Chapter 32

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The next morning the tired group all gathered in the dinning hall for a late breakfast.

Robyn radiated far too much energy for her exhausted companions as she pressed for the tale of their trip. Bo Katan sat at the end of the table, Cody at her side trying to keep her awake as her head nodded to the side every few minutes. He would pat her back or tap her foot with his own when she started to doze off.

Finally, the chef brought out a thermas of caf which the Mand'alor happily took. She chugged it down greedily as everyone stared at her.

She peered at them over her cup with a piercing glare and Cody cleared his throat. "Rough night." He clarified quietly. Ahsoka nodded in understanding, sending Bo soothing waves through the Force.

She was noticeably more awake after there was caffeine in her system. Robyn had finally had enough of their procrastination and let out a loud grumble. "Please just tell me what happened!" She half whined. Rex let out a small chuckle and Ahsoka looked almost shocked. Cody laughed.

"Okay, Shiny." He chuckled. Robyn's nose scrunched slightly at the nickname, but she honestly didn't mind that much.

"We landed on Tatooine and planned to meet up with the scouts whe--". A loud rumble shook the palace, and Cody stopped mid sentence. Bo Katan flew out of her seat and immediately hailed Ursa.

"Ursa, what was that?" She shouted into her comm. The Mandalorian's figure appeared in the blue of the hologram, her helmet off and a horrified expression in its place. "Its the Empire! They've attacked the city!" She shouted urgently.

The others rose from the table, worry passing through each one in turn. Ahsoka stuck her arm out, gesturing for Robyn to stay close. Rex and Cody both grabbed their helmets from under the table, shoving them on and making for the door. "Rex!" Ahsoka called after him and he turned around sharply.

He stared a moment before running back to her. Before Ahsoka knew what was happening, his helmet was off and he was kissing her. "It'll be okay." He said quietly, lifting his helmet back up and over his head. She stuffed down her panic and nodded. "Be careful, Love. I'll be out soon." He gave a curt nod and then was off. Bo Katan watched them go, lightly tapping her chest above her heart. One look at Ahsoka and they knew what they had to do.

"Ursa is on her way here and then we'll start evacuating the citizens from the city center." Bo said regally. She turned to Robyn who hadn't said a word since the attack had begun and strood up to her where she stood stiffly beside Ahsoka.

"Robyn, I need you to find Korkie and the other cadets. Round up the children in the palace and wait for further instruction." Robyn gave a nod, turning to Ahsoka briefly. The Togruta gently squeezed the girl's hand in reassurance.

Once Robyn had left, Ahsoka turned to Bo Katan. They stayed in silence for a moment before Bo finally spoke up. "I knew something would happen. But I thought we would have more time." She said in a breathy voice. Ahsoka nodded solemnly.
"Things will work themselves out. For now, we need to survive."


Admiral Tarkin stood stiff as a board as he stared out the main viewport of his cruiser. He watched expressionless as chaos erupted on the surface of Mandalore.

Gar Saxon and his Mandalorians had been a worth while investment so far. And so far, the Admiral was not disappointed.

Lord Vader would be pleased with this new system in his grasp.


Robyn stumbled as she ran through the mazing halls of the palace, the ground shaking beneath her feet. As she picked herself back up, she stuffed down her anxiety that had started to creep up, and kept going. As she rounded a corner, she sensed a familiar presence and then smacked right into that presence.

Korkie and Robyn both tumbled to the ground. Robyn whipped her head up to look at her friend and he did the same.

"Finally! I've been looking for you!" She sighed in relief. Korkie got to his feet, outstretched his hand to her with a nod.

"As was I. Where is Aunt Bo Katan?" He asked as he pulled her up. "She's gone off with Ahsoka and Ursa to evacuate the people from the main part of the city where the attack is." Robyn explained quickly. "We are to find the other cadets and then round up the children from in the palace and in the city in here." Korkie nodded in understanding. "Allright. I think everyone is in the library."

Once the group was gathered, they got to work. First they found Sabine, or rather, Ursa found them on her way to meet up with Bo Katan and plopped Sabine into Robyn's arms as she ran past.

Though she was still young, the small Mandalorian knew there was danger and was timid as a result. Robyn held her close as they made their way to the barracks.

The barracks were unlike any military barrack Robyn had seen. The room was large enough for a battalion where everyone had space to spread out and families had their privacy. And above that, it was beyond luxurious, mirroring even the Duchess's personal quarters.

Robyn rushed forward, Sabine still secure in her arms. There weren't many people left in the room as they had all dropped whatever they were doing and rushed out into the fight. But there were kids.

They had all gathered in a huddle, the oldest of them calming them down as they cried and shook in fear.

The group rushed up to them, gesturing for them to rise. "Come on everyone, it'll be okay. Let's get somewhere safer." Korkie said gently, reaching out to help some of the younger children up from the floor.

Korkie glanced up at Robyn once they had gathered the children and she gave him a reassuring nod. And then they were off to the bunker.


Rex grunted as the ground shook and he almost lost his footing. He and Cody hid behind a wall in the plaza, picking off the troopers that came in on foot. For now, they were doing fine, but we're in need of air support as soon as possible.

Cody whipped his head to the side, narrowly missing a blater bolt as he turned to Rex. "We need some fighters in the sky!" He shouted over the fray. Rex nodded, popping a couple shots over his brother's shoulder as he raised his comlink to his helmet.

"Rex to command! We need air support!" He ordered urgently. There was a crackle of static as the captain awaited the response, then a familiar voice filled his ears, not through the comlink, but from above.

"Don't worry boys, we've got you covered." Ursa said bravely. Hovering above them with her, was an entire battalion of Mandalorians ready for a fight. Among them, Rex spotted Ahsoka and Bo Katan holding up the rear.

The ex-jedi held her lightsaber firmly in her hand, the blue glow casting long shadows on her armour. She gave him a subtle nod of acknowledgement, and with that, the group flew off.

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