Chapter 14

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Cody gave Ahsoka a quick and nervous glance behind him as he rounded the corner with Bo Katan. He could hear her and Ursa giggling quietly about something from down the hall. "So, I wanted to speak with you about your upcoming induction. For traditions sake, you may not know anything beforehand other than the date and time." Bo Katan started, glancing at Cody with a small smile. She let out an amused chuckle as he raised an eyebrow at her.

"I know, it's a bit overkill, but that's how it's been done for generations." She shrugged. Cody laughed. "I won't even know where it is?" Bo shook her head. "No. Your induction will be in a couple days, random hour, somebody will be sent to retrieve you and lead you to our location." She explained. Cody gave her a nod. "Ok, I'll be ready." He smiled at her and she gave him a reassuring nod before clearing her throat.

"I also wanted to speak to you about something that has come up." She began, stopping in front of Cody. Cody watched her intently. "Go on." He said carefully. Bo Katan swallowed. "The Mandalorian guard has been surveying surrounding systems and planets. We recently received a report from a Tatooine patrol." She paused. "There is a certain someone residing there under the name of Kenobi." She paused looking at Cody as a mixture of emotions crossed his face.

"Kenobi?" He choked. She gave him a nod, looking him in the eyes as he processed. "Now, Cody. I just found out this information and I haven't told anyone else yet. I wanted to be the one to tell you. I know you'll want to leave and see him but I-" Her rambling was cut off as Cody reached down and took hold of her hand, holding it gently in his. "Thank you, Bo." He said quietly, giving her a soft smile. She blushed the same shade as her hair and looked away. Her hand remained in his. "Of course. I just..." She started somewhat shakily. She blushed even harder at her unprofessional and, in her mind, weak and un-warrior like show of emotion.

Cody took a bold move, holding his breath, he lifted his free hand to her face and softly cupped her cheek. He turned her head to look at him. Her eyes were pleading and ashamed, and something else. Fearful. "Bo, meg cuyir bic?" Cody whispered, using Mando'a in an attempt to help her cool down slightly. She gave a small sigh. "Gedet'ye sirbur gar'll olaror norac." She whispered desperately, still blushing furiously. Cody's eyes widened slightly and he took a small step back.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. I should just-" She went to pull away from Cody before he tightened his hold, pulling her closer. He wrapped his arm around Bo's waist, his other hand still wrapped around hers. Their faces were only inches apart and Cody's face matched the Mand'alor's, a mad blush across both their features. "Of course I'll come back, Bo." He whispered. She let out a choked sob, bringing their foreheads together. "Good, because Force only knows you are the only one who can keep Ahsoka and Rex in check." She whispered back with a slightly wet chuckle as a tear slid down her cheek.

Cody rolled his eyes playfully. "True. But that's not the only reason." He gave her a slight smirk as he gently wiped away the tear. She let out a small laugh. "Maybe you're right." She said quietly with a playful smile. "Maybe?" He questioned mockingly. It was her turn to roll her eyes. "Maybe." She repeated in a whisper. Cody let out a light and teasing scoff and looked deep into Bo's eyes which were staring straight back into his, and before the clone could even blink, her lips crashed against his in a bruising and grieving kiss. Cody didn't take any time to be surprised as he kissed her back just as passionately. The two backed out of the open hallway into the closest empty room, still lost in the kiss and only pulling away to take quick breaths.

They stayed like that for a while before bumping into a wall, Cody's head hitting the hard surface. He let out a grunt into the kiss and Bo Katan pulled away. "Are you ok?" She breathed in concern, still slightly out of breath. His hand moved up to the fresh scar on the side of his head where his chip had been removed and held it tightly. His face wrenched in pain and Bo Katan gently placed her hand on top of his. "Kote, let's get you to the med lab." She said sternly but calmly.

He shook his head. "No, I'm fine. I don't need to go to the med lab." He objected, hissing slightly. Bo gave him a warning glare. "Yes you are, Commander. Now let's go." She half growled. Cody snapped his head up and straightened to an automatic attention at her commanding tone, still clutching his head. He grumbled a, "Sir, yes sir" as Bo Katan grabbed him by his free hand and dragged him - much like Ahsoka had when she was first introduced to the clone - down the hall to the med lab.

She rushed in and yanked Cody somewhat gently onto the table, quickly powering on Abby as the clone reluctantly got settled on the bed. The droid powered up, her familiar whirring filling the room. "Abby, I need you to do a quick scan on Cody's head for me please. You know he recently had brain surgery and he's just hit his head. He's in more pain than a normal headache or what that small impact would usually produce." She explained quickly.

The droid gave a silent nod and wheeled over to the clone. He let out an annoyed huff as it ran a scan over his head. Abby finished and let out a small beep. "There is no further damage to the original injury, only some minor inner bruiser where the scar tissue is still healing. I will treat it with some military grade bacta spray and provide the patient with pain medication to ease any further discomfort." She explained, moving to a nearby cupboard and grabbing her supplies.

Bo Katan gave a nod and sat next to Cody. She glanced at him briefly, catching his eyes watching her intently. "What?" She asked, looking away from him to watch the droid as she prepared Cody's medications. "Did we just do that?" Cody whispered, blushing slightly but smiling at the same time. Bo turned her gaze back to him. "Do what?" She asked, avoiding eye contact. Cody let out snort. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe this?" He leaned forward and kissed her again. Bo gave a soft growl into the kiss and Cody just chuckled. The kiss was much softer and sweeter than their first, but to their dismay was once again disrupted when Abby let out a couple annoyed beeps. They both pulled away and the droid handed Bo the meds while applying the spray to Cody's head. He let out a grunt and backed away from the droid, giving her a warning stare. Abby just extended her other hidden arms and held the commander in place as she worked.

"You clones are the fussiest patients." She said in the droid equivalent of a grumble. Cody huffed in annoyance and slight discomfort as Bo Katan laughed. "That's why Ahsoka doesn't even try with Rex anymore." She stated in understanding, chuckling softly. Cody rolled his eyes, and let out a relieved sigh as the droid finally let him go. She turned to the Mand'alor. "Make sure he takes these." She pointed to the meds still in Bo's hands. She nodded. "I will. Thank you for your help." Abby let out an exasperated beep. "Your very welcome, ma'am. Now would you two please get out of here?" Both Cody and Bo Katan let out chuckle at that and happily left the droid to herself. They said their goodnights and parted ways - after Bo had practically shoved a pain med down Cody's throat - heading to their quarters to retire. They both lay in their beds for a long time before falling asleep, silently smiling to themselves.

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