Chapter 3

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A loud groan awoke Ahsoka from her deep sleep. She shot out of bed to Rex's side as he lay shaking on the floor. He didn't feel comfortable sleeping in the same bed as his Commander quite yet, so being the gentleman he is, he slept on the floor. Ahsoka knelt beside the trembling clone, shaking him ever so gently. "Rex, hey, wake up. You're alright." She soothed in a hushed tone. His eyes slowly opened and landed on her.

"Ahsoka?" He whispered. She gently wrapped her arms around him, lifting the captain up into a sitting position. He looked at her confused, still groggy from sleep. "You were shaking and calling out in your sleep." She sighed, glancing at him with a worried expression. His eyes went wide as he began to recall what had happened. He shivered at the thought of it. Ahsoka looked at him with a soft smile. "Do you want to talk about it?" She asked quietly. He gave her a small nod, shuffling closer to her so that his head was leaning against her shoulder. Hes adorable when hes half asleep. Ahsoka thought to herself as the couple cozied up together there on the floor.

Rex let out a sigh before speaking. "It was a nightmare about what happened back on the cruiser... when the order was called." He paused. "Except in my dream.. I killed you." He said, his voice shaking. Ahsoka looked down at him, slowly caressing the side of his face. "It was just a dream. You didn't kill me." She whispered. "But it was so real." He whined. He eyes welled up as he remembered every part of his nightmare. "I watched your body fall to the floor, completely lifeless. I can remember wanting to run to your side, wishing I hadn't done what I'd did. But I couldn't. I had no control." He finished, choking back soft sobs. Ahsoka held him close, rubbing circles around his back. "Its ok, Rex. I'm here." She soothed. He let out a shakey sigh as he nuzzled his head further into Ahsoka's shoulder.

She glanced back up at the bed above them. "How about we get some sleep?" She offered quietly, standing slowly as she lifted Rex's body off of her own. He squinted his eyes at her as she led him over to the bed, but he didn't protest. He reluctantly laid down on one side while she pulled some blankets over him. "It's ok, just sleep." She whispered, laying a little ways away from him to respect his comfort. He nodded slowly, letting out a yawn. "Thanks, 'Soka." Ahsoka smiled. "Of course, love." She whisperd, only loud enough for her own montrals to pick up.

The next morning, Ahsoka found herself semi trapped under most of Rex's body. His head lay on her chest, his arm draped over her torso and his leg stretched out over hers. She let out a soft chuckle at the sight, running a careful hand over his hair, waking him up. He looked up at her confused, then pure shock spread across his face as he realized his sleeping position. He quickly scrambled away, staring at the Togruta with wide eyes. "Its ok, Rex. Nothing happened." She assured, trying to hold back a chuckle. His ears were red with embarrassment. "What, what happened?" He asked. "You were having a nightmare and after talking to me about it, I let you sleep on the bed." She explained. "You don't remember?" He shook his head and a small smile crept onto his face. The initial shock and embarrassment obviously gone, he got caught in a laughing fit. Ahsoka joined in, letting out the held back laughter she had kept down. "I'm sorry, Ahsoka. I was just surprised." He said, slightly gasping for air. She shook her head. "Don't worry about it. I knew you'd be surprised. You were half asleep when we were talking." She laughed, recalling the previous nights events. He stopped laughing and stared at Ahsoka with a straight face again. "I didn't say any-"

"No, you didn't say anything weird." She laughed, cutting him off.

He let out a sigh. "That's good." Ahsoka raised an eye marking at him with a smirk. "What? You think you said something you don't want me to hear?" She asked. His face turned red only for a moment before he smirked back at her. "Maybe." He said, playing it off coolly. Ahsoka let out a grunt of annoyance. "Dang it, Rex!" He laughed, scooting close to his Togruta again. He wrapped his arms around her and she laid back into them. "Do you remember your dream, Rex?" She asked after a moment. He closed his eyes in attempt to regain his memory. After a couple seconds he flinched and opened his now watery eyes. He nodded in response to her question. She reached up to cup his cheek with her hand. "Try not to dwell on it, ok?" She whispered. He nodded, hugging her tighter.

