chapter 22

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(time lapses 4 months 1 weeks: Ashley-5 months 3 weeks cc-5 months 1 week)

Jake's POV.

"Jake!!!!!Jinxx!!! GET YOUR ASSES IN HERE!!" cc screamed. we both looked at each other and sighed, these are some crazy mood swing with cc and to be honest i'm ready to throw myself out a window. we passed Andy and Ashley's room and peeked inside, and was at the end of the bed giving Ashley a foot massage and Ashley was feeding himself and Andy ice cream. now don't get me wrong Ashley does have his mood swings but his are mostly sad ones and Andy just has to cuddle him, while cc is more....violent.

when we got to the room cc was angry and red in the face, rubbing his belly it was growing and by now you could tell he was pregnant.

"what do you so damn long? and where is my sandwich?!?!" he yelled jinxx gave him his sandwich then went back to hide behind me.

he took a bite and groaned kicking his feet happily but then frowned rubbing his belly. he is starting to cramp again, this can only mean bad news for all of us. the only person cc doesn't have mood swings with is Ashley, maybe it's because they're both pregnant who knows but whatever it is i want it.

"OK i need someone to be my human who is it going to be?" cc asked i turned around to rock paper scissors with jinxx only to notice him running out the door. i cussed under my breath and made my way over to cc.

Andy's POV.

after i finished rubbing Ashley's feet i ran him a bath reading something somewhere about it's good to relieve cramps and body pains. 

i mad sure it was hot so by the time he was undressed and had everything he needed it would have cooled down a little. i had to help him get into the tube because sometimes it hurt him to pull his leg up to high. i stayed in the bathroom and helped him when he needed me, and just for my sake to make sure he wouldn't hurt himself trying to do something. 

i looked at his belly it was much bigger then cc's but that's because cc is only carrying one baby and it's a girl, Ashley is carrying three and they are all boys.

"Andy i think i'm ready to get out now..." Ashley said in a cute little tired voice.

 i made sure i had towels before slowly lifting him out of the tube. i dried him off while he sat on the toilet seat, once that was done i put him on some underwear and a big sweater with some sweat pants. i was going to carry him to bed but he wanted to walk, i let him but i was right behind him if something happened. and i'm glad i was he almost fell over have way there, he gave me a weak smile and let me help him the rest of the way.

i set is favorite fluffy pillow on the bed so he could lay on it to help his back and i made sure he had his teddy bear that i gave him so he could cuddle with it till i came back upstairs. once everything was in place i asked him did he need anything while i was downstairs he told me he was good but i will still bring him the whip cream and crackers and god forbid i leave out the relishes. we had a mini fridge in our room so i could put everything cold in there for later if he wanted it.

when i get back upstairs Ashley is asleep so i put everything up and i lay beside him soon falling asleep as well.


i woke up to clicking noises i opened my eye's o see Ashley sitting up typing on a computer, i slowly sit up popping my back in the process. Ashley turned to me and smiled giving me a kiss before going back to what he was doing.

"what you doing babe?" i asked looking at the laptop.

"i woke up realizing that we have done zero baby shopping, i was thinking it would be a good idea to make a list and start looking for things. I've been looking for cribs and changing tables online since you where asleep and it's kinda late. maybe we can go looking around tomorrow?" Ashley asked i nodded and continued to look at the different cribs.

"we also need to start looking at houses. so when the babies get here we will have a place to call or own." i said  grabbing my laptop turning it on

"yea do you want to move back to Florida to b closer to our families or do you want to stay here?" 

"i don't know what do you want to do?" i asked Ashley.

"i kinda want us to be closer to our families but i also want to be somewhere we can start fresh you know?" he said moving his hands around i nodded and began  looking at places closer to California.

"do you want to move before or after the babies get here?"  i asked

"defiantly before i think that will be the best, cause then we will have everything already set up and stuff" 

"yea true." i said leaning over and giving me a few kisses before going back to searching for houses.

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