Chapter 1

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Ahsoka grimaced as her most prized possession, slipped out of her hand and onto the ground. The lightsaber rolled onto the dusty surface, covering itself from the cold winds. Letting out a sigh, Ahsoka looked back up at the graveyard of soldiers laying out in front of her. Her friends. Her family. She closed her eyes tightly, attempting to hold back the tears, as Rex walked up beside her. "What now, Commander?" He asked, his voice wavering slightly. He silently scolded himself under his breath at letting his guard slip. Ahsoka took a deep breath. "We need to get off of this planet as soon as possible. They'll be looking for us." She said, standing up as straight as she could, trying her best to assert confidence. For Rex and for herself. Rex nodded. "Alright Commander." Ahsoka glanced back at him with a soft smile. "Rex, you don't have to call me Commander anymore. Just call me Ahsoka." Rex gave Ahsoka a bit of a sad and startled look, but nodded. "Yes, sir." He saluted her with a smile. She smiled back and let out a chuckle. Rex joined in and looked at the ground, his laughter ceasing. "Uh, Comma- Ahsoka." He corrected himself. "If you don't mind me asking, why is your lightsaber on the ground?" He asked, looking back up at her, confused.

Ahsoka let out a sad sigh. "My master always used to tell me, 'your lightsaber is your life--'

"Don't lose it."

Rex cut her off, finishing the sentence for the Togruta. She looked at him, startled. "How did you..?" She asked, gaping at him. He let out a chuckle. "You got scolded in front of me enough times about that one thing, I've got the line memorized." He said with a smirk. Ahsoka laughed. "Yes, that would do it, I suppose." Suddenly, the soldiers could hear the distant screech of a fighter. Both their smiles instantly faded.

"We need to get out of here." Ahsoka said quickly. Rex nodded and they made their way over to their transport they had managed to grab before they met their ultimate doom. They climbed in, Ahsoka in the flying position and Rex in the gunners. The doors closed just in time for a lightning fast bolt to hit the side of the ship. It lurched at the blast. "Anything bad?" Rex called from his seat through the internal comms. Ahsoka took a quick look back to inspect the damage as she lifted them off the ground. "No. But another hit and we're goners." She shouted over the comms. The ship rumbled as another bolt hit the ground just feet away from where they had taken off. Ahsoka turned her focus back onto flying them out of there. "You gun?" Ahsoka asked, preparing them for escape. Rex nodded with a smug grin. "You bet." He replied, almost too happily. The two shared a chuckle.

The ship sped over the cold and dusty planet, not to far from the ground. "How many on our tail now?" Ahsoka asked, bracing herself for another impact. The ship shook and rattled, earning a grunt from Rex. "Uh, three." He called back from the gunning position. "Well, can you get them off me!" Ahsoka yelled, sounding much more harsh then she would have liked. "I'm trying!" Rex shouted back. "How much longer till we can jump?" He asked. Ahsoka let out a sigh. "The hyperdrive was damaged, and needs time to recharge. So we have to hold out for a little longer." She grunted, swerving around a massive mound of rock and ice whilst fiddling with the hyperdrives' system. "Try and keep it steady, will ya?" Rex grumbled.

Ahsoka rolled her eyes, remembering the all to familiar 'clone tempers'. "Do you want to crash into a mountain?" She retorted. She heard an explosion behind the ship and stole a quick glance back. Only two fighters remained. "Good shot!" She exclaimed, steering them around a rocky bend. "Hey, turn us around." Rex called. Ahsoka squinted her eyes in confusion, before realizing what the captain wanted to do. "Hold on!" She grunted. She gripped the controls and swung them around to face the enemy. Rex took two shots and knocked out the ships with ease.

He let out a whoop of victory that was soon cut short, as two more ships came in pursuit. "Oh come on!" He yelled. "Ahsoka!" The ex-jedi looked over at the hyperdrive gage and smiled. "Jumping!" She exclaimed, pushing the lever and sending them off into hyperspace. They both relaxed as the familiar blue streaks flew past. Ahsoka let out the breath she didn't know she had been holding, and sat back in her seat with a slight smile. Rex climbed up from the gun and sat next to Ahsoka, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Sorry for yelling at you, Ahsoka." Rex said after a while, rubbing at the back of his neck awkwardly. Ahsoka let out a chuckle. "Don't worry about it, Rex. Anakin and I always used to bicker like that while flying. I'm used to it." She said with a sad smile. Rex let out a chuckle. "Where are we off to?" He asked, looking at the coordinates. "I don't know yet." She replied quietly. "I need to know which Jedi survived though. And how many." She finished, closing her eyes. Rex watch her intensly as she seemed to slowly drift off, away from reality. He sat quietly and watched as multiple emotions crossed her face at once. Pain, sadness, suffering, heartbreak. After a moment, her beautiful blue eyes slowly opened again. She looked at her captain, tears beginning to well in her eyes. She quickly wiped them away before they fell and cleared her throat. "Not many survived. So many are gone. The Force is just an empty void now." She choked.

Rex gave her a sympathetic look. "Oh, Ahsoka." He whispered, outstretching his arms to her. She stood up as much as the small space would allow her and ran into him, falling into his lap. He wrapped his arms around her tightly, rubbing her back in a soothing motion. He could feel hot tears against his skin as they streamed down his commander's face. Out of impulse, Rex rested his own head on hers, shifting so her montrals weren't digging into his neck. They stayed like that for a long time. Rex knew, and he knew Ahsoka knew, that what they were doing was forbidden, but it felt so right. Being in each other's arms, with not a care in the world. If only she knew how I felt. I don't give a osik about the rules anymore. Rex thought angrily.

After a moment, Ahsoka looked back up at Rex, her face stained with tears. He lifted his hand up and gently wiped away the remaining tears, then cupped her face lovingly. She leaned into his touch and smiled warmly at him. Then, she began to lean towards him slowly, carefully, looking deep into his eyes. Without thinking, Rex mimicked her movement, leaning towards her until their lips met in a gentle and loving kiss. Rex wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled the Togruta closer to his body. She rested her hand softly on the side of his face, rubbing her thumb back and forth. They pulled away to catch their breaths and Ahsoka rested her head against Rex's. Rex was gaping at her, grinning like a shiny that had just been selected by a Commanding Officer. Ahsoka smiled back at her clone, letting out a soft chuckle.

"I love you, Ahsoka." Rex said quietly. Ahsoka looked surprised for a moment, then her gaze softened. "I love you too, Rex."

Hey! Thank you so much for Reading my story, "Together - A Rexsoka Fanfiction." I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Make sure to vote and comment if you like it so I know to keep writing! Thanks again,

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