About an hour later there was a knock on their door and Ursa Wren stood on the other side. Rex remembered her from the siege. She came to inform the couple that there was a meal ready in the dining hall where Bo Katan awaited their arrival. After Ursa left, they quickly got ready in their new Mandalorian attire. Ahsoka had something quite similar to what she wore during the siege, and Rex had some simple, yet formal, civvies on. He had to admit, he kind of missed the familiar weight of his armor that was stacked neatly in the corner of their room, but the civvies had treated him just fine the past few days. Ahsoka had to lead herself and Rex to the dining room with the force, as the halls were impossible to navigate. They finally arrived and met Bo Katan who was patiently waiting for them. She gestured for them to take a seat around the table and they sat not to far from the Mandalorian.

"I trust you slept well?" She asked, passing around a canteen with something liquid inside. Rex grabbed it, letting out a small scoff. He felt Ahsoka's foot hit his leg as she kicked him from under the table, a sharp pain ripping up his leg as she hit the sensitive tibia bone. He let out a soft grunt and straightened up to attention, keeping his face from twisting with pain. "Yes." Ahsoka responded, turning back to Bo Katan. She nodded, disregarding their little skirmish. Rex poured them both a drink, giving Ahsoka an apologetic glance as he set the canteen down. Bo Katan cleared her throat, folding her hands in front of her.

"Since you have been with us for a while now, and I have quite enjoyed your company, I have a proposition for the both of you." She said diplomatically. Ahsoka and Rex both shared a glance before turning back to the warrior. "I would like to formally invite you to join Clan Kryze as official members and part of the family." She said with a smile. Rex sucked in a breath, his heart beating a hundred miles per second. Ahsoka had the same reaction, turning to her clone, a wide grin spread across her face. Rex was grinning back as he locked eyes with her. "You have as much time as you need to decide." Bo Katan continued. Rex and Ahsoka both gave each other a nod, having no need to discuss the matter, and looked back to the Mandalorian.

"We accept!" Ahsoka exclaimed happily. Bo Katan grinned in delight. "Wonderful! I'm happy to hear it!" She exclaimed. "We will hold a traditional ceremony tonight to properly induct you in." She finished as a server entered the room and began handing out the meal. The couple both had childish grins on their faces as they finished their food. Bo Katan had to leave pretty quickly after their breakfast, so she excused herself, Rex and Ahsoka leaving shortly after. Before she left, she gave them some important instructions: "Someone will come and retrieve you at a desultory hour this evening. Be prepared." She wouldn't tell them more, as the tradition was to keep the inductions secret.

To help pass the time, Rex and Ahsoka headed into town to do some more cultural studies. They had decided after being here a while, they should get to know everything about the Mandalorians and their way of life. It payed off apparently. Rex had especially enjoyed learning more about the Mandalorians since the clone template, Jango Fett, was Mandalorian, making him partially Mandalorian. Ahsoka was excited too. She was happy to be starting over and putting her Jedi past behind her. Most of it anyways. She still carried her one lightsaber of the pair that Anakin had given her and still stayed connected with the force, only using both if need be.

The streets were busy as always, with people everywhere exploring the market place. Rex glanced beside him at Ahsoka, who was now almost the same height as him and intertwined his fingers with hers. She smiled warmly and held his hand tightly. "Where do you want to go?" Rex asked as they walked through the town. She shrugged. "I've kind of been wanting to check out the armory." Rex nodded. "Me too."

The two continued walking through the plaza and make their way to the armory. Ahsoka jumped back as Bo Katan dropped out of the sky in front of them from where she was apparently hovering just moments ago.

"Bo!" She exclaimed, staring questioningly at the warrior. She chuckled and removed her helmet. "Heading to the armory?" She asked. Rex gave a nod. "Sorry you two, but you can't go in there until you're inducted." She explained. Rex let out a quiet sigh. Ahsoka nodded. "Alright." The Mandalorian shoved her helmet back over her head, giving them a final nod. "See you tonight." Her voice was muffled as it came through the helmet. Rex and Ahsoka both gave her a respectful nod as she lifted off into the air again. Ahsoka turned to Rex, forcing a warm smile.

"We'll get plenty of time to go to the armory another time." She patted Rex on the back. He nodded. "Yeah." Ahsoka let out a sigh, glancing around the street again. "Do you want to head back to the palace?" She asked, looking up at Rex hopefully. He smiled. "Sure." She returned the smile, intertwining her fingers with his as they walked back to the place they now called home.

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