazy passion filled kiss. His skin was so warm on mine, even in the cold air. His hair had fallen so effortlessly over his face. His kisses were divine. I couldn't get enough of him. I needed more of him.

"I think I might love you too," he said back so softly that I almost didn't hear it, but I most doubtlessly did. I wouldn't miss those perfect words out of his mouth. Not for the life of me.

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