chapter 1

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I sighed as I hit the snooze button on my alarm clock. I sat up and stretched until I heard my bones pop, I throw the covers off and went to go get ready for school. Today was the first day of 11th grade to be honest I was a little excited. All summer my mother and father kept smothering me telling me that they loved me and they wanted to spend more time with me.

It was fun for a while but then got annoying. Once I was done with my shower, I went back to my room and got dressed. I put on some black skinny jeans and a white v-neck with some converse. I did my hair and put on a little eyeliner.

Because I knew even thought today was the first day, couch would still make us practice. Oh I should tell you a little about myself.

My name is Christian coma, I'm 17 I have one brother I live with my parents I'm popular but not the kind that thinks they are better then everyone. I'm also kind of an outcast; I have a lot of friends but only really talk to about 5 to 10 of them. Um that’s all I can really come up with right now.

Once I was done I went down stairs and ate me a bowl of cereal. I put my bowl and spoon in the sink once I was finished and went out to my car. I told my parents I wanted a truck but did they listen no they got me a charger. It’s nice it black with a red line going through the middle.

I got in and started to drive to Ashley’s house. Ashley was one of my best friends, he is really cool. I pulled up in front of his house and honked my horn. I saw him pop his head out and hold up one finger and went back inside.

I remember in middle school when Ashley was on the football team, Ashley has always been gay he came out like in 5th grade or something. And in middle school he was on the football team but he only stayed on it for two years. When he told the couch he was quitting the couch was on his hands and knees begging for him to stay but he left.

He was very fit but started to try and lose his muscle I don’t know why but it’s whatever. I think he wants to start taking meds and shots to become a girl. He told me once but he said he didn’t want to have a sex change he still wanted his penis. I laughed at that.

He always wore make up but didn’t start cross- dressing till 8th grade.  When Ashley finally came out he was wearing a black mini skirt and a really tight neon pink v-neck that was so tight that if he lifted his arms you could see his belly. With a leather vest and some knee high converses and to top it all off he had a black and pink pocket book black and pink sunglasses and he had dyed his bangs pink.

“Hey cc baby!” he said kissing me on the cheek when he got in.

“Hey doll, you look sexy today” I said heading towards school. “Will I be getting lucky tonight?”

“Thanks you look hot to and no I have a boyfriend” Ashley giggled.

“Aw but baby I thought we had something special, how about you ditch your boyfriend and come have fun with me.” I said putting my hand on his thigh moving up.

“Ha-ha um no thank you and keep your hands to yourself I know I'm sexy and all but geez” Ashley said moving my hand and rolling his eyes.

After a few minutes we busted out laughing, it was fun talking to Ashley I didn’t get to much this summer because of my parents.

“Gosh I missed you cc” Ashley said giving me a hug as I parked the car.

“Missed you to babe” I said kissing his cheek. “And don’t tell your boyfriend I did that.”

Ashley just shook his head and got out. But I'm serious Ashley’s boyfriends can get really jealous real easy. And plus he is dating my other best friend they have been dating for at least a year I think maybe more.

“BOO-BEAR!!” I heard when I got out. When I looked up I saw Andy Jake and jinxx walking towards us.

“Baby!!” I heard Andy yelled jogging up to Ashley. He picked him up and spun him around. When he put him down Andy started trying to eat Ashley’s face off.

“Hey cc” Jake and jinxx said.

“Sup guys how your summer was?” I asked leaning against my car.

“It was alright nothing big happened we mostly just went to theme parks and watched movies.” Jinxx said with a shrug.

Jake and jinxx lived together, after Jake moved out of his parents’ house he didn’t want to be alone so jinxx moved in with him.

“I wish my summer was that easy my parents wanted to take me everywhere so we could spend some ‘bonding’ time it was crazy.” I said shaking my head.

All I heard was a crack and a scream. When I turned around I saw Justin on the ground holding his nose, While Ashley was hiding behind Andy.

“if I ever see you touch or talk to my boyfriend again it will be much worse now get out of my face before I break your arm” and with that Justin was gone.

His name is Justin beiber he was known for having a lot of girlfriends and boyfriends he was a player and a jerk. No one liked him but he was popular, and still had people throwing themselves at him which I don’t understand.

“Andy dude chill out, you don’t want to get suspended again” Jake said with a sigh.

Andy just growled and pulled Ashley closer, Ashley just giggled. I swear Andy is probably one of the most jealous boyfriends Ashley has ever had even before they started dating. Andy didn’t like any of his boyfriends and if they broke Ashley’s heart Andy would beat them up behind the school.

“Come on guys lets head to class” jinxx said as we started walking.

“You guys go we will catch up with you later” we heard Andy say.

I rolled my eyes, they were more than likely going to make-out in the back of Andy’s car. I made my way to my homeroom and sat down in the back waiting for Ashley.

We got of schedules the week before and Ashley had all classes with me.

About five minutes before classes started Ashley came stomping in and sat down beside me.

I looked at him he was pouting and was crying. Good thing he was wearing water proof make-up.

“Ashley?  Babe? What’s wrong?” I asked turning and facing him.

“Andy basically called me a whore and said it was my fault every guy keeps flirting with me, after he yelled at me some more I told him it was over and walked away.” Ashley said breaking down into tears.

“Aw Ashley, its ok you were to good for him anyways” I said giving him the same speech I always give him when he and Andy break up.

Yea they are one of those couples that break up every week and get back together in at least 30 minutes sometimes if it’s really bad they won’t get back together for at least two days.

“You know what you’re right, I am you want to know something else I'm going to get me a new boyfriend” Ashley said whipping his eyes and fixing his make-up.

“Yea I know it hu-wait what?!?!” usually Ashley says he wants him back and stuff.

“Yea, if andy thinks I'm a whore then he doesn’t have to date me anymore. I’ll just date someone else like….Justin he’s cute” Ashley said spotting Justin across the room.

“Um, Ashley I don’t think that’s a good idea” I said but he had already got up and walked over to him.

They talked for a while Ashley giggled a few time when Justin whispered something in his ear; they did this for a few minutes. Then Ashley put his hand on Justin’s chest, and rubbed up and down. A few seconds later Justin had his hand on Ashley’s thighs.

After that I decided to step in and pull Ashley away. Ashley gave Justin a flirty wave before sitting back down in his seat.

“You’re insane your trying to get him killed.” I said Ashley gave me a confused look and just shrugged as the teacher started the class.

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