- twenty nine -

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Unnie Finally wake up, that made of us stand up and we found her slowly open her eyes, and she weakly look at us..

Me: unnie..

Then we found a tear start to streaming on her eyes, while looking at us..


I also stand up when I saw they all stand up and look at her, while I just look at her even I'm far from them, I just laid my back on the wall, I just watch them how the girls start to hug her..

They just talking with her while she already seating on the bed, I saw how she smiling weakly while looking at them..her smile was still not back after what I did, I know what they thinking and I heard what doctor said that she torturing herself for one week and she out of water on her body that's the reason why she have a sickness like this..

Why she just told me straight to the point her true feelings that I will stop this attitude of mine, that she miss me, that she miss my tease, that she miss my annoying words, that she miss that I always irritate her, that she miss that I always bullying her..

Why she really make this situation so hard, she really let herself suffer from this, and I don't have a chance, and just let her..

I will stop this attitude of mine, and just wait for her..

This is how much I love her, and I didn't stop loving her, last week when I told it to her about on namjoon opening of his cafe, I didn't mean all of those, I'm just too much in wine, I really want to apologize on her that time, but I only did was leave them..


We all already back to our own classroom, but I excuse myself from our room, to go on the clinic holding the bracelet....

I secretly look first if she is awake or not, and she is peacefully sleeping, then I just slowly open the door to get inside, and I start to grab the pink bracelet...

Then I seat on the chair silently, while her face was facing me and she just sleeping just like sleeping beauty, she start to looks fine..her lips was not dry anymore, she also starting not to sweat..

Then I grab her wrist and put the bracelet on it gently that she won't wake up, and the black bracelet was on me already, then I start to stand up and I bend to kiss her forehead....I just close my eyes when I kiss her forehead....

Then I start to walk away now from the clinic..


I slowly open my eyes and look my wrist, yes he is here just earlier, he is the one who kiss my forehead..

I'm wrong, I think he already change, but no..he still care for me, he is afraid to show it to all, he just showing to all that he still the biggest bad boy here in empire high that I didn't change..

A small smile start to form my lips, when I still feel his kiss on my forehead, he really did that while I'm sleeping..what a kid....


The doctor told me that I'm fine now that I can go home now, that made me smile and also the others, but the boys was not here...

Dahyun: I'm so happy unnie, you are fine now.....

Then I just smile..

I start to get out from the bed while they helping me, And I just sigh..

Me: doctor said, I'm fine now, no need to help me .

Mina: we need to do that unnie, you just starting healing..

Me: that's why I love you Mina....

Mina: so cringe

That made us laugh, then we decided to walk out now from the clinic, we all just smiling and talking about something, but they stop that made me stop too and I look at where they looking at, then I saw the boys with him..

Then I just pull down the sleeves of my jacket that they can't see the bracelet..

Then they just smile except on him..

Jin: you already looks so fine Nayeon..

Me: thank you..

Hobi: you girls going home?

Jeongyeon: yes why?

Hobi: we decided to treat some dinner with you all, if it's fine, and we going to brought you all to your own house, if you want..

Then we just nodded that made them smile widely, except on him again, and we start to walk with them..

While dahyun and jimin was just teasing each other while walking out from the campus, and dahyun looks so done on him already..

We all reach the restaurant they saying and we start to eat the dinner they prepare for us, they even tell to me that this is celebration because of me, that I'm fine now..

They all so kind, they are perfect to be my best friends forever..

We all done our dinner and the others start to said goodbye, and leave me with him, tzuyu, Taehyung, Jin and Sana..

Sana: guys my car was already here..

Then we just nodded and she start to get inside on her car and wave on us and she start to drive away from us..

Jin: oh Taehyung, tzuyu, nayeon and jungkook, you won't go with me?

Taehyung: no, I have a night date with my girl..

Jin: cheesy! Ok ok, bye guys..

Then he start to walk away from us..

Then this two just walk away from us too, and leave me here with this guy, well our own cars was still not here because something fixing Happen, lucky that I wearing a jacket..

Until he broke the silent..

Jungkook: you just gonna stay here?

Then I just trying not to look at him, and I just nodded without looking at him..

Jungkook: it's will be 12 am and it's start to be cold, I will go first..take care

Then that made me look at him who already walking away from me..

Did I just heard that he said "take care"

I close my eyes first, I will do this now..I really can't hold this anymore..

I immediately run towards on him and hug him from the back that I felt that he startled a little bit..

Then the bracelet show up when I hug him from the back..

Me: I know you come in clinic earlier and put back the bracelet in me, and I still know that you still waiting for my answer, you just showing to all students that you still a biggest bad boy that I didn't change you, but inside I really change you, that you still the jungkook I know that who cares for me...and I already decided to my answer for your question before.....yes is my answer, I want to be your girlfriend jungkook

Then I felt that he turn around and I saw a shock on his eyes..

Jungkook: w-what?

Me: you ask me before if I can be your girlfriend, and I'm serious, yes is my answer monster..

That made him smile, the real smile, his bunny smile and he immediately hug me tight and I just hug him too a tight hug too....I really felt his happiness and I felt my world start to change into a colorful that made me smile widely...

In Love To Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now