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We all already done eating a dinner and our prof told to us that we gonna have a revealing problems to each other while watching the burn fire at the middle while we are sitting on the foods, then we just wear our own Jackets and start to seat on the wooden...

Prof: earlier many things happen that sir Ralph was here that they told you all how to be strong and how to take the obstacles to your life, and nayeon..your feet was fine now?

Me: yes prof..

Prof: good to hear..so we all here around of this burn fire, to say all our problems to other things happen to our own life's and I also prepare a bucket of questions and one by one will choose here, three questions in one person..so let's start..

Then our prof start to give the bucket into jihyo and she start to pick three roll papers and when she already pick it she give back the Bucket into prof..

Prof: so open the first one first .

Then she nodded and she start to pick one and open it..

Jihyo: did I felt a family problem?

Prof: oh, so what is it jihyo?

Jihyo: yes sometime, mom and dad sometimes argue because of business but they immediately fix it because they remember that they have a daughter and son that will support them..

Prof: good to hear, so what is the second?

Then she start to pick the second question and she start to read it, it's written if she already felt heart broken that made her Chuckle and she said she doesn't have a boyfriend since birth then we just nodded and lastly she open it and say the question, it's written if she have a problem with his sibling...

Jihyo: yes always, I always have a problem with him..

Prof: like?

Jihyo: like annoying me and bullying me inside of our house, but I can't hurt him because he is my brother, I just take all those even it's already hurting me, it's the right decision to do right?

Then prof just nodded and I just look at jimin who looks doesn't care to jihyo words..

All students around us, start to saying their own problems they even cry infront of all, and prof just comfort them.. because the question really hit them Soo hard, that's why they burst into tears..until the bucket was already out of papers when it's already my turn to grab.

Prof: so only jungkook and nayeon was not get the bucket of questions, so you both only one question that need to answer..so first Nayeon..Is just easy, Do You Have a broken family?

Then I just look down first and smile a little, looks like it's the time to reveal my true identity and I just look up and nodded..

Prof: ohhh can you share it with us?

Me: uhm yeah..well since it's my first time to study in a Famous School with full of Rich people and elegant clothes and bags, I start to introduce myself infront of section B that I'm a Rich, and I lied because my nervous was pull up and I didn't know what I gonna say to all, but I met a 8 kind rich girls that I didn't expect that still have a girls like them that Didn't look for a friend who is hella rich..but before I'm a Rich girl, but now I'm not.. because of my dad (until dahyun hold my hand) dad was the reason why me and mom was having a life like this, he cheat on my mom, they both fight so bad infront of me and dad always hurting mom when mom always fight with him because of his addiction into a casino..that all our money was waste because of him, and I just woke up in morning that I found mom crying and she told me that dad already not on our house and dad brought all our money, and after a Months, our house was also take over because of dad, that's why we are not living into a big house, mom had a trauma about it, and I'm the only one who taking care of my mom, that we both living into a small apartment before..I start to find some legal jobs that I can make our life better, I apply a three part time jobs everywhere that I can handle, I work at cafe, I work at bookstore, and I also work a waiter...and when mom becomes feel better she told me that she is the one who gonna work and not me, and she found a better job that she a maid of a hella rich family, we both not met each other for 5 months because of her work..and until now she really work hard just for us even dad was not with us, if you all gonna ask me if I hate my dad, no..i won't hate him for long, he still my dad after all, im happy that they born me, what if they didn't born me and mom will alone to take all her problems without me right? I even thankful to him because he give a kind of life like this that not only think that the life was so easy...so that's all..

Then I saw their eyes was on me and I just eyeing them one by one..

Prof: we didn't know that you really suffer just like that nayeon..im sorry for the question..

Me: no it's ok prof, I'm feel relieved that all our classmates was heard what I just said about my true identity..

Prof: at first I think you are a bad student, but no..I'm wrong, you are the only student that I know that so kind..

Me: thank you prof for the compliment..

Prof: welcome..so the last was Mr. Jeon Jungkook, for sure you remember what is my question, or I just gonna told it to you, ok..do you have a broken family?

Then we just look at him who playing the stick into the fire..

Prof: mr. Jeon?

Jungkook: why would I explained my family problem, if all students here was already know about it, right?

Jin: jungkook

Jungkook: why? I'm right..I'm not stupid guys, I know you all know about my past and everything about my life..so if it's that's all, I need to rest and sleep, goodnight..

Then he trow the stick somewhere and start to get up and walk towards on our tent, while we just apologize to prof about what he just said earlier and prof just nodded and she told us to go now to our tent and we just nodded and we start to get up and say goodnight to each other and I also say goodnight to my friends..

Then I start to walk towards on our tent, I open the curtain of tent to get inside and I already found him laying on the bed, and I just walk towards on my bed and remove my shoes and start to lay on my bed and cover my body into the thick blanket, and I lastly look at him..and look up and close my eyes..

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