chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Ashley’s POV.

(Time lapse after school-practice)

Cc and I made our way to the gym locker rooms to meet up with the rest of the guys.

When we got there Andy was shirt less, Andy was fit he had and AMAZING six pack and his arms weren’t too big but big enough he leather jacket makes him look like he doesn’t have muscle but he does.

“See something you like baby?” and said walking over to me.

“Yea sure” I said rolling my eyes giving him a peck on the cheek “come on jinxx lets go”

We walked to the seats it was like mini bleachers. We took a seat and watched as the team started practicing. Whenever the couch let the boys take a break Andy would come over to us and we would make out or talk.

I loved the couch he was funny and always teased me. He knew I played football in middle school in was actually pretty good but I wasn’t happy. Don’t get me wrong I loved playing but you know what I mean, plus the hormones I take make my body not as strong or able to take a tackle like they do in football.

“Yo Ashley why don’t you come down here and show these boy how to throw a football” the couched teased.

I laughed and shook my head. “No thanks I'm good”

But then all the guys said come on, then Jake and Andy came and got me. The carried me down to the field and cc handed me a football.

“Guys, I can’t throw a football” I said handing the ball to Jake.

“Oh come on ash please” Jake said.

I didn’t even notice cc walking to the other side of the field with a megaphone.

“Guys, come on Ashley’s to pussy to throw the ball” cc said

Everyone ‘ohm’ and ‘burn’ and shit. Cc just was over there laughing his ass off. I narrowed my brows; they want me to throw fine.

I stepped back and throw the ball as hard as I could cc was still laughing till it hit him in the balls. Everyone stopped laughing and gasped looking at me with wide eyes.

“Get some of that bitch that’s right and what!” I said snapping my fingers and flipping my hair walking back over to my seat like I owned the place.

After they made sure cc was alright they finished practicing and headed to the showers. I waited outside Andy told me I could never go back in there because of what happen last time. I shivered I’d rather not talk about that.

Jake, Andy and cc all came out and we headed to different cars.

“Hey guys want to come to my house?” I asked everyone nodded.

I got in the car with Andy; I sat there waiting for him to get in so we could go. Finally he got in but he didn’t start the car.

“Babe aren’t you going to start the car?” I asked

“Nope not yet” he said

“Why not? Is something wrong?” I asked

“Yea we haven’t made-out in my car in awhile” Andy said leaning in

I giggled and met him half way, in no time I was in his lap with one knee on each side of him. We stayed like that for a while. I slipped my hand under his shirt rubbing his abs, he moaned in my mouth.

He started putting pressure on my hips, grinding me down on him after a while I was doing it myself while his hands slipped under my shirt.

I pulled away from him; he sighed and helped me get back into my seat.

We finally made it to my house; I hopped out of the car and grabbed Andy’s hand.

“Mommy I'm home” I yelled

I saw my mom pop her head out of the kitchen. She smiled when she saw me and Andy, she always liked Andy she thought he was something.

“Hey honey, and hello Andy it’s good to see you dear look at how tall you are” my mom said patting the top of his head.

I found it funny because she had to stand on her tip toes and he still had to bend down a little for her to reach.

“It’s good to see you to Mrs. Purdy” Andy said with a smile.

With that he got slapped upside the head by my mom.

“MOM!!” I said looking at his head

“Andy I have told you time after time again call me Sarah or mom” my mom said crossing her arms.

Andy smiled and nodded.

“Ok well boys you are staying for dinner and that’s final’ my mom ordered

We heard a chorus of yes ma’am coming from the other room. My mom loved having the other boys around she loved making things for them when she could.

“Andy will you go in there with the guys while I talk to my mom please’’ I asked rubbing his arm.

“Yea sure” he said when he was out of the room I gave my mom the puppy eyes

“What is it dear” my mom sighed

“Mom can I please please pplleeaassee!!! Go to Andy’s party this Friday?” I begged

“Mmmmm I don’t know baby, I don’t have a problem with it but it’s not me you have to convince it’s your father” my mom said

I groaned, dad was going to be tough I will have to break out all my tricks to get him to let me go to the party.

“Can you help me?” I asked

“I’ll see what I can do sweetie but only because you have been very good this summer” my mom said with a smile

I squealed and gave her a kiss on the cheek, then skipped into the room with the boys.

“Hey guys want to go to the game room we got some new stuff” I said

When I said game room everyone was standing I giggled and lead them to the 2nd floor. We walked down the hall; we got to the door that said game room.

I opened it and stepped aside, while all the guys ran in, I laughed. I sat on one of the couches in the room and played on my phone. Suddenly I felt the couch dip; when I looked up I was attacked by lips.

“Andy what are you doing?” I giggled

“Just kissing my beautiful boyfriend, what does it looked it look like?” Andy asked kissing my neck.

I giggled and we started making out again, soon I heard the intercom go off.

“Boys dinner’s ready come get it” I heard my mom say

We all groaned and went to go get food we all walked very slowly until we smelled my mom’s lasagna then we all ran.

When we got down I realized that dad was home early.

Well this should be interesting.

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