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I brought seulgi first on her boyfriend that waiting on her, yes she already have a boyfriend and we only a friends and my feelings for her was already removed from me, and I'm so happy for her...

After I brought her on her boyfriend, I suddenly remembered dahyun that made me excuse on them and immediately walk on that shop to find her, when I already inside, I start to look for her and I start to ask the guard if he saw dahyun by describing her, and the guard just told me that already walk out that made me sigh and I just thank the guard and I start to walk around to find her and look around, until I found a bunch of people at the middle that made me confuse and I just walk towards there and I just slightly push the people that I can see, when I already saw why is it..

I saw her crying, and a guy who holding a knife that pointing on her neck that made my eyes widened, her eyes was just close and the guards just trying to stop the guy but he didn't listen, until I saw that she open her eyes and saw me that her tears was still  streaming down..

Then the guard told her that don't move and she just nod and she start to close her eyes, and the guard start to point the gun to the guy, and they start to gun shot the guy that made that guy drop on the floor and she startled when she heard the gun shot on her ear..

And she just still crying and she also look at the guy who is already laying on the floor, while me, I hesitating to run on her or not, but she look at me and I just start to walk and she immediately run towards on me and immediately hug me that her arms was already wrap around my back and she start to cry badly on my shoulder, and I just hug her too, while caressing her hair to comfort her..she really looks so scared..

Me: shhh I'm here, I'm here, don't cry now..

Then she just nodded while her face was burried in my shoulder..

Me: I will brought you to your home to rest, ok?

Then I broke the hug and she suddenly melt and going to faint, and lucky I catch her and I immediately lift her..

Then I immediately brought her on the car at the parking lot, she faint because of crying badly and being so scared after the accident Happened..

Stupid jimin that left her alone, and see what happened? Aish! Jimin you are so Stupid!

Then I put her on the front seat and I start to seat on the driver seat after I put the seat belt on her and I also put my seatbelt and start to drive, until my phone ring and I just pick it up and answer from jihyo...

Me: what?

Jihyo: you are with dahyun right?

Me: yeah, then?

Jihyo: her mom brought her clothes here in our house, she will stay here first before the wedding, so brought dahyun here ok?

Me: yeah yeah..

Then I hung up the call and I look at the faint dahyun that still not waking up..and I just breath out and look at the road...

We finally reach the house, and I just get out from the car and I start to remove her seatbelt and lift her again, because she still faint and I start to brought her on the house, and when I get inside, I found her friends who is shock when they saw me lifting dahyun, that made them immediately run towards here..

Jeongyeon: what happened to her? Why she is faint huh?

Me: I will explain to all of you later, I will brought her on the room, so jihyo where is her room?

Jihyo: mom told me that she will sleep on your room.

That made my eyes widened..

The heck!

Then I just sigh and start to walk upstairs that still lifting her and I start to put her on my bed, to lay her there, then I just saw my door open and reveal them, while I just seat on my bed and they start to ask me about what happened..

And I start to say what happened on her, that they all shock what they heard from me..

Nayeon: why you leave her?!

Momo: unnie no need to shout ok?

Nayeon: you will be her future husband jimin, you need to take care of her..

Me: sorry ok? Something accident just happened..

All: what?

Me: I just saw seulgi earlier harassing by a tall guy and lucky I saw it and I start to punch the guy, that time I start to forgot about dahyun, but when I brought seulgi to her boyfriend, that time I just remembered about her..

Jihyo: you really think to your ex, more than to your future wife..what a cruel..

Me: jihyo I didn't mean it ok? I even find dahyun too, and I found her that to guy who pointing the knife on her neck, I can't even save her, because that guy have a knife, he might kill her..so I just let the bodyguards to do the work..

Sana: next time when you are with dahyun, don't forgot about her..wait you just mentioned that seulgi already have a boyfriend right?

Me: yes, then?

All: you already move on?

Me: of course....yes?

All: huh?

Me: I'm not sure..

Jihyo: think jimin, you will have a family with dahyun, and don't ever hurt dahyun..if you doesn't wants not to see the sun and night..

Me: yah!

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