Chapter 17

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Omega moved carefully out from where she had been sitting by the wall and walked quickly up to Rex. He knelt down in front of her with a small grunt of pain and reached out a hand, placing it on her shoulder. "You ok, kid?" He asked in a whisper. She nodded slightly, moving closer to him for comfort. He gave her a weak smile, squeezing her shoulder gently. "Lets go get the others."

The two made their way back down the halls, Rex limping slightly behind the small clone as she held his hand, gently tugging him this way and that. Rex hadn't thought to memorize the halls as he ran through them to Omega. He regretted that now as they maneuvered through in an attempt to find the batchers.

They had left Wrecker's sleeping body in the med lab, unable to move him just the two of them. Hopefully he stayed asleep for a while longer. Omega stopped in her tracks when she saw Hunter laying unconscious on the ground where Wrecker had left him, then ran up to him. She knelt by his side, rolling him onto his back.

"Hunter?" She called to him. He fidgeted a bit, but stayed silent. Omega carefully lifted the clones head, gently placing it on her lap. She patted his head softly as Rex came to sit beside her. He wanted to keep looking for the others, see if Echo was ok after leaving him where they had both gone down, but he needed to sit.

He let out a long breath, smiling slightly as Omega tried to wake her brother. As he waited, he checked the Sergent over for any external injuries. Omega quietly reported a large bump on the back of his head where he had been pushed up against the wall, but other than a few other scratches and bruises, he was fine. Rex on the other hand, wouldn't mind a couple painkillers to knock him out. He'd find some in the med lab.

Hunter stirred and let out a groan as his eyes fluttered open. He went to jump up, but Omega held him down. Hunter gasped in fear as he looked around, then realized there was no threat anymore. Rex lifted a hand and gently placed it on the clones chest plate. "It's ok, vod. We got him. He's stunned in another room." He reassured. Hunter relaxed slightly and glanced up at Omega who still had her tiny hand on his head.

"Welcome back." She said happily. He gave her a tired smile, closing his eyes for a moment longer before slowly and carefully sitting up. This time Omega let him. He sat against the wall behind him with a grunt and turned to Omega. "You hurt?" He asked. She shook her head. "I'm fine." She answered convincingly. He let out a sigh of relief. "That's good. How 'bout you, Rex?"

Rex let out a light scoff. "I had a full grown man slash cyborg thrown at me, so I'd say pretty good, thanks." He tried for a joke to lighten the mood when another voice spoke up. "How do you think I feel?" They all glanced up as Echo flopped onto the floor next to them, letting out a grumble of complaints. Omega quickly scooted over to the clone and gave him a check up.

Echo watched her fondly as he fused over him. "You know, you kinda remind me of Kix sometimes." He gave her a sad smile as she stared at him confused. Rex let out a chuckle. "I can see that. But I'd say she's a little nicer to her patients then he was. Especially with the fussier clones." They all laughed at that.

"I miss them all." Echo admitted. Rex nodded. "Yeah, me too. We all missed you when you were gone and when the boys found out you were still alive, they were ecstatic." Rex smiled at his little brother. Echo looked even more sad now. "I wish Fives were still alive. He doesn't even know I survived." He said gruffly.

Rex shook his head. "Oh, he knows. I'm sure of it. Somehow, wherever he his now, he's been looking out for you and keeping a close eye." Rex gave Echo a soft nudge and he squirmed slightly. "Yeah, more like keeping up with the insults. Sometimes, I can feel someone watching and laughing. Now we know who it is." He rolled his eyes playfully. "You can't stop him even when he's gone." Rex laughed.

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