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"Tell me all about him!" my best friend Pip exclaimed.

"I can't tell you much! I hardly know him myself. I only saw him for a minute when the coach signed him on to the team. Although, their training has been extended tomorrow night, so I'll be able to take a decent peek," I nudged her in the side.

Today was Tuesday. It is after school. And I'm now stuck at work. Although, it's not too bad. I work in a little late-night coffee shop on the main street with my best friend Pip.

We had been friends since we were 7. We met at school when she first moved here from interstate. She goes to a different school now, but not for long.

"Bitch, how long until you're moving away from your current dump?" I asked. I was waiting for the day that she finally moved to my school. I'll finally have a few more friends.

"I'll be there next Monday. They're just finishing off the details and then I'm free from that hell hole!" she jumped around all excitedly.

Ever since she officially came out as transgender, everyone at her current school started to bully her. I don't know why though. Pip was awesome. The friends she had had turned on her, used her dead name, the wrong pronouns, stating that she was 'unnatural' and saying shit like, 'he could never be a girl', 'God created you a boy, not a girl', 'you still have a penis, which means you're a boy'.

The number of times I wanted to punch those assholes in the face was through the roof. She was strong though. She didn't let it affect her too much. And now she's moving schools to get away from those jerks, to me!

"I'm so excited!" I screeched a little. "You'll love it at my school. Well, as much as you can love a school I guess," we both chucked a little, before being taken out of our conversation by the little ring of the doorbell out the front of the shop.


"I'm not waiting on your ass again, hurry up and get ready," I heard Conan yell from the door. I was still in bed, "Fucking lazy shit," okay, that's rich coming from him.

"Shut up, I'm awake!" I manage to yell out. I slowly peel myself away from the sheets of my bed. It was hot outside, but the room was cold due to my fan that sits on my bedside table. Blowing full force at my face. The perfect sleeping arrangement.

We didn't have to leave for school for another half hour, but I took long showers. I hated getting in the shower in the morning, I felt way too lazy. If I had the option, I'd skip it all together. It's not like I talk much with anyone at school anyway. Who would notice?

I did smell ripe though, I really should.

I finished up my shower, 20 out of my 30 minutes done. My clothing style didn't consist of much either. I try to look cute, key word being try.

I needed a haircut too. My hair wasn't too long, it goes down to my eyes in a cute way. It's long enough to run your hands through and pull at it, but not too long that I could pull it back with a hair tie.

I walked out of my room, sporting an oversized tee and my black jeans. As I said, cute!

"Took you long enough?" I bumped into dad as I turned in to the kitchen. He quickly stormed off to the bathroom. Whoops?

"What crawled up his ass?" I ask Conan, since he was sitting at the breakfast bar.

"He got a caution from work late last night. Apparently he is not making any sales and could lose his job soon if he doesn't pick up the slack," shit. He already has a low paying job, if he lost it, we would be living off my pay alone. Conan's too busy with lacrosse and school to get a job.

"That's bad. Do you think I should ask for more hours at the shop?" I ask. I swear, Conan always knows best. He thinks smart and guess what? I don't.

"Nah it shouldn't be necessary. I gave him a grilling earlier about it, that's why he was so moody then. Don't stress about it alright?" seriously, Conan is more of a dad than our actual dad is.

He stood up, patting me on the back, before picking up his bag and walking out the door.


"Do I really have to sit out here for three hours?" I ask Conan, dragging my bag on the floor to the lacrosse field.

"If you got your license, you'd be able to drive yourself home now wouldn't you?" I rolled my eyes. Why is he always right?

"Shut up. The time will come." Maybe.

I took a seat on the grass by the side of the field before pulling out my laptop and textbooks. This was usually the only time I ever did my homework.

The lacrosse team was still in the locker rooms. The peace was nice. You could actually hear the birds chirping in the trees and the sound of the small creek running behind the school.

Although, it didn't last long. Soon enough, all the boys came rushing out onto the field, sticks in hand. Then I spotted him again. Zander Hayes. Fuck me dead.

His dirty blonde hair blew back in the slight breeze. Even from this distance I could see his blue eyes shimmering in the sunlight. Gosh I'm such a cliché.

I quickly snapped out of my gaze as soon as his own locked on to me. It was like I was stuck and couldn't move my eyes away. That's until he winked at me. One singular wink that made me melt.

What the fuck!

No way was that aimed towards me. I looked behind me to see if the "hot" cheerleader girls were coming out of the locker rooms from behind me, but there was no one else around. Just me.

I literally almost died. It was only a singular fucking wink.

Quickly enough, they started training. It looked almost dreadful. I think they were up to about their 5th lap of the field. I wouldn't even have made through one. Actually, I lied. I wouldn't even make it out of the locker room.

The sound of my phone's message tone took me away from the field.

pipster ;)
Have you spoken to Mr. Hottie yet?

you really think i would talk to him? no!

pipster ;)

bitch! something did happen though 😭

pipster ;)
Tell me now!!!!!!!

he winked at me!!! 😥

pipster ;)
That's it. He wants to fuck you.🥵

honestly? who want want to fuck my sorry excuse of an ass?

pipster ;)
You didn't think about that before you typed it, did you?

shut up!

pipster ;)
By the looks of it, Zander would 😏

im going back to my homework
sick of being bullied by you :(

pipster :)
No Ash please! I'm so bored rn!


I put my phone on silent before going back to my homework. I've only been out here for 20 minutes

This is going to be a long night...


i feel as if im writing so boring.
dont give up on me!
my ideas and intentions are good!

vote, comment, share, whatever ♡

thanks lovelies <3

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