chapter 7

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Ashley's pov.

i sighed and looked out the window, we have been on the road for 3-4 days. right now andy was driving, i drove once but i had to trick them into thinking the other was driving. they were both tired so they didnt really put up any kind of fight. but when they both found out i was the one driving.........i was in so much trouble.

i was basically grounded

i just got off the phone with my mom, mom was covering for me right now saying i was at a friends house but my mom forgot to tell that friend i was staying over there so when dad went to go pick me up and i wasn't there.

it wasn't so good.

i havn't talked to dad since i left, i have heard him through the phone when i talk to mom some times but other then that i havn't talked to him

dont get me wrong i love my dad, he is amazing and loving and understanding......ok maybe not so much the last one but he is amazing and loving.

but sometimes he can be a little ................whats the word......overprotective?crazy?


"ok we are here!!" andy said parking the car in the drive way. 

jake and cc pulled their car in beside ours. we all got out and stretched our legs,a could hear a few bones pop and crack but besides that we are all good.

"ok let's unpack and get everything in the house then we will get something to eat."i said walking to the trunk of the car.

"oh no you don't! you go inside and rest we got this" andy said

"oh come on i can carry stuff" i said crossing my arms.

"fine we will take a vote does that seem fair?" andy asked

"yes it does." i said

"raise your hand if ashley should be allowed to carry stuff" andy said.

i raised my hand but everyone else just looked at each other.

"all oppose" andy said and everyone raised their hand but me.

"REALLY?!?!? ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!" i yelled

they all nodded, i huffed and stomped into the house. i plopped down on the couch, this is so unfair. what am i not good enough to carry bags? im a big boy i can do stuff?

i whipped a tear off my face, when did i start crying?

with that in mind i busted into tears

andy walked through the door, he took one look at me and dropped the bag and was at my side.

"baby whats wrong?" he asked

"i was mad then i cried then i realized....i am messing up my make up!!!!" i cried harder  "and then you dropped a box! what did the box ever do to you?" 

andy chuckled a little and gave me a hug. i calmed down a little, when we pulled away i looked him in the eye's.

"i'm hungry, feed me servant!!!" i said

"ok,ok my queen i'll get you food just wait till we get everything inside." he said walking back out.


when all decided to eat at a pancake house, it was really good. it was also very interseting the waitress kept flirtinng with cc.

but cc was to busy doing other things to notice she even spilled water on him to get to touch him. poor cc. i wanted to order the entire menu.

but i settled for:

3 chocolate chip smily face pancakes

one omalet

3 eggs


french toast 

bisscut(with extra butter)

and a glass of orange juic to wash it all down.

jane(the one who was serving us) looked me like i just asked her to kill someone. everyone else looked shocked but janes recation was the funniest.

"you are not going to be able to finish all of that" andy said looking at all the stuff i ordered.

i shrugged and started eating...


i whipped my mouth off with a napkin and smiled. i looked at everyone and frowned.

"what?!?" i asked

"you ate all that food..." cc said 

i looked at andy his mouth was hanging open.

"andy close your mouth dear you'll catch flies" i said puting a finger under his chin pushing it up to close his mouth.


_sorry everyone i havent updated but i will start again don't worry until next time bbbyyyyeee_

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