Chapter 11

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With the new information from the tactical droid safe with the Mand'alor, a plan was in place for Rex to reunite with Clone Force 99.

A couple days passed before Rex left for Ord Mantell to see the Bad Batch. Ahsoka and Cody both wanted to come, but Bo Katan needed them for their first assault on the Empire. It had taken a bit of convincing for Bo Katan to let Rex go, but she knew he needed this. If he managed to recruit them, they could be quite useful. But there was no guarantee that they would.

R7 had sent Ahsoka the coordinates and not long after, Rex was preparing to meet his brothers. "Stay safe, love." Ahsoka had said, kissing him softly on the lips. Rex smiled. "I will, don't worry. I love you."

"I love you too."

Rex boarded one of the Mandalorian gauntlet shuttles, Tano, named after Ahsoka herself by the citizens as their show of appreciation for her service during the siege, and took off. "Keep her sane." He had told Cody before leaving them. His brother chuckled. "You bet, brother." They clasped hands, saying their goodbyes. Now Rex flew alone, into unfamiliar space. The flight was long and terribly boring. He hadn't been off Mandalore in months and it was nice to finally travel again, but he already missed it. He missed Ahsoka. He missed his brother. He was happy to be reuniting with Clone Force 99, though. He smiled, remembering their adventures back in the Clone Wars. Rescuing Echo. Rescuing Skywalker from those flying creatures. A lot had changed since then. Though not much time had passed.


Ord Mantell was definitely different from Mandalore. The streets were littered with everything you could think of, and the sketchyist of people wandered the streets or pooled into various bars. Rex roamed for a while, keeping a low profile, a large cloak draped over his head and armour. He had originally planned on wearing his Clone armour, but decided against it. He wanted to wear it. It was meaningful to him now. Finally, he found the bar that the Bad Batch had been visiting quite often and entered the building.

It was fairly empty in the bar, apart from a drunk Weequay and Ithorian who were in the middle of an argument. Rex went to the counter and grabbed a drink. He sat down a ways from the other costumers and waited, sipping away at his light drink. A couple minutes passed when finally the people he was waiting for, entered the bar. They filed in and went straight to the counter where they began talking to the Trandoshian there. Rex watched silently as they discussed something he was too far away to hear.

Rex watched Hunter shoo off Wrecker and a little girl, the one Trace must have mentioned, and then the three remaining clones make their way to the back with the Trandoshian. The arguing pair from earlier suddenly approached Rex and glared down at him from where he sat.

"Hey, you're in my seat. Move it!" The Ithorian growled. Rex ignored them. The Weequay spoke up, a hint of teasing in his scratchy voice. "Oh, he's ignoring you." The Ithorian pressed on, though Rex could tell he was nervous. "You hearing me? I--I said move it." He stuttered, pointing his long finger at Rex. Rex kept his head low. He was getting rather annoyed with these two now. The Ithorian growled at the clone's lack of reaction to his threats, and moved to take a swing at Rex. Rex dodged and whipped out his blaster, firing it three times in warning.

The two scrambled away, yelling and knocking over tables and chairs. "Move! Out of my way!" The Ithorian yelped as the two ran out of the bar. Hunter, Echo and Tech, along with the Trandoshian all rushed in, weapons at the ready. Rex placed his blaster on a table, turning slowly to the group.

"Hey, what's going on in here?" The Trandoshian asked, moving to the front of the pack. She spotted Rex and pointed her staff at him. "Who are you?" She asked again.

Rex stepped forward, lifting his hands to his cloak, he removed it from his head, revealing his face to them all. He stared at them as Echo let out a small gasp. "Rex?" He asked, his eyes wide. Rex just stayed silent. "Oh, great. Another clone. Just what I needed. Well, don't get comfy. I'm done taking in strays." The Trandoshian growled. She turned to Hunter, knocking his arm with her staff. "This ain't a clone clubhouse, ya know." She reprimanded him, turning and slowly walking back to her office. "Unbelievable. Thinkin' they own the place." She mumbled as she left.

The clones put away their weapons and approached Rex. "Captain." Hunter nodded to him. "It's been a while, boys." Rex said, returning the gesture. Echo stepped forward. "Where have you been, Rex?" He asked. Rex gave a light scoff and hummed. "That's a long story."


The clones got situated at the bar, each grabbing a couple drinks. Rex had explained what had happened to him after the war, leaving out a few details. Like his relationship with a certain ex-jedi. But he told them how he had been living on Mandalore and had joined them.

"And when the war ended, I guess you could say I've been... keeping a low profile." He explained. "Very low. Imperial files have you listed as killed in action." Tech spoke up. Rex gave a small shrug. "Being dead in the Empire's eyes, has it's advantages." Rex took a drink from his cup. "Well, how'd you track us down?" Echo asked. "Rafa and Trace Martez. They said a squad of rogue clones helped them in Corellia." He paused, spinning around on his seat to lean against the bar. "They told me I could find you here. And that you were traveling with a kid." He said, turning to Hunter.

"Who is she?" He asked. "Omega. She's a clone, like us." Rex flinched back slightly in surprise, then turned to the door when he heard a familiar voice. "Well, look who it is." Wrecker laughed. He ran up to the captain and wrapped him up in a very tight hug, lifting him of the ground. "Come here, Rex!" The large clone laughed again. Rex let out a grunt. "Yeah, good to see you too Wrecker." He said, his voice was strained from the tight hug. The little girl who had followed Wrecker in, who Rex assumed was Omega, spoke up. "I thought you didn't like the regs." She asked.

"This one we like." Wrecker said, setting Rex down roughly on the ground. Rex pushed him away once his arms were free, and turned to the little clone, brushing himself off. "Omega, this is Rex." Hunter introduced him. Rex looked down at the girl, a slight smile on his face. He knelt down to her level, looking at her thoughtfully. "I've met many clones in my time, but never one like you." He said, smiling at her. She looked at him, her head tilting as she observed him. She stepped forward, her face just inches from his.

Rex fidgeted uncomfortably as she stared at him, looking around awkwardly. "You're a generation one." She stated, now returning his previous smile. He grinned slightly. "Now how'd you know that?" He asked. "From the lines on your face." She said, matter-of-factly. Rex chuckled, turning to his brothers. "Yeah, I guess I've been around."

"You got that right." Wrecker said, laughing slightly until it turned into a groan of pain. "Tech, I need one of those med patches." He grunted, holding his head. "You used the last one." Tech replied. Rex stood, squinting at his brothers. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Nothing. It's just a headache." Wrecker responded. "Which are becoming more frequent." Echo cut in. Rex glared at them, backing up in front of Omega slightly. "Is that so?" He said carefully.

"If you're concerned about the so-called inhibitor chips, don't be. Our deviant nature appears to have impeded their functionality." Tech explained. "Except in Crosshair." He added. "You're telling me you haven't removed your chips?" Rex half growled. "No, not yet." Tech answered. Rex moved his hand to his holster, hovering his fingers over his blaster in the ready. Hunter got up from his barstool.


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