Chapter 28

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They didn't leave Obi-Wan's little hut after their visit that day, but the ex-jedi had something he wanted to show them when he felt it was safe enough to do so. Ahsoka was almost back to her normal self, her illness pretty much gone and her grief tucked away for the time being. Rex and Cody had both fallen asleep, each in one of Obi-Wan's armchairs. Ahsoka sat on the floor, her head leaning against Rex's leg as she silently chatted with Obi-Wan.

"I would assume you've heard about Padmé, yes?" Obi-Wan asked quietly, new grief making his words feel like a dagger in both their hearts. Ahsoka only offered a nod, having no intention on further speaking of the matter, until she remembered something. "Master, Rex said that when he and Tech looked into this file containing the information about Padmé's death, it mentioned she died in childbirth, and that she had twins. Do you know what happened to them?" She asked, peering at him from her spot on the floor.

He seemed to flinch slightly at her words, avoiding eye contact for a moment before returning his gaze somewhat reluctantly. Ahsoka narrowed her eyes at him. "What aren't you telling me, Obi-Wan?" He let out a sigh. "There's no use in keeping it from you." He started, then looked her dead in the eyes. Dusty blue eyes met bright azure ones, not one blink to break the contact. "But Ahsoka, this must not be shared with anyone, do you understand? There are many who seek this information, some of whom are not people we want having it."

Ahoska nodded. "You can trust me." Obi-Wan carefully stood, nodding in agreement as he made his way over to her. "I know, and that is why I will tell you." He sat down next to her, just beside Cody's legs. Ahsoka turned her whole body to him, accidentally knocking Rex's foot in the process and causing him to wake up with a slight jolt. His head whipped up and he stared down at the two Jedi on the floor.

Ahsoka was staring at him, a guilty look on her face. "Sorry." She whispered. He shook his head, quickly running a hand through his grown out hair, the small curls tangling slightly in his fingers. "It's fine, I wasn't really sleeping anyway." He admitted in a mumble, proceeding to kick Cody in the shin. The commander jumped, letting out a grunt. "Kriff, what the heck, Rex." Cody grunted, more in discomfort than anger.

"Neither was he." Rex added slyly. Obi-Wan just crossed his arms over his chest, a small smirk playing across his face as he watched the two. Cody rolled his eyes, closing them again as he put his head back. Ahsoka could sense he wasn't going back to sleep. He wanted to listen too. "Well, since you boys are up now, I might as well tell you. If you--"

Cody raised a hand, cutting him off. The commander didn't even open his eyes. "General, you don't need to worry. We've been trained against interrogation of any kind." He let his hand fall back onto his chest and Obi-Wan gave a small nod. "Alright then." Ahsoka glanced back at Rex, briefly catching his gaze. He gave her a smile, patting his lap as he sat up slightly.

She stood weakly, her legs shaking a bit at the effort, and took seat on her clones lap. He wrapped his arms around her body which had become noticeably thinner and pulled her close. Resting his chin in between her montals, he whispered close enough for only her to hear. "How are really feeling, love?" She shrugged.

"Pretty gross, honestly. I can't wait to get off this kriffing planet." She grumbled quietly. Rex chuckled, a low rumble deep in his chest that echoed through Ahsoka's montrals. "Me either." He whispered. Obi-Wan cleared his throat, gathering their attention. Cody finally opened his eyes and watched the ex-jedi carefully.

He opened his mouth to speak before pausing and looking around first. He stood, and the trio watched in slight confusion before they realized what he was doing as he went around to every window, covering them with cloth and placing a rock over the corners to hold it down.

Once he was finished, he joined the group back on the floor. Cody had made to stand, offering Obi-Wan his seat, but he waved it off, sitting with his back against the chair. He took a breath.

"I was there when she died. She gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl. Named them Luke and Leia. Senator Organa was with Yoda just outside and decided later that he would take the girl, raise her on Alderaan with Breha. We decided that the boy would go to his family on Tatooine. And that I would live in exile and watch over him. These children.. are the offspring of one of the strongest Force users in the galaxy and must be protected. Their father must never find them."

He paused, looking at the group with a dead serious gaze. "You must never tell a soul. Not until they are old enough to look after themselves." He finished quietly. Speaking those words seemed to add a weight to his shoulders. He slumped forward a bit, letting the information sink in for the group as he fell back into the well of sorrow he had been fighting with since he got to this desolate place.

The group all took a collective breath. Ahsoka was the first to speak. "I want to see him." She said quietly, as if she was scared to say it herself. Obi-Wan lifted his head to look at her, a worried expression plastered across his face.

"I'm not sure--"

"He's all that is left of my master, and I want to see him." Her words came out strong and determined. She was not in the mood to discuss this further. Her mind had been made up. Rex tightened his hold on her ever so slightly. A reassurance that he was with her. He wouldn't admit it easily, but he would jump at the chance to meet his best friend's son.

Obi-Wan let out a sigh, shaking his head. "I know there's no point in arguing. And if we're careful, it wouldn't hurt. I wanted to show you his homestead, but I guess we will go meet him. I haven't seen him in a while, he isn't that old, but we can go." He paused as he stood. "If you're willing to stay another day, we'll leave in the morning."

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