chapter 20

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Jake's POV.

"what?!?!" i said i looked around then back at jinxx. right now we where all outside Ashley's room while the doctors and nurses worked on him.

"that's what the doctor said after he said that i went blank and didn't listen to the rest.." jinxx mumbled i sighed and pulled him into a hug.

cc was getting a check up and information about the baby so he was in another room on another floor. i was going to go with him but he wanted to be alone for this i don't know why something about everything being real or something.

Sarah and Tyler where across from us beside Andy's room, Sarah has been crying none stop since Ashley flat-lined and Tyler has been trying to stay strong but i can tell its breaking him. i sighed and put my back to the wall and slide down it,everything is so fucked up right now and no one knows what to do.

finally the doctor came out and began to talk.

"Ashley is OK, we think why he flat-lined was because he got scared it's not unheard of but doesn't happen that often. the baby is fine as well we should know the gender in 4 months or so (A/N Ashley is around one month pregnant) we are going to give Andy some of the test know while he is asleep and see what we can come up with him. just sit tight and we will work our hardest to make sure everything goes smoothly." with that Dr.Connor gave us a small smile and a nod and walked away.

once he was gone we only had 20 minutes left of visiting hours so we gave that time to Ashley's parents, while me and jinxx went to fine cc.

cc was in the waiting room looking at a book with a blue bag beside him, when we got close i cleared my throat so i wouldn't scare him.

"hey how was the check up?" i asked sitting beside him and jinxx on the other side.

"it was actually really good, I'm 3 weeks 5 days and everything is going well they gave me this bag of things with books and stuff so i know as much as i can about whats going on and what will happen" cc said with a small smile.

"are you mad about that jinxx?" cc said with a small frown

"NO! of course not i know that I'll still be apart of it's life so I'm OK.....I'll still be able to be apart of the baby's life right?" jinxx asked

"of course jinxx! i would never not let you be apart of it!" cc said giving jinxx a hug.

with that we all had a little moment together, but that came to an end when Sarah and Tyler came out. they had small smiles on their faces, when we asked them what's up.

"well, besides that Ashley can come home tomorrow. they did a cat scan on Andy and it turns out the doctor gave us the wrong name. Andy doesn't have cancer it's another Andy in here that does." Tyler said smiling pulling Sarah in for a hug and kiss.

"that's great news!! now all we have to do is wait for Andy to get better and come home so we can all have a fresh start!!" i said smiling.

well maybe everything is not going down hill. maybe everything will be just right.....

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