twenty four

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(warning: slight sexual content)
lol play the song cause it's good and about...

"Dad, meet Zander. Zander, meet Dad," it was by far the most awkward moment ever.

Dad seemed too happy, and Zander looked ready to run for the hills.

"It's nice to meet you Zander. Please, call me Brad."

"Nice to meet you too. Brad," Zander reluctantly shook Dad's hand. I could tell he was still cautious of him.

"I'm going to start cooking the nachos. I'll call you down once they're ready," I quickly took Zander's hand and ran towards my room. Not wasting another second. I slammed the door shut behind us, locking it.

"Ash, what's the hur-"

I pushed him against the door, kissing him passionately. I'd been wanting to do it since last night on the phone.

He kissed back with equally as much force. His tongue made its way into my mouth, whilst hands slid down my back and rested on my ass. I moaned slightly into his mouth as he squeezed my ass. We pulled away, both running out of breath.

"That was very bold of you," he said, pushing the hair that had fallen into my face behind my ears. I still really needed that haircut.

"I won't lie. I am kind of horny right now," the smirk on his face grew as he pushed me back towards the bed. He stopped in front of it, putting his hands to the end of my jumper, helping me take it off.

Even though Dad and Conan were in the house, I wasn't worried about them. Dad was downstairs and the opposite side of the house and Conan had music blaring in his room. My only thoughts were flooded with Zander and Zander alone.

I pulled up his hoodie over his head, throwing it on the floor next to mine.

"Holy fuck," I ran my hands over his defined body. His abs were gorgeous to look at and his skin was beautifully tanned. I could live with this.

"You done looking?" he asked sarcastically. But no, I wasn't done. I could get used to looking at him.

"No," I replied honestly and softly. He pulled up my shirt. I still wasn't confident in my own body, but right now, I didn't even mind him seeing me. All of me.

I sat back on my bed, Zander quickly following me, sitting on his knees above me.

"Are sure you're ready for anything?" I nodded. I was nervous, but I wanted to do things with Zander that I'd never felt the urge to do with anyone before.

He undid the button on his jeans, pulling them down and off. It was getting to the point that I almost couldn't wait. I was beyond horny by now, I just want him to do something to me. Anything.

I was still laying on the bed, perched up on my elbows. Zander had knelt down to the floor. Dragging my own pants off of me until I was left in just my boxers. He looked up at me and into my eyes, I could see it in his eyes that he was asking me whether or not he should keep going. I gave another nod. I couldn't tell what my voice would be like if I spoke any words.

He pulled at the waistband of my boxers, slowly pulling them down until they were completely off. I lay naked in front of him, but for some reason, I didn't feel as nervous as I once did. I was feeling almost confident. I knew that I wasn't lacking in that department, it was half of the reason why I was feeling confident.

His hand slid up my leg and landed around my dick. I let off a soft gasp, the thought of what Zander was about to do made me even harder.

As soon as I felt his tongue at the tip of my dick, I put my hands through his hair. He licked down to my base, and then littered kisses all the way back up. He put his mouth over the tip, slowing going down. It was like a feeling of ecstasy. Even though I have been given blowjobs before, none have ever been as good.

I let out a soft moan. I tried staying as quiet as possible, but it was one of the hardest things to do.

"Zander, fuck," I moaned out. Waves of pleasure ran through my body as soon as I felt his hand cup my balls. I could feel it, I was so close. My fingers weaved through his hair, subconsciously pushing him further down my dick.

"Fuck, I'm close," he slowly pulled his mouth off of me, but quickly wrapped his hand back around. He was pumping my dick fast, until the biggest wave of pleasure ran through me. I moaned out his name as I came all over his face and chest.

My eyes were shut and I was breathing heavily, nothing had ever been more pleasurable in my life. I felt him crawl up the bed on top of me, he placed his lips on mine. He kissed me deeply, I completely ignored that fact that my dick had just been in his mouth.

"Can I tell you something?" he pulled away and sat back on to his feet. I saw him lean over to the bedside table, grabbing the box of tissues and wiping the cum off of his chest.

"Yeah?" I replied. He still sat on my bed. He looked so sexy from this view. I wished for him to do that all over again.

"That's the first time I'd ever given a blowjob."

"No way!" I looked up at him with disbelief. I didn't believe him. "There's no way you haven't done that before!"

"It's true!" he placed the tissue box back down and put the dirty tissues in the bin under my desk. "I've just watched a lot of porn."

"Of course you have," I sat back up. I picked up my pants from off of the floor and put them back on.

"Boys! Dinners ready."

We dressed quickly and opened the door. Conan was standing outside with his fist in the air. He was about to knock on my door.

He looked between the two of us with a judging look until a look of realisation came across his features. "You two smell like sex," he said fast. He pounced off, quickly running down the stairs.

"Also Ash, your jumper is back to front!"

I looked down, noticing that what he said was in fact correct. I took it off, quickly putting it back on the right way.

"You dressed properly now?" Zander let off chuckling. I quickly slapped at his arm, going down the stairs myself.

I honestly can't believe all that just happened with my family in the house.

I'm going to hell.


yall that just happened.
enjoy it.
also, my lasagne was gooooooood!!
another thing... i've never written smut so this is probably the most shit smut you've ever read but like i did it anyway

q: what your favourite drink?

a: coffee (iced and reg) and peach iced tea.

vote, comment, share, whatever ♡

thanks lovelies <3

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