Chapter 30

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Ahsoka sat up right with a gasp, struggling against the arms that had a firm grip around her. She flailed, crying out as someone picked her up. Her eyes hadn't fully adjusted yet, so she couldn't see who it was that had lifted her.

A soft voice was speaking to her through her panic and she was gently set down. "Hey, Cyare, 'Soka love, you're okay. Take a breath, I'm here." She listened to the familiar voice, her eyes landing on Rex as he knelt in front of her, his face just inches from hers and his hand on her cheek.

He gave her a worried smile as she took some breaths, calming down. "There you go, you're alright." He soothed, leading her down to the floor with him. They sat across from each other, Rex holding on to Ahsoka's hands as he watched her carefully.

"Luke." She whispered, earning her a confused look from her clone. "Yeah, what about Luke? He just woke up. I haven't seen him yet." Rex said slowly and calmly. She shook her head. "No, we.. we can't be here. We have to leave. He knows." She mumbled.

Rex still looked confused, but his worry covered it up. "He? Ahsoka, who are you talking about? Why do we need to leave?" He said carefully. She hung her head, moving it side to side in an attempt to clear her mind. "Anakin- Vader. He knows about Luke. He is going to find us. Find Luke."

Her lip quivered as she spoke. She felt responsible for Luke now being in great danger.

"Did you see him in a vision?" Rex asked. Years ago, he would have never brought up visions or anything "Jedi" like that. But he had a better understanding of it all now. She nodded, her eyes glued to her hands wrapped tightly in Rex's.

"Rex, he was the one responsible for the attack on the Jedi Temple. He killed them all. And the 501st were right behind him."

Rex raised his eyebrows in surprise, his expression unreadable. He opened his mouth to say something, but didn't. Ahsoka stared at him until he finally spoke. "I, uh." He coughed, at a loss for words. "The whole time us clones were forced to kill the Jedi, he was right along with it, killing them himself." He said finally, disbelief strong in his voice.

Ahsoka gave a solemn nod, taking a quick glance at her new surroundings. "Where are we?" She asked quietly. Rex looked up at her. "You were thrashing and calling out in your sleep, so I carried you to the furthest room." He looked around, scrunching his nose a little. "But now that I think about, I'm pretty sure this is a storage closet."

He have her a smirk as she snorted. "Honestly though, I never know if it's an actual room or a little closet. The amount of times I walked into one of the storage closets on the Resolute is sad." He complained, feigning disappointment.

Ahsoka burst out laughing at his confession. Rex smiled, squeezing her hands a little tighter. Even though his story was embarrassing, he was glad to have made her feel better. To some extent at least.


After a couple more minutes passed to allow them to cool off, the couple rejoined the group back in the sitting area. Cody was the only one there at the moment and looked up when they walked in.

"Hey, you alright?" He asked Ahsoka. She nodded, taking a seat where she had before. "I'm okay, thanks." She gave a slightly wavering smile as Rex sat beside her. "That's good. Obi-Wan has just gone off with Beru for a moment to talk, but Luke is awake now so they'll bring him out when they come back."

Cody explained, leaning back in his seat with his arms crossed over his chest. Both Rex and Ahsoka nodded in response, but kept quiet. Cody watched them carefully out of the corner of his eye.

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