thirty three

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"Now do you believe me when I say that I wasn't in the wrong? I said no, I didn't consent to what he was doing, and he completely went against that. I would never, ever cheat on you," I was hugged into his side. We were lying under his quilt in the warmth of his room.

"I believe you. Somewhere, deep down, I always kinda knew that it wasn't your fault. I was too blind to see it though and decided just to blame you. I'm really sorry for that by the way."

I decided rather than laying next to him, to move, and lay on top of him instead. My legs fell to either side of his body, whilst my arms wrapped around his neck. His own hands were on my back, rubbing up and down.

"Do you forgive me?" he asked, placing a chaste kiss on my forehead.

"There is nothing to forgive you for. Nothing was your fault. I'm not mad at you anymore though," I clarified.

"Good. I hate you being mad at me."

We stayed in that position silently. None of us moved or made a sound. It was just peaceful.

"Can I ask you a serious question?" he broke the silence.

"Go ahead."

"Do you ever think about having sex? With me?" I looked at his face. This was the awkward type of situation that I always tried to avoid. The look on his face though showed he was not fooling around.

"I won't lie to you, I have. I just it's very awkward for me."

"Why is it awkward?" he seriously didn't get it?

"Well. The thought of having something, uh, upmybleh, isn't great!"

"Would you mind saying that slower and in English so I can at least understand you?" he knew what he was doing, and by the smirk on his face, he knew exactly what I was trying to say.

"You kno-"

"No Ash, I don't know. Please enlighten me," I am going to up and leave in a minute if he keeps on teasing me.

"Yourthingupmyass," I couldn't even.

"Asher. What did I tell you? Please speak slower and in English. I can't understand you when you mumble."

"Your dick in my ass, alright? It will hurt and I'll be sore for days," ugh! I hate him right now.

"God Ash, don't say it like that," he moved his hand from my back to his own pants. No he did not.

I jumped off of him quickly, "What?" he said innocently.

"Don't touch your thing now!" I was being such a pussy. I'm not even afraid to admit it.

"What? Like this?" he put his hand back in his pants.

"Zandy! Stop! You're being so gross. Ew!" I walked into his bathroom, grabbing the bottle of hand sanitizer before walking back to his room and putting some on his hands.

"Come on Ash? Really? Why are you acting as if you've never touched my dick before?"

"I hate you so much right now!" I jumped up on the bed again, laying across his body and pinning his hands down. He is being a cheeky little shit and he knows all too well what type of effect it has on me.

"Aww babe," he said, quickly flipped us over. "I love how you're trying to act all tough and innocent, when I know deep down what you really desire," he came closer to my face, planting kisses slowly and sensually across my face and neck.

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