Chapter 13

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"Those chips make you a threat to everyone around you. Even her." Rex said wearily. "You're all ticking time bombs." His hand now rested on his blaster at the ready. Hunter rose slowly from his seat and cautiously approached Rex. "Take it easy, Captain." He said carefully. Rex stood his ground. "What's in your head is more dangerous than you could imagine. I've seen what happens when the chip activates, and I don't want to bury any more of our brothers."

Rex kept his voice as level as possible as memories flashed through his head. Ahsoka and him crying over Jesse's pale and cold body, just before saying goodbye to him forever. Tears threatened to spill from Rex's eyes, but he held them back. Hunter took a step back, exchanging a weary look with his squad mates.

"Trust me. It is not something you can control." Rex continued. "I couldn't." He looked down briefly, shoving the horrible memories aside. "It's a risk you do not want to take." Hunter shared a look with Omega, before addressing the on-edge captain. "How do you suggest we get them out?" Omega watched as Rex moved his hand off his blaster and as the reg relaxed.

"Good question, I'll be in touch." Rex said a quick goodbye to the Bad Batch. Agreeing to meet on Bracca, the clones went their separate ways. Rex threw a couple credits on the counter for the bartender before leaving saying, "Sorry for the mess." He made his way back to the ship and brought up a call.

Ahsoka appeared in the blue of the hologram, disheveled and exhausted by the looks of it. "Hey, love." Rex half whispered. Ahsoka blinked a couple times, then her eyes adjusted. "Hi. How is your trip going?" She mumbled. Rex chuckled. "Good, met up with the boys. Meeting them on Bracca to get their chips removed. How are you doing? You look exhausted." He commented, leaning back casually in his seat. Ahsoka did the same, instead flopping onto their bed with a soft groan, the transmitter still in her hand.

"Exhausted is an understatement. It has been way to long since I've done something like that before." She grumbled, popping a couple joints in her shoulders and back. "Rough day?" Rex asked. She shook her head. "No, no. Today was definitely successful, and fun." The corner of her mouth lifted into the resemblance of a very tired smirk. "But a lot of work. We managed to push some of the Imperial forces out of Mandalore and have recruited some more of the civilians to our cause. We have much more security now." She explained. Rex nodded. "That's good news. How did the Empire take it?" He asked.

She scrunched her nose for a moment as she pondered. "I'm not sure. They definitely aren't happy about it, that's for sure. But we'll see what they do in the next while." She shrugged, too tired to think about it much more. Rex nodded. "Alright. Well, I should be home in the next few days. Maybe sooner." Ahsoka brightened up a bit. "I look forward to it." Rex chuckled with a nod. "Get some sleep now, love." He said quietly. Ahsoka seemed for a moment disgusted by the idea of sleep, before thinking about and nodding eagerly.

"Sleep sounds good. I love you, stay safe." She smiled at her clone. He returned her smile. "Love you too." The two hung up their call and Rex punched in the coordinates to Bracca.


Rex stepped out from the protection of an old cruiser and watched as the Marauder touched down in front of him. He approached the batch with a small smile as they piled out of their ship. "Right on time." He said, clasping Hunter's arm in a Mandalorian handshake. The rest of the batch joined the two and Wrecker spoke up. "How's a junk planet gonna help us?" He asked, throwing his hands up in the air before clutching the side of his head in pain. Rex stuffed his helmet on and shoved a thumb behind him. "Follow me."

The clones all put their helmets back on and followed Rex out of the hanger. Rex could see Omega lingering just behind him and let a small smile slip. She reminded him of Ahsoka when she was younger. He missed her. He wished that she could have come, but she had her duties and he had his. "Um, Rex?" The girls voice came from beside him now. He looked down at the little clone and gave a small hum. "Yeah?"

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