Chapter 36

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The next day, the group all had much more energy than before. Senator Organa was slightly surprised when they bustled in for breakfast that morning with wide smiles on their faces.

"Good morning everyone. I hope everyone slept well?" He greeted, gesturing for them to sit. This time, Bo Katan finally spoke up. "Yes. Thank you for your hospitality, Senator. It is very much appreciated." She dipped her head respectfully and he smiled. She was coming out of her shock, and everybody was relieved for that, including Bail.

"Of course, Duchess." She stared at him a moment, adjusting to the title, then sat down at the head of the table without another word. Cody sat next to her while everyone sat around them. He leaned toward her. "You don't have to keep quiet 'cause he's a Senator. You can say if you don't like being called that." He said gently.

She shook her head. "No. I need to accept that I am the Mand'alor, ruler of Mandalore, and if that comes with carrying my sister's title, I will carry it with honor." She tipped her chin up with dignity and Cody smiled. He was so proud.

After a moment, she met his gaze to find his smile had slipped into a smirk. He knew she had something more to say about the matter. She narrowed her eyes at him playfully. "But I do kriffing hate it." She mumbled. He burst out laughing and Ahsoka turned to them.

"Bo Katan, don't curse in front of a Senator!" Bo smirked. "Please forgive me." She said sarcastically. Ahsoka rolled her eyes and turned back to her conversation with Bail.

Cody reached for Bo's hand under the table, lacing their fingers together. "I'm glad you're feeling better, Cyare." He whispered. She nodded. "I'm ready to get my planet back." He gave her a determined nod. "Me too."


"So, Senator, what caused you to bring fugitives and desperate warriors to your planet?" Ahsoka asked once she had finished her food. She had the entire tables attention now.

Organa folded his hands on the table in front of him. "The Empire has always been brave and arrogant, but over time, forcing planet's into their hands and destroying systems in their wake has begun to create a resistance of their rule. The galaxy is starting to fear them, more than look up to them for "ending the Clone Wars", and this is something they do not like."

He paused a moment for a chance to let someone speak. They stayed silent. "Subsequently, they are losing supporters already, which doesn't look good for them, causing them to strike out more. They live for the fear, it pushes them." He sighed. "The Senate is divided. Some think the order is necessary and advantageous, and others, including me, have seen through their lies and hypocrisy since the beginning."

"How many other Senators feel the same as you do?" Ahsoka asked, folding her arms over her chest. Organa sighed. "There are only a few. Senator Mothma and I have been together since before the Empire, and stand together now. We both have allies, and we both aspire for change."

Ahsoka nodded. "What is it that you need from us?" Bail went to speak when his eyes drifted to the dinning hall entrance. The group turned to see Senator Mon Mothma herself standing there.

"What we need from you, is numbers, support, and muscle. We cannot do this alone." She said regally, stepping towards the table and moving to Organa's side. "We would ask if you would join our Rebellion." The group was slightly taken aback by the request.

Bo Katan spoke up. "What about our planet? We still have a place and responsibility there. We can't just throw that away." She argued. Mothma sighed. "At the moment, you don't. That is why I urge you to move forward with us. Together, we could make a difference." She stated.

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