Chapter 25

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"Robyn!" Ursa called from down the corridor. Robyn turned as the Mandalorian jogged up, her daughter in her arms.

"Ursa." She nodded to the woman, then smiled at the little girl in her arms. "Sabine." The young Mandalorian smiled back, sticking out her hands. Robyn lifted her hand and let Sabine wrap her fingers around hers. "I'm sorry to do this to you, but I'm needed for an important meeting and I need someone to watch her. Would you be up to hanging out with her for a while?" Ursa asked pleadingly in a rushed tone. Robyn nodded with a smile.

"Of course I can watch her." She stretched out her arms, allowing Ursa to lower Sabine into them. "Thank you so much, Robyn. It shouldn't take too long, its just a plan briefing. And I told Korkie, Amis, Lagos, and Soniee to come help you too. They should be here soon."

Robyn nodded. "Alright, thank you." Ursa smiled, said good-bye to Sabine and made her way to the briefing room. Just as she left, her friends rounded the corner. "Hi guys." Robyn smiled at them as they approached the two. Korkie stood beside her, returning the smile. "Abandoned, were you?" He asked with a playful smile.

Robyn nodded, an exaggerated look of sorrow across her face. "Oh yes, I've been lost without my caretakers. I simply don't know what I'll do." She said dramatically, placing the back of her hand on her forehead. The group all let out a series of chuckles at her performance as Sabine giggled happily.

Robyn looked at the girl with a smile, pressing her forehead against hers softly before looking back at the group. "So, what do you guys wanna do?"

Soniee glanced up briefly from the holopad in her hands and shrugged, but Lagos spoke up. "We could go down to the town square pond?" She suggested. "Teach little Bean to skip rocks." She smiled at Sabine who chuckled at her nickname.

Robyn nodded, sharing a smile with her friend. "I like that idea. What do you say, Sabine?" The toddler nodded enthusiastically in response. "Alright, off we go then."


Ursa stepped quietly into the dark briefing room where the meeting had already begun and stood silently next to Bo Katan. Bo gave her a quick glance if acknowledgment, then focused back on the hologram in the middle of the small room.

"The Empire's forces are far greater then we expected and are growing fast. It won't be long before Mandalore is under their control, whether you like it or not. We won't have a choice and certainly cannot afford a full out war. Not again."

One of the councilwoman spoke calmly, but her voice was serious with warning. Bo Katan let out a sigh, rubbing at her temples as her gaze lingered on the floor. There were evident bags under her eyes and her usually stark straight hair, was wavy and frizzy. Ursa knew she hadn't been getting much sleep lately and soon the great Mand'alor would be in a bind.

There was no saying how much longer she could hold herself together, but Ursa had a feeling a breakdown was just around the corner. Ursa would not be enough now that Cody was gone.

"I understand our predicament, Councilor." Bo Katan paused, letting out a shuddering breath, her eyes still glued to the floor. "I wish I could say I knew a solution to our problems, but I do not. The Empire has already made themselves know here, that is clear. But I'm afraid I don't know what we will do when they return. Especially after our attack. They will not stop until they have our planet, and I don't want to stop either, but there just isn't another way."

Bo Katan sounded the most defeated and heartbroken she had ever been. She, more than anyone, would never in a million years want to give up her planet. The Empire was a great threat that would be impossible to stop, and Bo knew that.


"That's it, Bean!" Lagos cheered happily for the young girl as she successfully sent a rock skipping across the calm water. Sabine smiled and put out her hands, a sign she required more rocks. Lagos laughed as Robyn moved over to them. "Sabine, how about you try and find a rock yourself? Like a treasure hunt. It'll be much more fun than asking others to find it for you." Robyn gave Sabine a soft smile and gestured around. Sabine nodded with a look of determination and knelt down to the ground, moving her hands over the loose gravel in search of the perfect skipping rock.

Lagos slimed at Robyn. "Ursa really appreciates you, you know that?" She said kindly. Robyn turned to her and blushed. "Its nothing, really I-"

"Its not nothing to me." A voice said from behind them. Ursa walked up to them with a proud smile. That made Robyn blush even more. "I know its been hard for you since the end of the war and I am very proud of how far you have come in the short while you've been here." She paused as she bent down and picked up Sabine. She fussed slightly as she was raised into her mother's arms, so Ursa just set her back on the ground and looked back up at the girls again.

"She's trying to find a rock." Robyn explained, motioning to the toddle as she continued with her search. Ursa smiled and nodded. "I mean what I said, Robyn. You may feel you don't have as much of a purpose now that your Jedi days are over, but you certainly have a purpose here. Beyond taking care of my daughter." She chuckled the last part, glancing down at Sabine briefly.

There were tears in Robyn's eyes, but she quickly blinked them away. "Thank you." She squeaked quietly. Ursa gave her a tender smile and opened her arms in front of her. Robyn stepped forward as strong arms engulfed her, holding her tightly.

"Ni hiibir gar sa ner ad." Ursa whispered the sentence softly so that only Robyn could hear. The ex-Jedi didn't know what it meant, but she had a feeling something wonderful would be in her future with this new family.

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