chapter 2

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Andy’s POV.

I felt bad for what I said to Ashley, I didn’t mean for it to come out like that. But what really broke my heart was that he said we were over and walked away. I wanted to run after him but the bell rang and I had to go to class.

“Hey Andy what’s wrong?” jinxx said sitting beside me.

“Me and Ashley broke up” I said looking down

“Aw dude what did you do this time?” Jake asked sitting beside jinxx.

“I basically called him a whore and it was his entire fault” I mumbled.

With that I received a slap upside the head.

“What the fuck!!” I asked

“That’s for being stupid, I mean come on Andy really?” jinxx asked crossing his arms

“I don’t know jinxx Ashley is a bit over the top sometimes and he does flirt and show a lot of skin” Jake said writing in his notebook.

He also got hit in the head.

“You guys are both stupid.” Jinxx said.

“Yea Jake is right it’s not my fault he should just cover up more and quite trying to get into everyone’s pants.” I said crossing my arms.

Jinxx rolled his eyes and Jake gave me a high five. Yea I'm right and Ashley is wrong. This time I won’t go back to him so easily.

After class I had art, I was in the hall way alone since I went out to smoke. I was already late so I was just walking. Then I heard someone giggle, I looked behind me no one was there.

Maybe it’s all in my head; I kept walking until I heard it again. I started following the sounds then I came to another empty hall.

What I saw had me seeing red.  Ashley had his back against the wall and just was in front of him with one hand on the wall. They were talking and he kept whispering things into his ear. I was about to walk away when I say Justin grab Ashley’s butt that’s when I lost it.

I marched straight up to him and punched him in the face.  I kept on hitting him and kicking him.

“Andy what the hell are you doing, you’re hurting him stop” Ashley yelled that pissed me off even more.

“So you’re standing up for him now, so what is he your new boyfriend or something” I asked by this time Justin had got up and left.

“So what if he is we broke up” Ashley said crossing his arms.

“Well that doesn’t mean you can go and date him” I said

“Um, yes it does I'm not with anyone so I can date him” Ashley huffed

“No you’re with me you are mine and nobody else’s” I said stepping towards him.

“Um, no we are like never getting back together like….ever” Ashley said in a duh voice.

“Really ever?” I asked stepping closer

“Like ever” he said flipping his hair meeting me in the middle.

With that I grabbed him and smashed our lips together, his arms automatically found their way around my neck.

Within the next few minutes we were in one of the old class rooms. Our clothes where in a pile in the corner and I had Ashley on a desk.

After I fun we got dressed again, I pulled on my shirt while Ashley looked in his mirror to fixed his hair and make-up.

I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around him, as I nuzzled his neck I moved one hand to his hip and put a little pressure on it making him moan.

“ So what was that about never getting back together like….ever?” I asked

“Um, I don’t remember that boo-bear” Ashley said turning around looking so innocent.

I growled in approval and started nipping his neck, he giggle and pushed me away. He grabbed his pocket book and we made our way to lunch.

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