Chapter 31

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The door to Bo Katan's room creaked open quietly, and a heavy figure stepped in. The Mand'alor lay motionless in her bed as the persons footsteps came closer, around to the other side of her bed, and under the covers with her.

Her eyes still screwed shut, Bo turned over and nuzzled herself into her cyare's chest, wrapping her arms around his torso weakly, her legs tangling with his under the sheets. She let out a sigh of content, and her love chuckled softly, wrapping his own arms around her and pulling her impossibly closer.

"How did you know it was me?" Cody whispered, placing his hand gently on the back of her head. Bo mumbled something unintelligible and Cody let out another chuckle.

"How were things while I was gone, love?" He peered down at her. She finally lifted her head so he could see her face and his expression dropped at the sight of it.

Tear stains lined her face and dark bags encircled her eyes. He hadn't noticed it before, but her hair was an unruly frizz pushed behind her ears, and she smelled of alcohol.

"Oh, Bo. What's wrong?" He asked quietly, concern laced through his words. She let out a shuddering sigh and knocked her head into his chest.

"I don't know what to do anymore, Cody. I won't be able to keep the people safe for much longer. The Empire is a massive threat that we won't be able to fight off. And we're already on their bad side. Sooner or later, we're going to have to give in to the fact that they are the new controlling force."

Her voice cracked as she spoke and she let out a pained growl.

"I hate saying that. That we've given up. It's not the Mandalorian way."

Cody listened carefully, his brows drawn together in concern and sympathy for his cyare.

"Bo, you have too much weight on your shoulders. We'll cross that bridge when it comes." He tried to soothe her, but she bristled at his words.

"Well, that bridge is man-made and closer than ever."


A soft knock on the door startled Robyn awake. She sat upright in bed, staring at the door. She could sense who was behind it before she called them in.

The door opened quietly and a pair of montrals slid through the cracked-open door. "Robyn?" Ahsoka whispered.

"You're back!" Robyn responded as Ahsoka opened the door fully, herself and Rex stepping in and approaching her bed. She slung her legs over the side as they sat next to her.

"How was it?" She asked, peering at the couple in the dark room. Ahsoka smiled. "It was good. Obi-Wan is doing well." She said quietly, leaving out the part about him watching over a former Jedi and well known senator's child. Robyn nodded, her eyes threatening to close, but she forced them open.

Rex chucked at her sleepiness, giving her a light pat on the back. "We'll fill you in on everything in the morning, we just wanted to let you know we were back. You can go back to sleep now." He smiled as she gave another nod.

A few minutes later, Rex and Ahsoka had left an asleep ex-Padawan wrapped in her blankets and snoring softly.


Grand Admiral Tarkin stood still and silent as he stared out the cruisers main viewport. Armored footsteps sounded behind him, then stopped. He turned.

"Sir, Gar Saxon has arrived. He awaits your arrival in the war room." The trooper said, straight at attention. Tarkin gave a nod.

"Very well, let's not keep him waiting."

The grand admiral walked slow with confidence and authority through the halls of his ship. Everyone he passed, paused to salute or show respect. Tarkin never gave them the satisfaction of reaction when they did.

He reached the war room and the door slid open. Two Mandalorian guards kept post on either side of the door, moving only slightly for the Grand Admiral. Their leader stood with his back to the door, his arms crossed over his chest plate.

"Grand Admiral." He said somewhat reverently, not turning around. Tarkin took a seat at the head of the long table, folding his hands in front of him.

"Commander Saxon. It seems we now have a common enemy."


Rex woke up with a start, sweat dripping from his brow as he sat up with a strained gasp. Propped up on his elbows, the clone attempted to regain control of his breathing as he panted in fear.

The bed shifted slightly as Ahsoka turned to face him. She sat up slowly beside him, placing her hand softly on the side of his face. He could feel his panic slipping away as Ahsoka let the Force flow through her and into Rex.

He took a deep breath and let himself fall back onto the mattress. Ahsoka lowered herself down beside him. She gazed at him for a moment before speaking.

"What happened?" She whispered, her voice soothing and calm, but laced with slight concern. Rex let out a breath.

"At first, it was about you. These creatures dressed in black armour with double bladed red lightsabers were chasing after you. You had the advantage, until a boy with blueish-black hair distracted you. You tripped and the creatures pinned you to the floor. As you laid there, you morphed into Fives."

He paused, shuddering slightly. Ahsoka remained silent to let him continue. "He struggled against their hold, their lightsabers slowly burning away at his shoulders and neck where they held him in a crossgaurd. I tried and tried to save him, but there was nothing I could do. I was frozen in place, forced to watch him die. Again."

"I couldn't stand to watch or hear his screams anymore, so I closed my eyes and covered my ears. When I opened my eyes again, the creatures were gone, their last victim motionless on the ground in front of me. Able to move again, I knelt down by who I expected to be Fives, but a young child oddly resembling you... and me, now laid in his place."

Ahsoka's eyes widened in surprise. "Do you mean..?" She paused, waiting for Rex to fill in. He nodded and she let out a small breath that came out as a whimper. "As I leaned forward, the more the child reminded me of you. I thought she was dead, but her eyes fluttered open and she began to wheeze, her face wrenched in pain."

A tear ran down Ahsoka's face and she quickly swiped it away. Rex was struggling to keep his own tears at bay.

"Her eyes locked onto to mine and in a raspy breath, she said; 'I hurt, Buir,' before she closed her eyes, and stopped breathing." Rex let out a pained choking sound as he told the final part of his nightmare.

Ahsoka sniffed quietly before reaching a hand toward Rex and stroking his face gently. "I don't want to say it, but I think that this wasn't just a regular nightmare. I think you've had a vision, Rex."

"A vision? But isn't it only Jedi that can have visions?" Rex questioned in confusion, his voice an octave higher from his pain and confusion from the whole situation.

Ahsoka shook her head. "No, the Force will communicate with any living being when it's truly important." Her eyebrows drew together as she pondered the occurrence. Rex let out a sharp breath, letting his head fall back hopelessly onto his pillow.

"So does that mean those creatures are actually real and that we'll bump into them eventually? And that they'll kill our future kid?" Rex said in a defeated sigh.

Ahsoka shrugged. "Its possible. But let's just hope not. Some visions don't mean anything. Some can change your life." She said quietly.

Rex scoffed. "For better of for worse?"

Ahsoka laid her head on his chest. "In this case, worse. Much worse."

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