chapter 17

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Tyler's POV. (surprise!!! didn't see that coming did you)

i looked around to see if Ashley came back from the bathroom, but to my dismay i didn't see him anywhere. i sighed and took a seat beside my wife, she looked up from her book and smiled rubbing my arm. i still wasn't up for going to see Andy, i still don't like him you may be wondering why am i even going to see him after what he did to my princess. well the answer to that is Ashley is pregnant now and i know that if Andy missed anything from this pregnancy he would regret it for the rest of his life. i know first hand when i was Andy's age i meat Sarah, i was just like him at that age and when i had gotten Sarah pregnant i completely shut here out.

i missed out on 5 months of her pregnancy and during those 5 months i fell in love with her, i tried talking to her but her father wouldn't let me until she ran away. i ended up finding her in a hotel a few miles out of town, that night we talked and i told her how sorry i was. that was the night i decided i was going to change for not only myself, i'll never forget the day Ashley was born. i fainted when he came out and when i woke up i saw Sarah holding Ashley, when named him Ashley because Sarah wanted to name her first baby that. it was once of the best days of my life, and i will always be grateful that Sarah gave me another chance.

i didn't realize that i was smiling until Sarah shook me a little.

"what's got you all smiley?" she asked smiling up at me.

"just thinking about how much I've changed since i was Andy's age and how i will always be grateful you gave me another chance" i said leaning in and giving her a a kiss on the lips.

she giggled and gave me a hug, we were snapped out of our own little world when Ashley came out of the bathroom. i smiled at him but its fell when i saw that he had been crying, i jumped up and pulled him into a hug.

"are you OK sweetheart?" i asked

"yeah, i'll be fine my emotions are just all over the place." he mumbled

i nodded i was going to say something else but the intercom came on saying it was time to board our flight.

we all looked at each other and began making our way to the gate.

(time lapse after flight arriving at the house'the one all the other boys are staying at')

i looked at the house and sighed, i got out and went to the trunk and grabbed our bags while Sarah opened the door as i made my way up Ashley and jinx came out.

"what are you doing?" i asked Ashley.

"i'm going to help grab some bags" Ashley said about to grab one.

"no your not you need to go and rest i'll be the rest of the bags" i said gently pushing him towards the door.

he sighed and walked back in the house, once we had all the bags in and we all settled down we waited for Andy.

"so what have you guys been up to?" Ashley asked the boys.

"well, we have been helping Andy get on the right track and we just found out cc is pregnant just a few hours ago." Jake said hugging  cc from the side.

"oh my gosh!! that's amazing congrats!!" Sarah said clapping standing giving cc a hug.

"yea that's great." Ashley said smiling

"did not see that coming.." i said earning a slap to the head by my wife.

jinxx's phone started to ring so he excused himself to check who it was.

while he was gone we talked a little, we talked about school and the babies and what not.

"hey where is Andy what's taking him so long?" i asked at that moment jinxx walked back in.

"hey jinxx what's wrong?" Ashley said jinxx was a little pale.

"that was the hospital..... Andy was in a car accident.."

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