chapter 8

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Ashley's POV.

last night I slept like a baby, Andy didn't wake me up till 9am.

I have a doctors appointment at 10:30am to see how me and the baby are doing.

I know andy is coming with me, cc and Jake are going job hunting and jinxx is going to go to see his uncle down here and see if he can get a job in one of his places.

I decided to take a bath, Andy went to the store and bought me some strawberry scented bubble bath soap an its amazing.

I stayed in the bath till I was all wrinkly, I sighed and got out and started drying myself off.

I went to me and Andy's room and started setting out my outfit.

I ended up going with a neon green shirt that showed my belly a little a black leather mini skirt,with some stocking with skull on them and my leather jacket and my knee high converses.

Once I was dressed I started doing my hair and make up, some green and black eyeshadow and some eyeliner. I'm glade my hair dye dried.

After we ate I went an got my hair an nails done, so for awhile I will be wearing stuff that matches my hair an nails.

"OK babe you ready?" Andy asked poking his head in.

"Yep!!! Ready when you are!" I said bouncing over to him.

I got on my tip toes and kissed him on the cheek.

"Alright! Do you want to eat something before we go?" He asked.

" I'll grab an apple" I said I grabbed my coffin shaped pruse and went down stairs to grab my apple.


We were sitting in the waiting room, and I kept getting strange looks from some people. But what really pissed me off was that the girl beside andy kept flirting with him.

You could tell she was like 7months pregnant. She kept touching him and saying things to get him to go with her. And I'm about to slap a bitch, ok I have really had enough of this...

"Baby, why do you think the baby is boy or girl?" I asked holding his hand.

"Um, I'm hoping its a...well I don't know I kinda want a girl but I'm ok with either" andy said kissing my cheek .

The girl beside him look in complete shock, I wanted to laugh but I settled for giggling.

"So wait your dating someone?" She asked

"No I'm not dating someone I'm engaged to this wonderful person" andy answered kissing me on the cheek again.

"Oh I thought you two where friends or something sorry." And with that she got up and left.

Me and andy looked at each other and laughed but not to load but we laughed .


"Ok Ashley lay back on the table and I will get the jelly to put on your stomach." The doctor said.

I did as I was told, then she asked me to left my shirt and squirted some very cold lube looking stuff.

She rubbed it around a little then got the monitor to check the baby.

"Alright let's see the baby..........ah right here see" she read rotated the monitor so we could see it better .

"Wow its so small" Andy said.

"Yea um doctor Lee what is that?" I asked pointing to a little moving thing and the other side.

"Um I don't know let's looks like another baby but it might not be your to early in the pregnancy to be sure because of the way it looks and stuff" she said andy went pale an I thought I might faint.

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"Ok here is a bag of thing we put together for all the first timers here, it has information from things about food to sex and there are a few other things as well." Ms.Lee smiled

" ok thank you andy will you take this to your car will I go to the bathroom." I asked

" yea sure then we can grab something to eat ." and with that he took the bag and left.

I was just about to walk away when the doctor stopped me.

" Ashley I don't mean to mess in your personal life but here is my number if you need someone to talk to. I have a bad feeling about your fiancee." She said looking nervous.

I guess I understand her being worried about me since I'm pregnant and all.

"Alright and thank you maybe can go out for coffee sometime." I said smiling.

She nodded, after that I went to the bathroom. When I got outside andy was on his phone. I snuck up to scare him when I saw he was texting .

I thought better about it and just got into car. When I did he put his phone away .

" hey babe what took you so long?",he asked pulling out of the parking lot.

" just a last few things the doctor wanted to tell me" I said looking down.

"Oh ok" andy said he didn't sound very interested .

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