Chapter 39

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Days passed. Then a week. And they were still waiting. The Bad Batch had contacted them once, right before they touched down on Daro, and since then, nothing.

Though Rex and Cody knew the boys were beyond capable of taking care of themselves, they couldn't help but worry for their brothers. What if they got caught? They would be devastating weapons in the hands of the Empire.

As they waited, Ahsoka and Bo Katan took advantage of the extra time to plan their double wedding. The ceremony would be held at the Glarus Lagoons, one of Alderaan's most beautiful locations. The fantastic scenery would make for a lovely wedding.

"Do you have yours?" Ahsoka said quietly to Bo Katan. The Mandalorian nodded. She reached to her side and gently pulled a bundle from her belt. She unwrapped it to reveal a shiny, slightly yellow tinted, piece of beskar. The metal was shaped into that of the Mandalorian heart, and would be placed in the middle of its owner's chest plate. Each couple had crafted a heart for their cyare that would be exchanged on their special day.

Ahsoka smiled and pulled out her own. Hers was the same, all but in colour where a dusty blue finished the metal. "Rex is going to love it." Bo Katan said fondly. Ahsoka nodded. "Cody will love yours." They both smiled at eachother, before carefully wrapping their wedding gifts up and stashing them safely away.

"I think that even though we aren't on Mandalore, this will still be a perfect day." Ahsoka stated. Bo Katan pursed her lips, then nodded. "I agree." She thought for a moment.

"Who are we inviting? Or is it gonna be a 'come one, come all' sort of thing?" She asked. Ahsoka chuckled. "I'd say we should figure out who we want there." Bo nodded.

Ahsoka lifted her hand, raising a finger as she went through names. "Obviously all the Mandalorians that escaped with us, including the scouts. The senator, the Queen, Leia, and..." She paused, then her eyes lit up.

"What if when the Bad Batch arrives with Gregor, we invite them to stay for the wedding?" She asked. Bo Katan gave a shrug. "I suppose. As long as they don't bring the Empire with them." Ahsoka smiled. "I think we have our guest list. We're just about ready."


"How long she been out?" Hunter glanced up at Echo as the cyborg stepped into their shared sleeping quarters. Hunter gave a shrug, looking down at the small clone curled up at his side.

"A couple minutes maybe." Echo smiled, sitting down on the floor next to Hunter's bed. "How you feeling?" He asked. Hunter gave another shrug, this one causing him to wince.

"As good as I can be." He sighed. Echo nodded, pausing for a moment. "Still can't believe Kaminos' gone." He said quietly, slouching against the frame of Hunter's bunk.

"Yeah. Can't tell if I'm relieved or upset about it though." Hunter admitted. Echo dipped his head. "Yeah."

"We'll be landing on Alderaan in 10 minutes." Tech's voice from the cockpit. Echo let out a long breath. "Where do we go from here, Hunter?" He asked, his strong voice wavering slightly.

Hunter pursed his lips thoughtfully.

"I don't know."


Rex felt a surge of excitement as the Marauder touched down on the landing platform. The door hissing at the latches, lowered to the ground. At his side, Ahsoka slid her hand into his. Hunter walked down the ramp first, little Omega following close behind him and Echo not far behind. Lastly, Tech and Wrecker, a bandaged up Gregor between the two as they supported his weight, exited the ship.

Ahsoka squeezed Rex's hand as her gaze landed on Echo. The group stood in front of Rex, Ahsoka, Cody, and Bo Katan, glancing around as they took everything in.

"Commander?" Echo asked quietly, stepping toward Ahsoka. She smiled, a single tear running down her cheek. Sliding her hand out of Rex's, she ran into Echo, wrapping her arms around his skinny form. "Oh, Echo, I'm so sorry." She whispered, squeezing him a little tighter. Echo's previously shocked expression turned soft. "Commander, there is nothing to be sorry for." He said, wrapping his own arms around the Togruta. She let out a breath, pulling back slightly to look at his face. "It's so good to see you again." She said quietly. He gave a nod, smiling gently.

"The same to you, Commander. I didn't know if you had survived after the order." He admitted. She stared at him curiously in response to his statement. "You didn't know? Rex didn't tell you?" She asked. He shook his head, glancing back at his old Captain. Rex dipped his head as Ahsoka turned to him. "I didn't want to risk it. Her safety is of utmost importance to me." He said, his voice low with caution.

Ahsoka gave him a soft smile, while Echo raised an eyebrow at him. He looked back at Ahsoka, then to Rex and back to Ahsoka again. Finally, realization hit the clone. "Oohh." He said, smiling slightly. A sharp cough caused the trio to turn. Gregor was wincing as he held his stomach. Bo Katan moved toward him and Wrecker. "Lets move him to the infirmary." Wrecker looked at Hunter, who gave a nod, before following the Mand'alor inside the palace.

Ahsoka let go of Echo, turning her gaze to Omega. "You must be Omega." She said, offering the small clone a smile and kneeling down to her level. Omega smiled back. "That's me." She said matter-of-factly. Ahsoka let out a chuckle. "Its very nice to meet you." Omega gave a nod. "Its nice to meet you too...?" Ahsoka stuck out her hand. "Ahsoka." Omega shook her hand. "Ahsoka. I've heard of you before." She stated. Ahsoka gave a laugh. "Oh, I'm sure you have." She stood moving again to Rex's side.

Rex's hand wrapped around Hunter's forearm as they reunited. "Good to see you again, Captain." Hunter said, his rough voice light and tired. "You too, Sarge." Rex's eyes lowered to Omega. "And you, Squirt." He said with a smirk, giving her head a light pat. She laughed, ducking away from his hand.

Hunter turned to Ahsoka. "Commander." He said, giving her a tired salute. She smiled. "Please, call me Ahsoka." He gave a nod, lowering his hand. Rex took a small step back. "Let's get you boys settled. You've had a rough couple of days I take it?" Another nod from Hunter.

As if a magnet had pulled her towards Hunter, Omega glued herself to the clone's side, a protective set to her soft features. Rex gave her a questioning look and Hunter spoke up.

"She's been a little protective of me lately." A pause. "I'll fill you in later." He sighed. Rex nodded, then gestured to the palace. "Follow me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2023 ⏰

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