chapter 23

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* Before i start this chapter is dedicated to @kaseylconley *

(few weeks later)

Andy's POV.

we had finally found a house and it was actually a house more like a masion that my grandparents had left for me for when i started my own family it is about an hour drive from where me and ashley use to live. i asked ashley did he want to move there and he is all for it. 

turns out my grandparents had left me a lot of stuff including a multi-billion dollar business that my dad was running till i was ready to take over and a bank account with 5 million dollars already in it, well at least now i know i have a job already waiting for me and money in the bank so i could buy things for the baby.

we already went to the doctor telling the doctor we were moving and to transfer Ashley's stuff to the doctor there, since the house is pretty big and cc would be giving birth around the same time as ashley. i asked they guys if they would like to move in with us, we all sat down and talked about it they can move in and stay if they would like or they could stay till they found a place either way is fine with me.

right now ashley, cc, and sarah are sitting on the ouch talking about baby stuff while me, jinxx,Jake, and tyler pack all the stuff and move them to the moving van. our flight leaves in a few hours and we are almost done. once we put the last few boxes in we grab a bit to eat and head towards the airport.

(skip plane ride and ride to new house)

it was around 5 in the morning by the time we got all the boxes into the new house, we all decided we all would go to sleep and unpack later. we all went to a random room and fell asleep, it took me awhile but i finally got Ashley to sleep.

(6 hours later -11:30am)

we were all up and ready to go jinxx had went and picked up some pizza and soda for us to ea for now till we went to the store. we were about to start unpacking tell cc and Ashley to sit and relax but they weren't having it. we let them do easy jobs like putting away clothes, i grabbed a few of me and Ashley's boxes and made my way to the master bedroom. 

i opened the door and let Ashley walk in first and look around, he smiled and nodded. i laid the boxes on the bed and told him to take it easy and if he started to get tired the to rest, i kissed his head and walked back down stairs to see cc putting away things in the kitchen. 

it took us the rest of the day to get half of the stuff unpack, we will wake up early tomorrow and finish up. some of the stuff i ordered for the babies came in so i moved them to the room beside ours that we decided would be the babies room till they were older. same goes for cc's baby her room will be beside their room which is across the hall a little ways down. 

when ashley and cc fell asleep me, jake, and jinxx decided we would take turns tomorrow every hour we would switch off between setting up the nursery and unpacking. the good thing about my kids room is that it is already light blue and brown jake and jinxx will have to paint their room.  i stayed up for  little longer unpacking and looking online for more stuff it was around 10pm before i finally went to bed. 

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