Chapter 12

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"Alright everyone, when I call your name, go to your assigned group and team leader." Bo Katan called out to the clan. "Ahsoka, Ursa, Korkie, Rex- oh, never mind. Cody, you will be filling in for the captain." Ahsoka winced slightly as she forgot to not mention Rex in the grouping, catching a quick glance and nudge from Cody as he gave her a small smile. He was also blushing slightly. Ahsoka had no doubt why. "You four will be with me. We are team one and will be taking town square. Soniee, Lagos, and Amis with Koska. You're team two and will be taking the Imperial compound. Axe, Lira, and Jayla with Minke. You four are team three and will be taking the Imperial ship yard on the east side of Sundari." Bo Katan finished, giving the group a final nod.

Once the teams had all been called and arranged, everyone gathered their equipment amd supplies, making for their assigned locations. Rex still hadn't returned from his mission yet and was really going to miss out. Ahsoka chuckled as she grabbed some smoke bombs, stuffing them in her bag and around her belt. She remembered back to all the times the clones would prank each other with the harmless but rather annoying explosives. The barracks would smell like smoke for days, and took forever to finally clear up in such a small space.

Hardcase and Fives usually had something to do with that. Ahsoka smiled sadly as she remembered her troops. They were her family and she missed them terribly. The Jedi always said not to form a relationship or fondness for any of the troops, as their days were numbered, but obviously, that didn't have any affect on them. It felt good to have broken that particular rule. No attachments. She had many attachments now. She realized how much of her life was missing without loving and being loved. Yes, her and Anakin always had a very close bond and loved eachother like brother and sister, but she never had a real family and support system like normal people may have had.

The soldiers of the GAR were her family. It had taken her years to realize that. And now they were gone.

"Ahsoka?" A concerned voice brought the Togruta back into reality. The numbness and sorrow that had just taken over her faded and she could feel tears running down her face. She didn't even try to brush them away as Bo Katan knelt beside her, a worried expression on the Mand'alor's face. "Ahsoka." She said again, opening her arms to the teenager. Ahsoka fell into them and curled in on herself, feeling much younger the she was. She remembered with a sigh how old she actually was, having only turned eighteen a couple weeks ago.

"Wanna tell me?" Bo asked the trembling girl. Ahsoka heaved out a sigh. "Just thinking about my past. The clones. How much I miss them." She admitted. Bo Katan nodded. "I completely understand how you feel. First it was my best friend, Pre, then my own sister. I watched Pre's execution and didn't even get to say goodbye to Satine." Ahsoka stared up at the normally quiet and non-emotional warrior. Her softness and openness was surprising to the ex-jedi.

"But all we can do is remember them. Honor them after their gone and keep them in our hearts and thoughts." She continued, hugging the Togruta closer. The pair's armour made their warm hug uncomfortable, but both of them were in need of each others comfort. Ahsoka wrapped her arms around her friend, sensing the Mand'alor on the verge of tears. Bo Katan rested her head in between Ahsoka's montrals after a moments hesitation, letting out a pained sigh.

"We'll be alright." Bo whispered. Ahsoka nodded, causing Bo Katan to grunt as her montrals dug into her neck. "Sorry." Ahsoka apologized. Bo Katan let out a chuckle. "It's fine. Now, shall we wreak havoc?"


Cody approached Bo Katan gingerly, his cheeks slightly flushed. He had seen her and Ahsoka's little comforting moment and wanted to check up on the Mand'alor. "Bo Katan?" He said quietly, carefully placing a hand on her shoulder. She turned around from where she had been standing, loading her belt with ammunitions. "Cody." She smiled at him, a slight flicker of pain crossing her face as it left. Cody looked at her with concern and she gave him a funny look. "Are you alright, Cody?" She asked him.

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