chapter 10

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Ashley's POV.

It's been a few weeks since andy beat me up i was in the hospital for a week and i have been staying with jinxx in a hotel for a week.

is it bad to say i miss andy? i dont know i just wish everything was back to the way it was. im sure he still loves me even if he doent say it he just has a different way of showing it.

"jinxx andy still loves me right?" i asked looking at him.

"i dont know ashley, but i do know this you dont hurt the people you love. and andy hit you and thats not love" he said walking over to me.

i sighed i knew he was right i just dont want to accept it.

"what would you do if you were me?" i asked

"i would leave take me and my baby and go home, and not let andy be involed until he fixes whatever problem he has until he could treat me right.if he really does love you he would change for you if he doesnt change then he never did" jinxx said giving me a hug.

he was right i dont deserveto be treated like this, me and my baby deserve better and i will do everything in my power to give him or her that. and if taking andy out of the picture is whats best then i will do it.

"ok" i said pulling away.

"what?" jinxx looked at me with a confused look

" im going home, you are right." i sighed and started packing my stuff.

"ashley are you sure?" he asked

"yes, i will see andy before i leave to see if he changed at all and if he hasnt then im gone." i said.


i walked out of the hotel and got in the car, when i arrived at the house i took a deep breath and got out.

no one was home as far as i could tell, i was about to leave when i heard noises coming from one of the rooms.

i walked throw the halls, trying to find out where the noises where coming from. i finally stopped at the room me and andy were sharing the door was slightly open so i peeked in side and what a saw mad me want to throw up.

andy and juliet were in the bed having sex in the bed me and andy shared. i wanted to cry out loud but i kept it in.

i ran out of the house slamming the door so they knew someone was in there. why was juliet here? was andy cheating on me the whole time? is that why he was mad at me?

then it clicked the cheerleading team had a compatetion up here this week so thats why she's here.

all these questions ran threw my heaad when i decided to meet up with juliet.

i arrived at starbucks and ordered me a caramel latte, i sent a quick text to juliet asking if we could meet up since she was down here this weekend. she repiled yes and that she would be here in 5 minutes.

i waited, finally she came throw the door she ordered her something and came and sat down beside me.

"hey ashley" she said smiling 

"hi" i said i pushed my hair back.

"omg ashley what happen to youeye?!!!?" she yelled 

"andy beat me up" i said

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