Chapter 22

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Rex woke up with a shiver. Without moving up, he glanced around the room and remembered they had been in the refresher and must have fallen asleep. He looked down in his arms and was shocked to find two girls wrapped up together. He smiled as he watched them.

Ahsoka and Robyn had curled up with their arms around the other in a tight ball, resembling a full body hug, and rested in Rex's arms. Rex noticed he could feel that weird feeling again, like when Robyn had first pushed her emotions at him, but much more prominent this time. Like it was intentional.

Sensing the clone had woken up, Robyn slowly let her eyes drift open, locking gazes with Rex. He gave her a soft smile, mouthing the words, "Thank you." She gave a small nod, careful not to disturb Ahsoka. Robyn closed her eyes again, letting herself fall back into a comfortable half-sleep.

They stayed like that for a while longer, Rex not daring to move in fear of waking them up. So he stayed right where he was, even if it was incredibly uncomfortable. Especially when he was already covered in bruises.

Finally, Ahsoka slowly began to wake up. Once her eyes had fully adjusted, she looked at the young girl asleep in her arms. She smiled, gently resting her forehead against the girl's. Rex moved his one arm out from under the two to give her shoulder a loving squeeze. Ahsoka glanced back at him with a smile and he pressed a quick kiss to her montral.

Rex quietly started to shimmy out of their little ball, careful not to disrupt Robyn as she slept. After Rex stood up, he stretched and Ahsoka sat up a bit, still clinging to the girl. As much as Rex wanted to stay, he motioned to the door, letting Ahsoka know he would be out for a bit. "I'm gonna go see Cody." He whispered. She nodded and he quietly left.

Ahsoka looked back down at Robyn and hesitantly placed a hand on her head. She gently ran her fingers through the girl's hair, causing her to stir. She looked up at Ahsoka and the Togruta gave her a smile. "Hey." She whispered, helping the sleepy girl sit up.

Robyn gave her a groggy smile and leaned onto Ahsoka's shoulder subconsciously. Instantly she pulled away after realizing what she had done, only for Ahsoka to wrap her arm back around her to keep her in place. "You're fine." Ahsoka said quietly. "Sorry." Robyn relaxed again in Ahsoka's hold.

"I know, it took me a while to get used to having someone be physically close to me in a caring way." Ahsoka admitted. Robyn nodded. "Master Allie and I used to fall asleep together when studying in the temple library. Usually we would wake up to realize we were snuggled up while we slept. It was fine though, we were close that way. So it's a habit now."

Ahsoka gave her a soft smile. "And I always thought Master Allie to be strict and unyielding like her cousin. I'm happy you two were close. Not many masters and padawans had as close of relationships as some. Me and my master were very close." She explained. Robyn nodded again. "Yeah, I was lucky to have been selected by Stass."


"So, how was it with the batch?" Cody asked after his brother had pulled him away from Bo Katan. They seemed to be much closer now then when he left. Literally and figuratively. Rex held up a hand, moving over to a bench on the side of the terrace pathway and sitting down. Cody joined him. "Before I tell you anything, what's up with you and Bo?" Rex asked with a slight smirk.

Cody blushed hard, looking away from Rex. "Uhm." He gave an awkward chuckle. "Well, before I tell you anything, did Ahsoka actually not fill you in?" Rex stared at Cody, confused. "No." Cody shrugged. "Honestly, I'm kinda surprised. When she found out about what is going on, she couldn't wait to spill it all to you. But she was really happy you were coming back, so she probably forgot to mention it." Cody said matter-of-factly.

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