Chapter 37

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"Cody!" The clone turned around at the sound of Ahsoka's voice. She caught up to him at the end of the hall, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I have something to ask you." She started. He nodded. "What is it?" She smiled. "Come with me."

She took the commander by the wrist and pulled him out of the hall and into hers and Rex's room. She sat on the bed, gesturing for Cody to join her.

"Bo told me about how she proposed to you and even though it is kinda a cute story in a way, she mentioned that she felt bad because she knew you would have liked it to be different. So I was thinking, maybe you would wanna re-do it for her?" She asked.

Cody nodded. "I like that idea. I'm assuming you have something in mind?" He guessed, raising an eyebrow with a smile. "As a matter of fact, I do." The Togruta responded, smirking at her friend.


An hour or so of planning later, Cody had a new proposal ready for Bo Katan that would take place that night. Cody requested for there to be zero audience spectating and Ahsoka respected his decision.

Ahsoka and Cody parted ways and the Togruta made out for finding Rex. The sound of blaster fire sent a shiver down her spine and she quickened her pace. What happened now? She rushed outside into the grassy clearing just behind the palace and let out a breath of relief.

There stood Robyn, lightsaber drawn and glowing, Rex not far from her, firing off stun bolts that the young girl effortlessly deflected. Ahsoka smiled as she crossed her arms, watching the two quietly.

The sound of a young child giggling made Ahsoka turn back behind her a moment later. A nurse maid walked towards her, a small girl in her arms. Ahsoka gave the women a nod as she stopped beside her.

"She wanted to see them train." The maid said fondly, glancing down at the girl still in her arms. The girl couldn't have been much older than a year, her short brown hair in the tiniest of buns secure on the back of her head. Ahsoka stared at her as she noticed the frightening resemblance she had to a young boy right around the girl's own age.

She stuck out her hand and let the girl wrap her small finger around her own. Then it hit her. This was Padmé and Anakin's girl. Leia. Ahsoka sucked in a breath, looking deep into the little girl's eyes. "Leia." She whispered.

The girl smiled. Anakin's smile. Unwilling, tears began to pool at the edges of her vision. She had met them both. And they were both okay. She jumped slightly as someone's arm brushed against her own. She looked to her side to see Rex standing there.

He glanced at her curiously. "Rex." She whispered. "Its Leia." His eyes widened and he smiled. "She's the spitting image of both of them." He commented. Ahsoka nodded. "Over all the chaos of the battle and arriving here, I completely forgot she was on Alderaan." By now the nurse maid was thoroughly confused, so Ahsoka clarified.

"We were good friends with her parents, before they died." She explained quietly, still holding on to Leia's small finger. The woman smiled and gave a nod. "I see. Come visit her anytime. You seem to have calmed her down. She's not usually like this." She gave a tired chuckle. Ahsoka smiled. "That would be a trait from her father. Never could stay in one place." Rex let out a laugh as he remembered wrangling in his general more than once.

He looked down at Leia with a soft smile. "She's gonna be a fighter one day. I can see--"

"Excuse me, Captain? Is this a bad time?" Rex stopped mid sentence and turned around. There stood Malin, a slightly sheepish look on her face. He shook his head, offering her a reassuring smile. "No, of course not. What can I do for you?" She straightened up, reached into her belt, retrieved a small chip and handed it to the clone. "This is what I had to talk to you about. On this drive is the coordinates to a secret Imperial base on the planet Daro. We were led to believe there was something going on in the facility, when a distress call from the base itself was received, confirming our suspicions."

"I distress call from an Imperial base? From who?" Rex asked, raising an eyebrow. Malin nodded. "Yes. From a clone trooper. A Commando. Number CC-5576. You need to watch the holo, Sir." Her stoic expression turned dark. "What's going on down there, will change the galaxy, for the worse." She looked down and shuddered. Rex placed a gentle had on her shoulder, exchanged a glance with Ahsoka. "I'll watch it. Have you told Bo Katan?" He asked. She shook her head. "No, Sir. But I've called both her and Cody to the conference room to report our findings."

Rex nodded. "That's good. We'll head there now." Malin lifted her head, the darkness her eyes held moments ago fading away. "Thank you, Sir." She gave him a salute, then marched off back inside the palace. Rex stood silently as he racked his brain, searching his memory for a clone with the number: CC-5576. As he pondered, he watched Ahsoka send Robyn back to her room and the nurse maid take Leia away. Ahsoka stood in front of him quietly, waiting for him to say something.

"He's a clone commando." She reminded him, hoping to help him figure it out. He nodded. "I never worked with any Commando's. They were never on missions, just stationed at outposts to protect. They brought back some of the Jedi that Maul and his brother had killed to the temple a while back. And there was a story about one-- got it!" His acclamation startled Ahsoka and she jumped back. "Who?!" She said quickly. Rex smiled. "Captain Gregor. He was sent to Sarrish early on in the Clone Wars. That was one of our most devastating battles. He was caught in an explosion, causing him to lose his memory. He escaped on a shuttle that crashed on Abafar. Artoo later had a mission with some other droids where they crashed on that planet and found him. They all escaped except for Gregor who sacrificed himself for the droids. He would have been recruited by the Empire when the War ended." He explained.

Ahsoka gave a nod. "Bo needs to hear this. We need to find out what's going on on Daro."

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