twenty six

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"Hi everyone," I walked up to the table in the cafeteria. Isaiah, Zander, Theo and Levi were already here, Conan was quick to walk up behind me with his own lunch.

"Hey Lil' Homie. Decided to sit with the funky bunch today?" Isaiah said, taking a sip of his apple juice.

"Yeah, Pip joined a new lunch club and they meet on Monday's," Pip had joined the schools LGBT+ club. She asked me if I would go but honestly, I didn't want too. I knew the people in it, and I can't say I exactly like them all to stay there a whole lunch when I'd rather sit with Zander.

I sat next to Zander at the table. We hadn't really made our relationship public yet. The only people that knew that he was my boyfriend were Conan, Isaiah, Pip and Dad. We both weren't ready for everyone to know.

"So, I don't know if Conan has told you, but there is a party on Friday night, after our first game. Did you want to go with me? Or would you like to go out somewhere else together?" I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do. On one hand, I wanted Zander to have fun with his team if they win. On the other, I want Zander all to myself.

"Oh, also. Nan and Pa left for a road trip this morning. I have the house free until Friday morning. So if you want, you can come over and stay at mine some nights," I did like the sound of that. Anytime with Zander was worth it. If that meant staying with him and sleeping in his bed, I was all for it.

"Let's go to the party, have a bit of fun. As long as we get to stay at yours afterwards and you buy me food," I gave off a huge grin. He could never deny me of food.

"If that's what you want," I nodded my head, wanting nothing more than to snuggle into him in front of everyone in the room, but I knew I couldn't.

"Dude, that guy you beat up is walking this way," Isaiah quickly warned Zander. I turned around, noticing that it was in fact that guy, Mitchell, I think. He didn't look too pleased either.

He stopped directly at the end of the table. His arms were crossed and he had an almost sad expression across his face. "Uh, hey, can we talk?" his question was directed to Zander. I knew the look on Zandy's face. He wasn't impressed. You could almost say disgusted.

"Why should I talk with you? You almost ruined my life. Give me one good reason why I should bother?" I knew Zander was getting frustrated. Now that I knew who this person was and what he did to him, I couldn't blame Zander for feeling the way he does.

"Please Zander. I really need to speak with you," Zander pushed off the table, visibly annoyed. I didn't interrupt him though and let him walk off with Mitchell hot on his tail. One way or another. Whatever happened between the two needed to be talked about.


I couldn't believe this. I couldn't believe he had the audacity to think it wasn't his fault all of that shit happened to me.

"Jesus Christ Zander! Why won't you believe me! You are my best friend-"

"Were. You're not anymore."

"Sorry. Were my best friend. Do you really think that me telling Tom about you being gay would have any benefit for me? I don't even like that wanker. What makes you think that I would just go out, gallivanting to people that you like dudes?" I was seething. I did not want to ever have this conversation with him.

"How else would he have found out if you didn't tell him. Do you not understand that you were the only person I had told. The very first person. Please tell me how else he would have found out and make him do what he did to me," I was angry. My teeth were clenched and I was ready to just explode.

"Zander, I don't even know what he did to you! I don't know anything. All I know is that one day, my best friend was telling me his biggest secret, and the next he was gone. I don't know what I did wrong. I don't know how Tom found out. And I don't know what made you leave me best friend-less," I started to think: 'What if he didn't do it?', 'What if he was telling me the truth?'. I don't know how to believe myself though.

"You don't know what he did?" I asked in disbelief. Is he seriously saying that since it happened, no one had told Mitchell about what happened in the locker room that day?

"No! Honestly I don't. All I know is that something must have happened that morning at the training. When else would it have been? I thought it was sketchy when Tom told me it was cancelled last minute. I didn't believe him, the only reason I didn't go is because I wanted to go back to bed. Please, tell me what happened. Because now, I definitely know something bad went down," I wanted to tell him. There was just something about the situation that made me... finally believe what he was saying.

"How can I trust you though? I always believed it was your fault, how can I suddenly just change my mind? Just because you said so?" I knew I was being a bit of a dick. But seriously, how else was I supposed to react. I thought this person was the one behind my problems. I can't just change my mind with the snap of my fingers.

"Think of all the fun we had together. How we helped each other through hard, near impossible times. Do you think I faked all of that? I loved you like a brother Zander. You were always there for me, just like I was there for you. I know this sounds all sappy, but we only had each other through so much. I don't want to waste so many years. You were my first friend. My first best friend. I still want you in my life," it's times like this, that I hate being emotional. I wanted to break down and I hated feeling like that. "Zay, please. Trust me."

I hugged him hard. It's like every single emotion was coming out of me at once. Every bad thing that happened in my life came flooding through my mind. My parents and little sister dying and losing them forever. My addiction. Getting kicked out of home for being me. Almost dying for being me. Losing my best friend. Just, everything.

"I thought I was going to die that day. The team beat me to an inch of my life and I couldn't do anything to defend myself. Tom did it on purpose, he told you it was cancelled so he could beat me without you around. I still don't know how he would have found out though" tears were rolling down my face. Even though I'm a boy, I wasn't afraid to cry. And right now, it felt like I needed to cry to let it all out.

"I think I might know," that sparked my interest. I pulled away from him and quickly wiped my face. I said I wasn't afraid of crying. That doesn't mean I like people seeing me cry.

"Something on his lacrosse stick broke and he gave it to me to fix, simply because I knew how to fix it. He said he was going to pick it up around lunch time once I'd fixed it, but he never showed up. I swear on my life I didn't tell him. The only way he could have found out is if he was there when you said it."


i feel as if everything is drama and there isn't enough zander x asher action. i think this needs to get done and out the way though so the story can progress cleanly.

q: would you be keen to see smut? i don't know whether or not to include any to add a little more intimacy between the characters or just leave them be, ultimately knowing when something intimate happens??????

vote, comment, share, whatever ♡

thanks lovelies <3

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