Chapter 15

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Ashley's POV.

"w-what?" i stammered

"yea after we eat we are heading to Florida to meet Andy and the other boys." my mom said calmly with a smile 

dad just kept quite and stuffed his face, he was still a little upset that i wanted things to work out between Andy and me. even if they can't i want them to work out enough for the baby, don't get me wrong Andy is my first love he will always have a place in my heart. i will love him unconditionally and i will always eventually forgive him but i wont just run back to him i'm smarter then that and i'm not desperate for love.

"dad?" i asked

"yes princess" he said looking up

"promise me you won't over react or hurt anyone. you doing that will put stress on me and that's not good for the baby." i said in a small voice.

he looked at my face then looked at mom and then my growing baby bump. he let out a sigh and nodded "i'll be on my best behavior, i promise princess" 

with that i got up and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek, i finished eating and began to pack my clothes once again to go to Florida. i sent a quick text to jinxx's phone telling him we were coming today.

i put my phone down a sigh this is going to be a long trip......

Jinxx's POV.

my phone buzzed from beside me, i blinked a few times so my eyes could adjust to the light. i picked up my phone as best i could with cc laying on my chest. once i had it in my hand i checked what it was, it was a text from Ashley telling us that they were heading down today. they shouldn't be here till tomorrow if they take a plane which i think they will be taking.

i began to shake cc awake he has been sleeping a long time almost 12 hours, he has been having a rough few days and just needed some rest.

" wake up" i said gently waking him up. he began to stir then he woke up, he looked around a little before his eye's landed on me i smiled and his eye's went wide.

with that he ran to the bathroom he didn't even close the door before he started throwing up. 

"cc baby are you OK?" i asked walking in to where he was to make sure he was OK.

"do i look like i'm OK?" he asked so calmly that it made my flinch "encase it wasn't clear no jinxx i'm not OK!"

"sorry babe can't i get you anything?" i asked

"can you get me a shirt and some water please. i'm going to take a pregnancy test" he said

"when did you buy a test?" i asked walking into the room to get him a shirt.

"well when i was little they found that out i could reproduce just like Ashley so i always have them on me just in case. i got pregnant once but it ended in a miscarriage" cc said sadly "i was only about 3 weeks or so before i got in the car crash and lost it. but now i'm getting a second chance if i am pregnant i'm going to be more careful and this time i'll have you and Jake instead of an asshole."

after he said that i gave him a hug and a kiss before getting up to give him some privacy.

"i'll get you your water just sit tight and calm down i'll be back in a minute." i gave him one last kiss and went down to get cc his water. Jake was downstairs watching t.v, when i got down he turned towards me and smiled i tried to smile back but it didn't work.

"hey what's wrong?" Jake asked getting up and following me to the kitchen.

"cc may be pregnant..." i said grabbing a water bottle out of the fridge.

"really? are you being serious?" Jake asked with a shocked face then he smiled "this is great lets go up and check on him." 

on the way up i told him what cc told me, when we got up stairs cc was sitting on the bed waiting for us.

"well took you long enough where is the water i want to take the test." cc said jumping a little.

i handed him the water and he drunk half of it before sitting and waiting. we waited for about half an hour before cc got up to take the test.

he made me and Jake wait outside while he took it, during the time he was in there Andy showed up i told him about Ashley and about cc. so now we are all in here waiting for cc to come out, it felt like hours when in reality it was only maybe roughly an hour.

finally cc came out and we all stood up waiting for him to tell us what the test said, his eye's were puffy and red like he had been crying and he let out little whimpers and hiccups. 

he held his head up and held up the test.......

TO BE CONTINUED..............

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