Chapter 19

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Rex took a step back. He quickly reached down to his holsters and chucked his blasters away from him. "Woah, it's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you. You're safe." He reassured. The girl shook her head. "You're lying. I will not fall to your tricks." She spat, waving her lightsaber close to Rex. Rex stood his ground.

"I would never lie to a superior officer." Rex said. "And I would never harm a Jedi, nor have I harmed a Jedi." He added quietly. He assumed her employer would be on the next floor and didn't want to attract their attention. The young Jedi remained silent for a minute before reluctantly deactivating her saber.

"Why do you wear Mandalorian armour?" She asked, still keeping her distance. "I'm a Mandalorian. I joined them after the end of the war." Rex explained. He looked around and found a chair not far from where he stood and carefully, and with obvious gestures, he moved over to it, dragging it back to where he had been standing. He took a seat and watched the girl.

She seemed satisfied enough with his answer and went on to the next. "Didn't you murder your General?" She said venomously. Rex flinched back at her tone. She seemed to notice as her expression softened. Rex shook his head. "I didn't. I regretfully almost did. But no." He said sadly.

"How? I saw how my troops turned. So quickly like there wasn't anything holding them back." She said much less aggressively. Then quietly she added. "Why?" It was like she was asking it for the first time since it had happened. She still didn't know why they did what they did.

Rex gave her a small, sympathetic smile. "It wasn't their fault. None of us had a choice." He paused, before continuing the difficult explanation. She let him. "When us clones were still in our first months of development in our growth tubes, the Kaminoans were instructed to implant a micro chip in our heads that had one direct order. Order 66. This order gave no choice other than to follow it through and is impossible to fight. I could only fight it for a few mere seconds before executing it. Thankfully, my Jedi survived and..." He paused again. "She is still alive to this day. She helped me get my chip out." He explained, pointing to his scar.

"So that's why. We didn't have a choice. We were programed, just like those dumb clankers. And we went through with its objective." He finished sadly. The girl was staring at him wide eyed, tears threatened to spill over. Rex wanted to crumble at the sight of it. She coughed and swiped roughly at her eyes. "I had no idea." She whispered. Rex nodded. "No one did. One of my best friends found out and died trying to warn us. We didn't believe him and he had been right all along." Rex's own eyes welled up and he blinked them away.

The Jedi took a breath and walked around the counter. She stood in front of Rex, then took a seat on the floor in front of him. He gave her a smile and to his surprise, she returned it. It was a sad and worn out smile that no kid her age should donne. Rex took a moment to take in her appearance now that she was closer. Her light brown hair was in a messy braid that hung over her shoulder and small freckles were sprinkled across her face. Her green eyes were dappled with small grey specs, dull, and tired, but there was a little shimmer of hope in them that inspired Rex.

He stretched out his hand and she shook it gingerly. "The name's Rex." He introduced. "Robyn. Robyn Melana." She answered hesitantly. Rex smiled. "Nice to meet you, Robyn." She nodded. "You as well." Rex frowned when he heard the girl's stomach growl. "When'd you eat last?" He asked, standing up and walking to the shelves. She shrugged. "Dunno. Only way I can eat is if there's customers to compensate. If I have a good sale day, I get a good meal. If I don't have a good sale day..." She trailed off, figuring that the clone got the point.

He nodded, grabbed a few things off the shelve and went back over to Robyn. He moved his chair out of the way and had a seat on the floor across from her. He lifted a package of something up. "Here. I'll pay for it later." She scoffed taking the bag gratefully. "Don't bother." Rex raised an eyebrow at her skeptically, but ignored the comment. "So, can you tell me about yourself and what division you commanded?" He asked.

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