Chapter 7

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Ahsoka finished kitting up as fast as she could, and with Korkie to lead them, her and Rex ran into the village plaza where, according to the young Kryze, their old 'friend', Grand Admiral Tarkin was waiting with their leader. Just before bursting out into the courtyard, Rex and Ahsoka took a step back. "Go in slow, and put your helmet on." Ahsoka ordered. Rex didn't argue and obediently did as she instructed. They shoved their buckets over their heads and carefully made their way into the yard where a heated discussion was taking place between one of the Admiral's representatives and the Mandalor. The Admiral himself was a few steps back, watching the exchange silently.

"You may not just arrive on our planet, which has remained neutral and not a part of the war for decades now, and claim you now rule it!" Bo Katan barked. The representative scoffed. "Need I remind you of the war you just took part in, and started?" He growled diplomatically. Bo Katan shook her head aggressively and Ahsoka could feel her anger rising. Rex and his jettii took that as their cue to move up beside their friend. They stood at a parade rest beside her, while Ahsoka sent calming waves in her direction through the force. It seemed to mostly work.

Mostly. For privacy and blocking her emotions sake, her helmet was still over her head protectively. Ahsoka knew her sister would not approve of that what so ever, as it wasn't very proper during a diplomatic meeting. If that was even what this would be called. Ahsoka watched Tarkin intensely, a glare behind her visor. She hated that man. No, Jedi couldn't hate. But she wasn't a Jedi. Not anymore. She let out a mental sigh as she had to remind herself of her new path, and made an effort to listen back in on the conversation when Rex tapped the back of his hand against her dangling one.

Ahsoka looked up at him briefly to see him staring at the troops at the Grand Admiral's side. His gaze was locked on one trooper in particular. Ahsoka followed his gaze to look at the clone. Something, she couldn't quite put her finger on it, was strangely familiar about him. His posture, the way he held his blaster, the way he looked straight ahead obediently without being distracted by the things around him. Much different from the clones in the 501st. Very similar to the 212th, though. The troops always took after their Generals and that was obvious with both Kenobi's and Skywalker's battalions. Ahsoka could feel Rex's confusion and wonder as he stared at his brother. As if sensing them watching him, the clone turned and locked eyes with Rex through his visor. Rex fidgeted uncomfortably under his gaze.

He stared for a long time. Finally, the discussion was moved into the palace. Everyone filed into the throne room and Bo Katan and Tarkin dismissed them all to leave them to their meeting. Ahsoka started back to hers and Rex's room when she noticed Rex wasn't behind her. She made her way back down the hall and found him hiding behind a wall to the terrace where the Empire's troops were waiting for their admiral. He turned abruptly when she approached, his index finger flying to his mouth, still hidden under his helmet. "Shh." He whispered. Ahsoka gave him a nod and he returned the gesture. He turned back to face the terrace, only for his face to almost smack into that trooper from earlier. He let out a little squawk of surprise and tumbled back, his helmet falling off in the process.

Ahsoka let out a gasp and shoved it back on his head for him in lightning fast movements. The clone was gaping under his helmet, Ahsoka could sense it. "You're a-" His sentence was cut off as the Togruta shot him with a stun bolt. Rex just managed to catch him before he hit the ground, where his armour would have made some very unwelcomed, loud noises. Rex dragged him away from the open door of the terrace and Ahsoka stared down at the sleeping clone.

Rex took his helmet off and looked at Ahsoka, his eyes wide. "He saw your face, I just..." She trialed off. He propped his brother up against the wall and stood. "Thank you, Ahsoka." He said, taking off her helmet and placing a kiss on her forehead. "Hopefully the stun will make him forget what he saw." She breathed. He nodded, bending down to the clone again. He moved his hands to remove their helmet, but stopped. "Not yet." He whispered. Ahsoka gave him a sad smile. Reaching out her hand, she picked up the unconscious trooper and he floated back with them to their room. They had no idea what they were going to do with him once they got there, they just needed to hide him.

Ahsoka laid him down on the large sofa by the window on the far side of the bedroom and sat on the floor beside him. Rex left the room and came back a couple minuets later with a small stim needle. "Just to make sure he doesn't remember." He reassures. Ahsoka smirked. "We might also have to stun him again if he sees you. Or me." She reminded him. He smiled. "Go for it." She let out a chuckle that she ended up choking on as the trooper let out a groan on the couch above her.

