Chapter 8

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Korkie led the couple and their clone friend through the mazing halls and into the old and somewhat abandoned, med center. "This is it." He said, opening the door wide for them all to enter. "It hasn't been used in years since the new hospital was built and the royals have private suites there, but everything should still work." He explained, walking over to the old med droid shut down in the back. Ahsoka laid down Cody on the operating table while Rex sat and stared at his brother on a chair next to him. Korkie turned his attention back to the med droid and, flicking some switches and rewiring some circuits, he managed to power her on. The droid beeped to life and sat up straight and slow. "Hello, I am ABY 18." She introduced. Ahsoka glanced up at her as she spoke.

"How'd you get that thing on?" She asked the boy. Korkie chuckled. "The academy was not afraid of teaching as all the shifty stuff." Ahsoka shook her head playfully. "Alright. ABY 18, we need to prepare for a brain surgery and extraction." She ushered the droid over and she wheeled over excitedly. "You know, we could call her Abby, for short?" Korkie suggested. "I mean, it's in her name." He shrugged. Ahsoka nodded hurriedly, barely acknowledging the boy and keeping her focus on her patient. Korkie slumped a little and Rex made his way over to the boy.

"Hey, kid. Don't take it personally. She's just very focused and doesn't like being distracted when so." He said kindly. Korkie gave a nod. Rex leaned down closer to Korkie. "I like the name. It gives her something that's her own. Much like the names gave us clones." He smiled. That made Korkie feel a lot better. "Thanks, Rex." He gave the Kryze a friendly clap on the back. "Anytime, kid."

The droid let out a small and calm beep as she finished the scan Ahsoka had ordered and informed them of the chip located at the right side of Cody's temple. Ahsoka looked slightly taken aback. "For such old tech, I'm surprised she found it. Back on the Tribunal I had to use the force to find Rex's." She explained.

Korkie shrugged. "Mandalorian tech is the best of the best." She laughed. "It is that. Now, let's get this thing out."


A couple hours passed and the chip was successfully removed. The clone, Cody, had still not woken up and Rex had been by his side the entire time. Without being force sensitive himself, Korkie could even feel his anxiety. Ahsoka could feel it and she had sat with her clone for the last few hours while he watched the surgery. Korkie had to leave the room. "Blood doesn't sit well with me." He had told the couple before quickly excusing himself and leaving the room.

Ahsoka looked up and gestured the young Mandalorian over. "Sorry about how I acted earlier, Korkie." She apologized. He shrugged. "Its alright, I'm used to it. Aunty Bo Katan is always busy." She smiled sadly at the boy and placed her hand on his shoulder gently. "And Korkie? You always have a place with us. Never be afraid to come to us, alright?" Rex looked up at that and gave Korkie a proud smile. He returned it, times two. "Thank you." He breathed. The couple nodded.

"Of course."

The room went silent again, apart from the beeping of the equipment around the room and the slight hum of the med droid as she did her routine scans and check ups on Rex's brother. He was taking a while to wake up and that was starting to worry him. Ahsoka, sensing his distress, pressed herself against his side gently. "He'll be fine, love." She soothed. He gave her a halfhearted nod. "How long did it take me to wake up?" He asked, still staring straight ahead at Cody. Ahsoka let out a breath. "Uh, only a couple minutes. Thankfully." She added. "I wouldn't be here if not for your fast recovery." She smiled at Rex.

"Your welcome." He smirked. She rolled her eyes playfully and pressed a light kiss to his forehead. "He'll wake up soon, have hope." She reassured, standing to help Abby clean up. Rex nodded. "I try." Korkie, who had sat down across the room, lifted his head up from a scraped droid that he had been tinkering with. "I didn't know you had your chip removed too. Thought you just fought it." He stated. Rex shrugged. "Yeah, Ahsoka kidnapped me and took it out." Ahsoka let out a scoff. "You were trying to kill me and I knew you wouldn't come voluntarily." She retorted. Rex smirked.

"Yes, your right. And then, I saved her skin." He turned back to Korkie who had a smirk across his own face. The same smirk his aunty always had when she was up to something. He laughed. "I believe it." Ahsoka turned to him with a glare and he immediately fumbled out his apologies. "Not that you cant take care of yourself, Ahsoka. That's not what I meant, I'm sorry." He blushed. She shook her head ruefully.

"He forgot to leave out that I practically carried him to the med center after I stunned him. And protected his sorry rear end while he was taking a nap." She grumbled back. Korkie took in a sharp breath, holding back a chuckle as Ahsoka smirked at Rex. The clone raised an eyebrow at his jettii. "So that's how you want to play it, huh?" He stood up, placing his hands on his hips. Ahsoka straightened up from her tasks and stared at Rex, her eyes sharp and determined. "Yeah, I guess it is." She sounded so much like a clone when she spoke like that. Rex rolled his neck in a playfully threatening crack, doing the same with his knuckles. "We'll see who's gonna be takin' a 'nap' after I'm done with them." He snarled.

She raised her fists into ready position, a playful but scary scowl on her face. "Ya, we'll see." She scoffed. Rex let out a grunt and lunged himself at Ahsoka, his inner Mandalorian coming to the surface as they tussled it off like the warriors they were.

The med droid was furious as they took swings at each other from the floor, but Korkie was having the time of his life. Ahsoka took at swift but harmless swing at Rex, knocking him across the floor. She leapt on top of him before he could stand and pinned him down. He went to strike her in the stomach, an evil smirk across his face, only for the Togruta to catch his fist. She slammed his hand behind his head, holding it there while his other hand went to her foot. Why my foo- She let out a shreik as Rex ran his finger lightly under the bottom of her foot that had been exposed when they had first started the fight. Her boot lay on the other side of the room.

"How did you know I was ticklish there?" She grunted, still holding his other arm above his head, her knee on his chest. He laughed. "When you sleep, you flinch if something touches your feet." He grinned smugly. She shook her head, letting out a growl.

Ahsoka shot Korkie a quick glance, and he thankfully caught the drift. The Mandalorian burst forward, landing on top of Rex where Ahsoka couldn't hold him. Rex let out a grunt of frustration and discomfort. "Hey!" He groaned. "Not fair!"

"Sure it is!"

Korkie and Ahsoka both said in unison. He shook his head, and with an effort, pounded the ground three times in surrender. The two Mandalorians released the clone and he stood up slowly, stumbling a bit. Korkie was laughing hysterically as Rex sat back down in his chair, small bruises already forming around his eyes and most likely some on his chest and back.

"You two already fit in perfectly with the Mandalorian ways. That is how everything is resolved." Korkie wheezed. Rex smirked at Ahsoka, despite his bruising face. "That's how the clones got anything out. Now we know why." He chuckled. "Haven't had a good fight like that in a long while." He admitted sadly, rubbing out the knots in his wrists and neck. "Well, I'm always around to kick your butt." Ahsoka grinned. Rex scoffed and grumbled something in mando'a under his breath. Ahsoka walked over to the monitors by Cody's bed as they started to change slightly.

He was waking up.

Rex, seeing his Togruta's slight smile, raised an eyebrow at her. "Alright, throw another insult. I can take it." He said puffing out his chest. Ahsoka shook her head, letting out a small chuckle.

"No, Rex. He's waking up."

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