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We sat in the middle of the ice. Zander had laid out a blanket, topped with pillows, another blanket, and countless amounts of chocolate, lollies, and coffee.

Getting to the blanket was the hard part, I had fallen over twice before even sitting down, which really shows how great my skating skills are.

"I want to get to know you more," he said quietly, as if there was somebody around and he didn't want them to hear.

We had asked each other countless questions. What's your favourite colour? Season? Food? Where do you want to travel? Zander's replies being yellow, summer, pancakes, and Asia. Mine being gray, winter, cookies, and Sweden.

"Why Sweden?" he asked me. I had to think about it. I didn't really know.

"I actually aren't too sure. I was fascinated with the language I guess. I wanted to learn it, but as I grew up, my commitment wore off, but I still want to learn it. Also the snow, I like snow," I took a sip of the coffee in my hand. I'm so happy he brought coffee along. I love coffee.

"Do you remember anything?"

"I remember a few things off by heart, I forgot most of it though."

"Tell me something," I had to think about it for a bit, until I thought of the perfect thing.

"Jag tycker om dig."

The look on his face brightened, as if what I had said to him was amazing, and to me, it was. "What does that mean?"

"That you'll have to find out yourself," I chuckled, before feeling ambitious. I stood up and walked back on the ice.

Zander was quick to follow me. Catching me under the arms before I fell ass over tit again, something of which I do way too often, both on and off the ice.

He stood behind me, hooking his arms under mine to help me stay standing. The song playing over the speakers was soft, calming. We skated around slowly, not saying a word to each other. I was at such peace. It was like for once, I could finally just let go and feel free. I didn't have any worries. I wasn't scared about what was going to happen next. It was just me and Zander, skating around by ourselves with no one else around. I know it wouldn't last like this forever, but I didn't mind, because at that time. It felt completely right.

(i recommend listening to the attached song )

I took a hold of both of his hands. Looking deep into his beautiful light brown eyes which seemed to shine brighter in the moment.

I wanted to kiss him again, so badly. But I was scared. So, so scared.

I scared that my past would come back and haunt me. What if I were to pursue something with him, and it just reignites an old flame I wanted so badly to keep down. I was so hesitant.

My grip grew tighter. I didn't want to let him go. I felt his hands squeeze mine back. It made me look back up at him. I hadn't even realised that I looked away.

I felt him slowly let go of my hands. I almost whimpered inside at the loss of contact. That was until I felt his arms wrap around me, pulling me in to a comforting hug. He could see my struggle. I pulled him tighter into the hug. His head sat on my shoulder like it was made to rest there.

"Are you alright," he broke the silence. He stood back up straight and looked me in the eyes, but he didn't let go over me. Instead, he placed a hand on my face, rubbing his thumb against my cheek to get rid of the stray tear I didn't know fell.

I nodded my head, I wasn't in the mood to talk.

"Would you feel better if I did this?"

He placed a soft kiss to my cheek. It was quick, short, and sweet. But I needed more. I craved more.

"I'd feel better if I did this."

I grabbed a tighter hold on him and pulled him in for another kiss, except this time, to his lips. It took him no more than a second to kiss me back. His lips were so soft and fit together perfectly with mine and I absolutely loved it. It was addictive.

We would have stood there for ten minutes. Kissing, catching our breath, kissing, hugging, kissing. It felt so right and I didn't want it to end.

"Thank you," he whispered softly. Placing his head back down on my shoulder, holding me close.

"For what?"

"For this. Everything. You've only been here, what, two weeks? And you've already brightened my life up. It seems everything is finally going good for me," I felt a tear hit my shirt.

"I was so scared that I would never have a life out of loneliness and living in the shadows of someone. But you're making me feel as if I don't need to live that way. You're making my life seem possible,"

"Trust me Ash, you're doing the same for me.


The ride home was filled with another comfortable silence. By the time we had finished, it was almost eleven.

Asher had fallen asleep as soon as he got in the car and shut his eyes. He didn't snore, which was absolutely amazing. I don't like snoring. It's annoying.

Soon enough, we arrived back at his house. There were no other cars in the driveway and all the lights inside were off. Either everybody in his house is already asleep or not here. So instead of waking him up, I picked up his keys, opened the front door, before going back to the car and lifting him out of the car.

He didn't wake up, he didn't even stir. He was out like a light.

I walked upstairs and in to his bedroom, using the light on my phone to find my way up. I placed him down on his bed, taking his shoes off, and pulling the quilt up to cover him up. I would have taken some of his clothes off to make his sleep more comfortable, but in doing that, I didn't want to make him uncomfortable. Instead, I turned the small fan on his bedside table on.

I was just about to walk away, when I felt his arm reach out and grab at my wrist.

"Can you stay? Please," his voice was very faint and grouchy, but I heard every word. I didn't have to think twice before kicking my own shoes off and crawling into the bed with him. He kept still, but I felt his hand slowly go back into mine, before he fell back to sleep again.


okay. cute. i like this.

i have come to the conclusion i will probably write more chapters but keep the word limit shorter (1000-1700 words). that way it will be quicker to write and i'll update more often hehe :)

also, please take the time to listen to the attached song. it's by isaac dunbar, i love him as an artist and feel as if he deserves so much more attention.

q: what are your favourite artists?

a: i have so many but my favourites are: conan gray, the 1975, isaac dunbar, chase atlantic, billie eilish, yungblud, taylor swift (guilty pleasure)

vote, comment, share, whatever ♡

thanks lovelies <3

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