forty three

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"Can you please open the door?" Conan stood outside of my bedroom, banging on the door as if his life depended on it. But I was in no mood to talk to anyone.

I continued to ignore him. Everyone was pissing me off today. Can't everyone just leave me alone and let me cry and have a breakdown in peace?

"Where is he?" I heard another voice rattle through the house again. Pip.

"Okay Ash. Get up. You better have your lame bitch, sooky ass up and out of that bed. I will, and I repeat, I will come in there and drag you out by your hair. I don't care if you're kicking and screaming and praying to the heavenly people above. I swear to God Ash. Get your fucking ass out of that roo-" I opened the door up with force, letting it slam up against the wall, shutting her up.

I love Pip, I really do, but right now? At this very second? I wish she would fuck right off.

"Done. I'm up and out. Happy now?" I went to shut the door again, but her hand stopped it before it could close, "Please Pip. I don't want to see anyone right now."

"Why! You have been stuck in your room for the past two days, crying yourself to sleep over and over again, but for what? Why won't you tell us what's going on? We're all worried about you, alright? Can you just let me care for my best friend?" it's true. I hadn't yet told anyone what happened at school two days ago. I was too scared to relive that scene over again. It hurts, too much. I don't want it to hurt.

"No. Just leave me alone, please Pip. I'm not in the mood for your shit," I crawled back under my quilt, pulling it up and over my head. But the feeling was very short lived.

The quilt was yanked back off of me, Pip was having none of it, "No. I am going to annoy the absolute fuck out of you until you decide to tell me what crawled up your ass and died."

"Pip no, don't-"

"Shut up. I am going to order food, and then we are going to sit down and have a civil conversation. You will tell me what the fuck is up, and I will listen and eat food," she didn't leave the room, but got up and off the bed with her phone, dialing multiple food joints and ordering an insane amount of junk food.

"Alrighty. I have ordered two pepperoni pizzas, twenty chicken nuggets and a large chips for our entrée. And from the Chinese restaurant, Satay beef, honey chicken, and fried rice for our main. I was able to coerce Isaiah to pick it all up for us, even though he will be getting none of it. He is also going to get us a frappé each from McDonald's. Do you think that is enough?" Pip let out in one big hit without a breath.

"I think that is more than enough. Thanks Pip, I really do love you," I leant over and embraced her in a tight hug. I hadn't even thought about him the whole time she was here.


"This is so fucking good," I let out as I ate a piece of the satay beef. We had already knocked off one pizza, half the chicken nuggets, and all of the chips. We hesitantly gave Conan the second pizza and the other half of the nuggets since Isaiah decided to stay over and hang out with him. Pip and I weren't that cruel.

"Okay. So bitch, tell me what the fuck happened. I'm sick of you sulking around like a sad sack of shit. Obviously it has something to do with Zander since he has also been missing these past couple of days, so spill. Mama Pip is all ears," she said, stuffing a piece of honey chicken in her mouth.

The thought of having to relive that situation over again made my stomach drop and my mood dampen. I was so grateful that Pip was here to be able to distract me from everything, but that distraction can't last forever, she would make me spill the beans eventually.

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