Chapter 29

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(few months later April 

andley's kids born Andy's birthday and cc's baby born the day after)

Andy's POV.

For the past few days we have been a bit busy, trying to get the babies on a schedule and stuff so if we ever had some one babysit them they can have something to go off of. I've actually been doing a lot of business stuff, learning the ropes and what not. so you can imagine the stress that i am under i feel even worse for ashley. i try to wake up at night as much as i can to help out with the boys but most of the time ashley sends me back to bed.

Right now im in my office at home going over some paper work trying to get everything on track, there is a knock at the door and i tell who ever it is to come in. i look up to see its ashley with all three boys in the stroller that came in two days ago.

"hey baby and hello little babies" i say getting up and walking over to them kissing all of them saving ashley for last.

"what are you guys up to?" i asked noticing Ashley's purse and the dipper bag sitting in the basket under the stroller.

"well me and the boys decided to go out and get some fresh air maybe go to the mall and we were wondering if daddy wanted to come to" ashley said pulling on the end of my shirt. i made a face looking like i was thinking about it then nodded. 

i went back to my desk saved everything and put all the paperwork up and grabbed my hoodie and wallet.  we all made our way to the land rover (i think that's what this car is not sure) the car had eight seats total. three in the middle for the kids and three more in the back. 

once all the kids where strapped in when drove to the biggest and Ashley's favorite mall. it took us a good twenty minutes to get there but it was worth it to see ashley smile. i found us a really good parking space one that wasn't to far way but wasn't to close. 

we got out and i went to the trunk to get the stroller while ashley started taking the boys out of their car seats. i pushed the stroller to Ashley's side then went to my side and got Dustin out of his car seat. the kids where in their stroller and ashley did one last check to make sure we had everything.

when we walked in we were hit with the smell of the food court, it was ten am so me and ashley were a little hungry so i bought us some cinnamon buns. we ate while we looked around but we didn't go in any store time we were finished with the food.

the first store we went in was children's place, ashley fell in love with everything. he saw some little short for the babies but wanted all the be the same color and was a  little disappointing when they only had the one. we looked around in that store for a little while longer before ashley got bored and went looking for a new store. 

we came across a rue 21 and ashley all but begged me to go in there, we made our way to the 'girls' side and ashley went wild. i watched with a smile and ashley looked like a kid in a candy store which is the store i want to go to. everything was all good till we went to the shoe part of the store that is where we bumped into Juliet. we tried to turn around and leave before she saw us but it was to late.

"oh my gosh ashley is that you?" she said with a small smile. we turned around and she saw me and our kids and her eyes went wide.

"hey Juliet" i said while ashley just had a blank look on his face.

"wow i didn't know you had triplets they really do look like you two" she said waving at the babies she looked up and turned to ashley.

"how are you ashley?" she asked

"fine andy i think im ready to go now bye Juliet" ashley said turning the stroller around leaving the store. i was about to follow when Juliet stopped me.

"please tell him im sorry and i want us to make up and be friends again, here is my number please give it to him" Juliet said with tears in her eyes i nodded and left.

ashley was sitting on a bench waiting when he saw me he was red in the face. i sat down and told him what Juliet wanted me to tell him and he relaxed a little. we got up and hugged the looked around a little longer getting me some stuff and the boys some stuff and ashley as well, one of the last stores we went in was Victoria secrets. 

ashley was such a tease the whole time, asking my opinion on things and my getting hard and him acting innocent and the boys trying to grab things. we finally decided to go home.

"oh wait babe i need to go get something real quick you go to the car and ill be back before you know it." i said giving him the keys and a kiss on the cheek while i went to one last store.

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