chapter 9

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Jake's POV.

OK for the last few says andy has been a complete asshole!

Ok first he didn't help us clean up even Ashley was doing something.

Second we sent him out to get food and he only came back with food for him!

Third he nearly push his PREGNANT fiancee down the stairs.

Fourth he is completely different he doesnt talk to us but you know what he even ignores Ashley. And if Ashley is in pain he will make Ashley get up an do stuff for him.

Something is seriously up with that dude and it's pissing me off.

Ashley's POV.

What did I do wrong?

Andy ignores me and when he does talk to me he is always yelling.

Right now I was laying in the bed, trying to sleep but that just wasn't going to happy.

Everything went down hill when andy walked in.

" what are you doing ?" He asked

"Im laying down I'm tried" I said sitting up.

He just stared at me, I didn't know what to say or do.

"And what did you do today? Because you always work so hard and do everything oh wait that's right you do shit and just lay on your fat ass all day!!" Andy yelled.

"What the hell is your problem?!" I whispered yelled.

By now I was standing in front of him.

As soon a the words left my mouth I regretted them .

Everything happen so fast, one minute I'm standing in front of him the next I'm leaning on the dresser for support.

He hit me.

My face hurt like a mother fucker , when I tries to move he grabbed me by my hair and slung me across the room like a rag doll.

He pulled of his studded belt , I covered my stomach trying to protect my baby. 

This just pissed him off more. He hit me repeatedly, the more I screamed the harder he hit me.

I was barley able to keep my eyes open when he was finished. He grabbed his jacket and left, it felt like forever before someone found me.

"Hey Ashley do you want something to e-oh my god! Ashley what happen ?!?!" Jake yelled.

"A-a-n-n-d-d-y-y.." I whispered.

" did andy do this to you?" He asked picking me up and putting me on the bed.

I nodded best I could but I was in so much pain.

"That motherfucker !!!! When I get my hands on him!" He said " hold on I'm calling cc an jinxx"

I started getting real sleepy I started to close my eyes .

" no Ashley don't you dare close your eyes  everything will be ok just stay awake ." jake said

I was trying my beat but it was getting very difficult , when cc and jinx walked in and saw me I couldn't hold on much longer and finally closed my eyes ......

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