chapter 6

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Andy’s POV.

“oh, I’m sorry I don’t want to turn my wife into a whore!!!” tyler yelled.

And with that everything was quite, my mouth dropped and so did everyone else. I looked over at Ashley and his face was red, he looked like he was about to cry.

Tyler finally looked at Ashley and had realized what he said, his mouth fell open to.

“Ashley. Sweetheart?” tyler asked

“y-you t-think i-I'm a-a w-whore?” Ashley stuttered out

“no, no of course not, sweetie” tyler said but Ashley was already crying

“ashley, baby—“ sarah started but Ashley was running away.

“nice going tyler….you just called your little princess a whore” I said making my way upstairs.

“what the hell you think your doing? You are not going up there you get out!!” tyler said

“why should I?ashley would most likely want to see me right now then you, someone who called him a whore” I said

“Andy sweetie, I’ll go check on Ashley and see if he wants anyone right now. Will you please stay down here?” sarah asked

I nodded, at sat back down at the table.

“I don’t want you see Ashley any more. Just leave him alone.” Tyler said

“and why would I do that?” I asked

“if you loved him like you say you do you would stay out of his life.” He said

“and if you loved him like you say you do you would let him be with who he wants to and stop judging.” I said standing up.

“I want the best for Ashley, and nothing but the best and you are not the best for him. I will ask you again one last time to get out” tyler said

“I won’t leave him alone till he tells me he wants me gone. Until then I’m going to be with him, we are going to get married and there is nothing you can do about that” I said getting in his face.

“over my dead body will you marry my little princess, ASHLEY GET DOWN HERE!!!” tyler yelled.

A couple minutes later we heard footsteps coming down, Ashley was standing behind his mom. His face was red and eye’s were puffy and tears were still streaming down.

“Ashley you are grounded and you are going to break up with Andy you are not longer allowed to see him. I have tried and let you be with him but this was the last straw, Ashley you are the apple of my eye and I would give you anything in the world but this is where I have to say no. I love you to death but I will not allow you to see Andy anymore” tyler said crossing his arms over his chest.

“what but daddy-“ Ashley started but was cut off

“no but’s and that final” tyler said

“tyler, you can’t be serious. You can’t just make them break up” sarah said

“yes I can and I will now Andy out of my house” tyler said pointing towards the door.

“we still go to the same school I’ll see him there” I said

“no you won’t he will be starting online school that way I can keep an eye on him” tyler answered

“WHAT!?!?! NO I’LL MISS MY FRIEND YOU CAN’T DO THIS!!” Ashley yelled running up to me hugging me.

“I can and I am. Now leave Andy.”

“if he leaves I’m going too” Ashley said

“no your not” tyler said

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