Chapter 5

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A couple weeks have passed since Rex and Ahsoka joined the clan. They both have their new armor which they made to match. Rex's, a solid blue just like Bo Katan's, with some white stripes and patches on the shoulder pads, chest plate, and knee pads, which he wanted to have to represent his old clone armor. With the exception of not having his familiar pauldron placed on his shoulder. He repainted his jaig eyes on his new helmet and resisted the urge to further decorate the rest of the armor as he maybe would have in the army. Ahsoka's almost completely matched Rex's, except she left out the white and resorted to some faded orange stripes along her forearms to match her skin. She had a sash/belt around her waist for her lightsaber to hang and a new Mandalorian blaster holster on the opposite side. She was a bit sceptical about the blaster, but after a lot of convincing from Rex and the clan, she obliged.

Her helmet had to be slightly altered for her to be able to fit her montrals and lekku into it, and would have to be altered again and again over the years as they grew. The top of the helmet was extended and molded out into the shape of her points, with room around the valley of her montrals. The armourers suggested she leave the top of her helmet open for her montrals, but she refused as she wanted them protected. Her lekku on the other hand, were forced to hang outside the helmet, which she was ok with since there was extra space built into the bottom of the helmet for them. It made Rex smile at her choice of helmet design. She used the same one her troops did, painting her forehead and cheek markings on the blue metal in white. She wanted to commemorate them, as well as herself. Lastly, they both forged the exact same piece to finish their sets off. Their shoulder pads. Both of them blue, were decorated with the same number. Their division, the 501st. The faded white aurebesh printing finished the armor off perfectly. They were both very happy with their sets once they were complete.


"Hey, 'Soka?" Rex whispered sleepily, turning over to look at her. She had convinced him that it was ok to sleep in the same bed as her, and he reluctantly agreed. Well, somewhat reluctantly. "Yeah." She answered. "Do you know what happend to the General?" He asked cautiously. Rex noticed Ahsoka flinch slightly at the mention of her old Master and he stuck his hand out to her from across the bed. She wrapped her fingers around his, turning to him with a sigh. "No, I don't. I cant feel him any more." She whispered, her voice hoarse and sad. Rex nodded solemnly. "Hopefully he survived."

"Yeah, hopefully."


Bo Katan slammed her fist against the holotable, letting a slew of colorful mando'a curses leave her mouth. "What in kriff is the 'Empire', and why do they need to come here to do a 'routine sweep'?" She growled. "If the Empire is the old Republic, then they know we are not doing business with them or anyone else anymore. We are neutral!" She shouted. Obviously, her day was already not going well and this report just made it even 'better'. Ahsoka walked up beside her friend, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Bo." She whispered. The Mand'alor looked up from the table at the crowded room and took a breath, regaining her composure. She cleared her throat, glancing at Ahsoka with a thankful smile. Rex stepped in to give their leader a break. "I've heard rumors, about the new Empire." He started, pulling up a log on the holotable. "They are very strict and are desperate for everything to be in perfect order." He explained. "They are probably coming to do a sweep and census, to keep everything in check." Bo Katan let out a breath. "I have a feeling they are going to do much more than just a sweep." She sighed. Rex gave her a nod. "If its anything like I've heard, they will try and take over." He added solemnly. Bo shook her head. "We will not let them. Even if they try to take our planet, the people will survive. Mandalore is the people, and we will live on!" She shouted, raising a series of agreements and whoops from the rest of the clan situated around them.

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