Chapter 26

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Ahsoka coughed as cold water was forced down her throat. Swating the drink away, the sat up too quickly, swaying at the movement. Rex stuck his arms out to hold her on place as her eyes adjusted. There was Rex beside her on a bed, Cody on a chair not too far off and.. Master Kenobi.

He leaned on the end of the bed, watching her fondly. "Master." Ahsoka breathed. She didn't even recognize her voice as it grated out. Rex placed his gloved hand over her mouth. "Don't try to talk. You got heat stroke and you can probably tell, but your throat is swollen and sore." He explained. Ahsoka let out a huff and Obi-Wan chuckled.

"I see you haven't changed much." He commented. "Also proven by the scene you made in town." She rolled her eyes, but couldn't hide the smile that crept across her face. Cody was still watching Obi-Wan, a look resembling that of just seeing a ghost on his face.

Ahsoka looked around the room and spotted a piece of paper and a pencil on a table a little ways away. She pointed to it and Rex grabbed it for her. She scribbled some things down messily and handed it to Obi-Wan. He read it over and looked at her thoughtfully.

"Why don't I just start from the beginning?" He said, avoiding her direct question. She nodded, patting the bed beside her. The Jedi master joined her, Rex on her other side and Cody moved his chair up close to them.

"Well, as you can see, I survived my fall after I was shot down. I fled the system, leaving Utapau a mess behind me. Senator Organa made contact with me, informing me he had a safe place to hide out for a while. Master Yoda survived as well and was with the senator when I arrived. We made a plan to return to the temple, see who was left and Master Yoda and I left."

He paused. "It was horrible. Everyone was gone. As we went through the halls, observing the bodies, we began to notice that not all of them had been killed by blaster, but by a lightsaber." Cody cut in. "The Sith?" He asked.

Obi-Wan gave a slightly hesitant nod, looking down. "Yes. But not who we had expected." They all stared at him, Cody voicing everyone's thoughts. "What do you mean, sir?" Obi Wan grimaced at the title, solemnly continuing.

He looked at Ahsoka, his expression filled with pain. "Anakin." He said quietly. Ahsoka gave him a funny look, daring to speak even though she was told not to. "What about him?" She croaked.

Obi-Wan gave Cody a glance and he took that at his que to leave for a moment. The clone walked out of the room, leaving Rex and Ahsoka on pins and needles. "Anakin has turned to the dark side. He is the leader under Palpatine of the Empire." He said, sadness dripping from his words.

Ahsoka let out a sob, which came out as a squeak and Rex wrapped his arms around her, bitting his lip to keep tears from falling. Obi-Wan scooted closer as tears poured down the ex-padawan's face. He pulled the two of them into a hug and held them tight.

"I tried to save him. But he was gone. I was sent to kill him on Mustafar, but I did not succeed." He mumbled tearfully. Now Ahsoka knew why she couldn't feel her master anymore. Her master was gone, consumed by utter darkness.

Ahsoka's eyes burned and her throat felt like fire on ice. She wanted to crumble. Give up. First all the Jedi, the clones, Padmé, and now Anakin. Who else would she loose? Rex? She wouldn't be able to go on without Rex. Emotions clouded her already pounding head as her montrals sang in agony.

Slowly, she began to feel less. The arms of people she cared so deeply for, felt as though they slipped away. She couldn't feel the wet tears on her cheeks or the discomfort of her illness. Her eyes were already shut tight, but a complete darkness washed over her.


Rex struggled to keep his composure as he watched Ahsoka crumble in his arms. The news had hit them hard. He had expected to receive unfortunate news of the General's death. But this. This, was much worse. Obi-Wan finally detached from their hug and left the room as Ahsoka started to drift off.

Rex couldn't hold it in anymore as he pulled his cyare tight to his chest. She had blacked out, from exhaustion and grief and all Rex could do was hold her. Tears spilled from his eyes, streaming down his face. The most he'd cried since Umbara.

A couple moments passed before Cody walked back in, a somber look on his face. He sat next to Rex, scooting close and bringing his little brother in for a comforting hug. Rex relaxed in his brother's hold, Ahsoka still in his. "Rest, vod'ika." Cody mumbled softly.

"I can't." Rex forced out. Cody looked him in the eyes. "The most you can do for her now, is get your energy back. If you don't, you'll shut down too." He urged quietly. Before he could even finish, Rex was snoring softly in his arms. Cody wanted to smile, but could only swallow back the lump in his throat, before joining his brother and sister in a grieving sleep.


Obi-Wan entered the room a little while later, finding his guests sound asleep. He watched them closely as he sat in Cody's discarded chair. The ex-jedi took in the sight of his friends again, a longing deep in his chest.

He hadn't even cared to realize that Ahsoka had grown up the first time he saw her after she parted ways with the Jedi. Now he really saw it. Not just in her appearance where her montrals and lekku had grown in length, adding to her height to make her almost level with Rex and Cody, but in how she carried herself.

She was much more confident, sure of herself, dignified, but with boundaries and morals like never before. She still had the qualities of a Jedi, but was more then the Jedi could ever be. Obi-Wan could see that now.

And the clones. They too had changed. For the better. Obi-Wan could see the pain of war still in their eyes, but something else that kept them going. Something the Jedi never had.

Someone to love.

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