Chapter 4

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A loud knock on the door alerted the Mandalorians-to-be it was time. They opened it to see three fully armoured Mandalorians standing on the other side. "Come with us." The hard and muffled voice Rex once again recognized as Ursa's, demanded. Glancing at Ahsoka briefly, Rex gave the warriors a quick nod and they headed out the door. The Mandalorians lead them outside, into the terrace. It was guarded and hidden from sight, suitable for this kind of meeting. Bo Katan stood patiently as thay all approached, her face hidden behind her blue helmet just like the others. Rex and Ahsoka stood in front of the Mand'alor, bowing their heads respectfully. She returned the gesture, clearing her throat. "Welcome to your induction into Clan Kryze."

The Mandalorians stationed around them all let out a Clan grunt, stomping their armored feet aggressively on the stone tiles they stood on. "Now, as you well know, the both of you were not born into a clan, therefore, you will be inducted into ours the proper way." She explained, then cleared her throat as she began the induction.

"You have been with us for quite some time now and seen how we Mandalorians live. Our ways and our culture. Our traditions and beliefs. Where we stand in the galaxy and how we bring about our nation. We all know that you are both very skilled and capable warriors with strong instincts and fierce minds. Mandalore will be honored by your commitment." She nodded to them as she continued.

"Now, raise your right hands." They did as she commanded, with the exception of Rex's hand shooting up instinctively to a respectful salute. He instantly dropped his hand back down to the normal 'I swear' position, blushing slightly from his embarrassing mistake. Ahsoka smiled comfortingly in his direction before quickly looking back at Bo, who thankfully didn't notice his mess up.

"Do you swear to be loyal warriors, friends, and allies?" She asked professionally. A nod from each. "We swear." Their promises came out in unison. "To be dependable and capable clanmates that anyone can put their trust in?"

"We swear."

"Do you swear to put your clan and others before yourself even at the cost of certain death?" She demanded, raising her voice to a commanding shout. Rex didn't have to think twice about that one. Clones were raised to have that outlook on life. Although, it was a bit more of a challenge when you had something more important to live for.

"We swear." They responded, matching her booming tone. "And finally. Do you swear to uphold the traditions, rules, and regulations of the Mandalorian ways and code?" They both gave a confident nod. "We swear."

She paused, gesturing for the two to lower their hands. "Then by the power invested in me, you are officially proclaimed members of Clan Kryze!" She exclaimed, bowing her head to them. The warriors around the new Mandalorians hollered and shouted excitedly and Rex glanced down at Ahsoka. A wide smile is spread across her dark lips as she locks eyes with him. Rex opened his arms to her, bringing her in for a tight hug. Rex could hear her let out a soft and amused chuckle as the clan continued to celebrate their new members. Bo Katan moved herself closer to them and they let go of each other to look at her again. Reaching up, she removed her helmet, placing it carefully under her arm and outstretching her gloved hand to Rex.

"Welcome to the clan." She smiled, clasping his arm in a strong, traditional Mandalorian handshake. Rex gave her a slight nod as she moved to Ahsoka.

She leaned in closer to her friend while grasping the ex-jedi's arm. "I'm very pleased to have you joining us. It's been great having you back." She whispered in the side of the Togruta's montral with a warm and happy smile. Ahsoka gave the warrior a nod, exchanging the smile and firm handshake. "As am I, Bo." Bo Katan stepped away, thrusting her helmet back over her red bob. "Now..." She started, her voice muffled as she pointed to the couple's attire. "About your armour." There was a hint of slyness that Rex detected in the Mandalorian's voice as she spoke to them and he smirked down at Ahsoka. Bo Katan laughed at his reaction.

"I could only assume you have been missing your familiar armour, Captain?" Rex nodded his head eagerly at her and she chuckled. Ahsoka wrapped her arm around his back, giving him a loving smile. Rex felt like a cadet again. Getting new armour and being a part of something again. This time, having a family and the love of his life by his side.

The grin on Rex's face warmed Ahsoka's battle scorn heart. She was thrilled to see him like this again. "Well, shall we head to the armory?" Bo Katan questioned, snapping Ahsoka out of her thoughts. She gave a nod, and Rex's smile widened. The Mandalorian chuckled, setting her jetpack's engines ablaze and lifting carefully off the ground. Obviously, her formal and professional persona that she had just moments ago, was completely gone as she shouted to them, flying away from where they stood. "Race ya there, 'soka!" She shouted playfully.

Ahsoka grinned, shaking her head at her childish antics and breaking out into a sprint, Rex at her heels. She glanced back at the new Mandalorian behind her, giving him a cheeky smirk. "Try to keep up." She panted. Using the Force, she pushed herself forward, nearly catching up to Bo. She could hear Rex let out a grunt of frustration as he struggled to run in pace with her, but could sense the exact opposite of frustration from him. Happiness. The happiest he's been in a very long time.

It didn't take Ahsoka long before she was right underneath Bo Katan as she flew. She didn’t seem to notice Ahsoka under her, so she Force jumped up onto a building close to her, climbing skillfully up to the roof, now running along side her leader. Finally noticing that Ahsoka has caught up to her, the red head whipped her head around to face her, jumping back slightly. "Wow, you are skilled." She praised. Ahsoka shrugged, still keeping her fast pace at a run. "Was there ever any doubt, my friend?" She joked, raising an eye marking at her.

She shook her helmeted head. "Never. Well, not unless you loose the race." She cackled loudly, thrusting herself forward. Ahsoka smirked. "Not a chance."


A couple minutes later, everyone had all met up at the armory, Ahsoka coming in a close first with Bo Katan just inches behind her. Rex was not far behind either, arriving with their other clanmates. He no doubt was 'fangirling' like crazy and asking as many questions as possible. The grin on his face was still fresh and present.

Bo Katan stood in front of the armory, her helmet now resting neatly under her arm. "Now." She began, her leading demeanor now returned. "Armoring is a clan tradition that takes place right after the induction. New Mandalorians forge their armour to meet their desires and needs, and in time, will receive a signit after being a part of the clan for a certain amount of time and having been able to prove themselves in one way or another." She explained. Rex and Ahsoka gave her a nod and she gestured for their clanmates to open the large steel doors for them. Bo Katan stepped inside the dark room, flicking on the bright lights and illuminating the grand armory before them. It was magnificent. Prototypes and dummies lined the walls of experimental pieces and enough equipment to build a temple was organized and laid out neatly to use freely. The couple stepped forward, gaping at the sights, when Bo Katan broke them out of their thoughts by acknowledging the others in the room, formally dismissing them.

She smiled at them. "I will be here to help you, but the task is up to you. It is part of the process. Figuring it out and then having your finished product as your prize at the end." Ahsoka let out an amused sigh and glanced somewhat nervously at Rex. Bo Katan laughed. "The armorers can also offer you some assistance." She said as they walk in, tools in hand. They nodded respectfully to their leader, turning to Rex and Ahsoka. "Shall we begin?"

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