chapter 25

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Andy's POV.

i woke up with a cold sweat, something didn't feel right. i looked over a Ashley but he wasn't there, yep something was defiantly off. i walked out of the room quietly trying not to wake anyone, i turned down the hall and what i saw had my heart racing and me speeding down the hall.

Ashley was on his hands and knees breathing hard and crying, when i got to his side i began to ask him questions.

"baby, what happened?" i asked turning him over so he was laying down. he held up one finger telling me to wait, i waited for a few seconds i looked him over to see the problem was external. i saw his pants were wet so i imminently thought his water broke.

" did you water break?" i asked calmly trying to keep Ashley calm as well.

"yes everything hurts so bad" he said wincing and squeezing my hand. 

"OK OK im going to go get jinxx and Jake and i'll be right back stay calm and deeps breathes" i said about to get up when Ashley pulled me back.

"no please don't go" he asked it broke my heart but i needed help so we can make sure him and the babies were safe. 

"i will be right back i just need to get my phone so i can call the ambulance to come get you." i said trying to reason with him. he finally nodded and let go of my hand, i quickly opened Jake and jinxx's room waking them up the best i could with out waking cc up.

they were very upset with me until i told them the situation at hand, they jumped up and put on clothes and ran out to the hall while i went to our room put on some pants and a shirt. grabbing me and Ashley's phone while also grabbing his over night bag from the closet.

i rushed back out to the hall way to see cc standing over Ashley,  i got to Ashley and keeled beside him.

"we already called the ambulance so they are on their way, we have also called your parents and Ashley's parents they said they will try and make it to the hospital but it's starting to snow and it's starting to snow hard we don't know if the ambulance can even get here." Jake said looking at his phone.

and with that the worse thing that could possbily happen happened.... the power went out.

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