"Ow." He moaned. Rex sucked in a breath as he watched his brother. The clone reached up to the sides of his helmet and slowly lifted it off. Rex and Ahsoka both let out a gasp they looked apon the short haired, scarred faced Commander of the 212th battalion. "Cody?" Rex choked. Rex's closest brother stared at him. "Who's Cody?" He asked, bewildered. His eyes widened again as he realized who was in front if him. "You're a clone." He pointed out in a growl.

Without thinking, Ahsoka grabbed the stim from Rex's hand and quickly pricked the Commander in the side of the neck. Rex had tears in his eyes as he stunned his brother this time. Cody went silent and fell back down onto the sofa with a soft thud. "Rex." Ahsoka whispered. He avoided her gaze and stumbled over to the bed. "Rex." She said again.

Rex sat down roughly on the bed and buried his head in his hands. "He doesn't know who he is." He sobbed silently as Ahsoka sat next to him. Her gentle hand was placed on his shoulder and he subconsciously leaned in to her touch. "We have to do something, Ahsoka. We have to get that chip out of his head somehow." Rex urged desperately. Ahsoka smiled warmly at her captain as he lifted his head to look her in the eyes. They were misted with tears. She gave him a curt and determined nod. "We will." She assured. "I promise you Rex, we will get that chip out." Rex leaned his head forward and rested it gently against hers. She closed her eyes as a tear slid down her cheek. Rex could feel a tear of his own fall as well.

There was a knock on the door that startled them both. Ahsoka went to answer it while Rex attempted to hide Cody. He stood awkwardly in front of the sofa as Ahsoka opened the door. Korkie fidgeted uncomfortably on the other side. "Korkie, can we help you?" Ahsoka asked, blocking the door in attempt to aid Rex in covering his brother. He let out a quite sigh. "I'm sorry to bother you two, but I was wondering if Rex and I could do some target practice. I'm bored." He admitted. Ahsoka smiled softly at the boy. "I'm sure he'd love too, but we are a little busy at the moment." She said nervously. Korkie looked around her through the door to look suspiciously at the clone.

"Come back in an hour, kid?" Rex suggested. Korkie nodded sceptically. "Alright." He turned around and walked back down the hall. Ahsoka shut the door with a sigh. "That was close." She breathed. Rex nodded. "We need to get him to a med center." He gestured to Cody. Ahsoka nodded. "Let's get him out of his armour so he won't be recognized." She said, turning back around the other way. "I'll wait." Rex gave a slight chuckle at her actions and she scoffed. "Its not my place to be removing another clones armour. And I know Cody would be rather embarrassed to know his old superior undressed him." She explained.


A couple minutes later Rex managed to get his ori'vod out of his bland white armour that had replaced his personalized previous set, and into some of Rex's civvies. He thankfully stayed asleep the whole time, remaining so as Ahsoka lifted him with the force, into the air so they could sneak him out of the palace. Ahsoka quietly opened their door and ran right into Korkie. "Korkie!" She whisper-yelped. His eyes were wide with surprise. "I knew something was up!" He exclaimed quietly, matching Ahsoka's tone. Rex rolled his eyes, a slight chuckle escaping his mouth. "You waited outside the door the whole time, didn't you?" He asked. Korkie nodded shamefully. "I did."

Ahsoka scoffed. "Well, guess we can't hide anything from you, can we?" She said jokingly. Korkie shook his head. "No, but you can explain what you are doing with that clone." He demanded. Rex let out a sigh.

"This is Commander Cody of the 212th battalion. He was my close friend and brother during the Clone Wars." He explained quietly. Korkie nodded. "Ok, what are we doing." Rex laughed at the 'we'. "Ahsoka and I are taking him to a med center to get his inhibitor chip removed." He said, pushing past their clan mate. Ahsoka followed closely behind him, Cody still floating peacefully in the air above them. Korkie failed to let up. "Can I please help?" He begged.

The couple stopped in their tracks. Rex shared a look with Ahsoka and let out a sigh. "We really don't want you getting dragged into this, but you may come along." The Mandalorian lit up. "Thank you! The med center is this way. I know how to get there without being spotted."

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