thirty eight

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"Not going to lie... my ass really hurts," I had to admit.

"No wonder. It's not everyday you take my dic-"

"Okay that's enough. Anyway, thank you so much. I had the best time with you," I got out of his car, he followed quickly behind and walked around to stand in front of me.

"I loved every minute of it. Do you want to know what my favorite part was," he asked, grabbing a hold of my face with his soft hands.

"What was your favourite part?"

"You," my cheeks must have turned a bright shade of pink, "Everything's better when you're around."

"Same. You make me happier. I love you," I wrapped my arms around his torso, pulling him closer to me.

"I love you too," he placed a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"I'll never get tired of you saying that."

"I'll never get tired of saying it. Anyway, on a different note, who's car is that in your driveway?" I looked over his shoulder, noticing the red car parked in our driveway. I had no idea who it belonged to.

"Don't know," I told him, genuinely curious.

"Well, you best be finding out who is stealing your house," I laughed at him, "Also, if I don't head off now, Nan and Pa will shoot me for being late. They arrive at the airport soon. They were apparently getting bored, so they decided to come home a few days early."

"Alright then, see you tomorrow," I kissed him again, properly this time. His mouth still tasted sweet from the takeaway pancakes we got at the drive-thru this morning for breakfast.

"Bye," he gave off one last kiss before walking around his car, jumping in, and zooming off down the empty street.

"Hello family," I walked inside all cheery, I was still buzzing from last night.

I heard no response so I headed towards the lounge room, finding everyone seated in here. Although, Conan was sitting on the singular seat, facing my direction, sporting a very unhappy look, as well as Dad. What were they so unimpressed by. They still hadn't even noticed me.

"Um hello?" I yelled out once more, before all heads turned my way.

My stomach dropped to the floor immediately, as soon as I saw her face, "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Asher baby? I thought you would be happy to see me?" why on Earth would this flaming whore think I would be happy to see her? I never, ever, wanted to see her in my life again.

"Asher please. Show your mother some respect," she didn't even deserve the dirt on the bottom of my shoe. 

"You lost my respect when you walked out on your family," I wasn't taking it lightly. I didn't even see her as my mother anymore.

"I'm back again because I've changed! Plus, I thought you and Conan would want to meet your new brother and sister," I finally noticed the two babies sitting in their portable car seats on the floor. They would only be a year old.

No wonder she was dressed up all nice. She found herself some rich guy, made him get her pregnant, and is now leeching off of all his money.

"So you were trying to find someone to replace us while you were gone? Another pair of twins, aren't you lucky," I said sarcastically.

I looked at the two children. The little boy resembled me and Conan almost identically when we were little. The girl, I assumed looked like her father, since neither of us or the flaming whore had blonde hair or blue eyes. Even though she had the children after she left, they were still our siblings. I had no reason to hate them yet. They were just helpless babies.

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